
September 2016
In This Issue
Announcing the ASPHN Healthy Weight CoIIN
Join the 2016 ASPHN Leadership Class
Webinar Sept 16: Improving Fruit and Vegetable Intake with NIH Research and Resources
Visit the ASPHN Job Board
Join the 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Welcome New Members
Announcing the Children's Healthy Weight CoIIN!
On Friday August 12th, ASPHN was notified that its cooperative agreement application to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau was funded.  These funds allow ASPHN to develop and implement a Children's Healthy Weight CoIIN! CoIIN stands for Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network.  
The Children's Healthy Weight CoIIN will be distinct from but collaborative with the Pediatric Obesity Mini CoIIN that ASPHN manages.  For a summary of our Children's Healthy Weight CoIIN application, contact Karen Probert.

Join the 2017 ASPHN Leadership Class
ASPHN invites you to join our 2017 Leadership Class.  The purpose of ASPHN's Leadership Program is to help ASPHN members grow as leaders.  

The program will run from November 2016 through June 2017.  Participants are asked to join an ASPHN committee after they complete the program.  To join the Leadership Class or for more information, contact  Jean Weinberg
The deadline to register is Wednesday, October 19.

Webinar Sept 16: Improving Fruit and Vegetable intake with NIH Research and Resources

silver-keyboard2.jpg Improving Fruit and Vegetable Intake: NIH Research and Resources

September 16, 2016 1:00-2:00pm EDT

All ASPHN members and interested others are invited to participate!

Sheila Fleischhacker, PhD, JD, Senior Public Health & Science Policy Advisor, National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Office of Nutrition Research
Dr. Fleischhacker will highlight NIH research, resources, tools and training opportunities that can help public health nutritionists achieve their goals at the local, state, tribal and national levels in promoting fruit and vegetable consumption.
Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States : +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 249-752-597
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
Questions? Contact Sandy Perkins at
Time to Move Your Career Forward? Visit the ASPHN Job Board

Are you ready to take the next step in your career?  Visit the ASPHN job board.  As part of the mission to grow and mentor public health professionals, ASPHN regularly updates this valuable job resource.  Check it out now and check back often.

Join the 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Cyndi Atterbury  and  Takako Tagami  are recruiting volunteers for the 2017 ASPHN Annual Meeting Planning Committee.  

Please consider volunteering or recruiting a colleague to volunteer.  This is a fun and easy way to get involved in ASPHN and help create a meeting that strengthens public health nutrition leaders. Contact Cyndi or Takako to learn more.

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Welcome New Members
ASPHN welcomes new members from across the nation, adding new talents and perspective. Here are the new members that joined in September.

Rebecca Guidroz, RDN from the Louisiana Dept of Health

Theresa Cohen  and Jenna Depew, MS, RD, both from the New York State Dept of Health

Kate Andrus, MPH, RD, LDN, CLC from the Louisiana Dept of Health.  Kate will be her state's F/V Nutrition Coordinator.

The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists  (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.


Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans.  We welcome your involvement in our growing organization.  Learn more about us at About ASPHN.