
May 2016
In This Issue
Register Now! ASPHN Annual Meeting- Your Opportunity for Success
Annual Meeting Session: Mentoring 101 Pre-reading Required
ASPHN: Member Driven, Member Funded
Welcome New Members!
Register Now! ASPHN Annual Meeting- Your Opportunity for Success!

Click to register!

Marriott, Little Rock, AK
Register by June 8 for the 2016 ASPHN annual meeting, Lead, Develop, Mentor: Opportunities for Success

The Annual Meeting  in Little Rock Arkansas begins on Sunday, June 12 and runs through Tuesday, June 14 at the Little Rock Marriott .  

The conference theme will focus on mentoring the public health nutrition workforce. The in-depth sessions are designed to l
ead you further into career success, including Mentoring 101. See the conference agenda for details.  

Our meeting will open with a message from ASPHN member, Angie Tagtow, MS, RD, LD, Executive Director, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, USDA. We will also hear updates from our federal partners NIH, CDC, USDA and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. 

Registration closes June 8! Grab your opportunity for success.  Register now.

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Pre-reading Required for Mentoring 101 Annual Meeting Session 

Planning to attend Mentoring 101 at the ASPHN 2016 Annual Meeting? You must read the Mentoring 101 book before the session!

Join us for an exciting mentoring workshop based on the book
Mentoring 101 by John Maxwell.  This session will build your skills and your career as you learn to be an effective mentor. Come prepared to discuss this quick-read book.  Many of us read the book in just 45 minutes.

Mentoring 101 is available from Amazon for a little over $5. Choose from Kindle, hardcover and audio versions.

ASPHN: Member Driven, Member Funded

Please donate to help us to keep ASPHN active.

Based on your requests and feedback, the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) provides relevant and timely support for the career success of you, our members, and the nutrition programs you lead. 

ASPHN is a nonprofit organization supporting communication, training, resource sharing and professional development for our state public health nutrition workers.
We have many activities which used to be grant funded but, are not covered by current grant funding.

Please consider a financial gift to ASPHN for the continuity of our collaborative and supportive work. 

Give a gift to celebrate the nutrition success that is happening in your state. Celebrate you promotion, a new hire in your department, the establishment of your new program, or the publication of your research. Whether it is $100, $50, $20, we are grateful for any level of support. Your generosity will make a difference! Commemorate success in your state with a gift to ASPHN today.  
Click here  to make a tax-deductible donation today! 
Have a gift for fundraising? Contact  Karen Probert , ASPHN Executive Director, with any questions or to share new fundraising ideas.

Welcome New Members! 

During the May meeting, the ASPHN Board of Directors
welcomed 4 new members:

Junia Brito, MBA, graduate student at the University of Minnesota

Kaitlin DeWitt, BS, student at University of Tennessee

Suzette DeCastro, MS, RD, LD, Walden University Ph.D student

Jennifer Vinci, RD, CDN, IBCLC, Connecticut Department of Health

You could be our next new member!

It is easy to apply online. Simply fill in your information on the membership application form and follow the payment instructions to join ASPHN today! 
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The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists  (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.


Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans.  We welcome your involvement in our growing organization.  Learn more about us at About ASPHN.