
November 2016
In This Issue
Watch: Evidenced-Based, Evidence-Informed and Best Practices
Be a Leader at ASPHN
Just Released: HPKE Grant Outcomes
Become a Member
Watch: Evidenced-Based, Evidence-Informed and Best Practices
Fruits and Vegies
Watch the October 20 webinar for the Pediatric Obesity Mini CoIIN.

Marsha Spence, PhD, MPH, RDN, LDN, Director, Public Health Nutrition Graduate Program at The University of Tennessee reviews evidence-based, evidence-informed, promising practices.

Who knew about all the levels of evidence in our field and the field of our partners?

What do you know about all the levels of evidence in choosing strategies?

Expanding Opportunity:
Pediatric Obesity Mini CoIIN

ASPHN is happy to announce the Pediatric Obesity mini Collaborative Improvement and Innovative Network (CoIIN) will be extended until December 2017 and expanded to include up to ten State teams. Your state could be the next to be included! 

A CoIIN is a team of self-motivated people with a collective vision that shares ideas, information, and work within a topic area.  CoIINs are known to achieve results quickly in response to complex health problems. 

The Pediatric Obesity mini CoIIN focuses on using the CDC's
Spectrum of Opportunities to help states adopt healthy eating and active living policies and practices in early care and education settings.

Watch this newsletter for updates on the Pediatric Obesity mini CoIIN, including how to apply.  Contact 
Sandy Perkins for more information.

Be a Leader on the ASPHN Governance Committee
The Governance Committee, is looking for leaders with an interest in elected positions!
Positions include:

Director at Large 

Governance Committee members
Chair-Elect, Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Council
Getting involved in elected positions enables you to maximize your membership benefits in a collaborative environment!

Inquire early to learn which position is the best fit for you. All terms start August 1 and the Board year runs through July 31. 

Email Alison Jensen to ask questions about or express interest in the ASPHN Governance Committee.
Just Released: HPKE Grant Outcomes
ASPHN is proud to report final summaries of the state initiatives that resulted from the Healthy Places for Kids to Eat (HPKE) 3-year grant program funded by the CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.  
The funding supported innovative collaboration among public and non-public health, traditional and non-traditional partners. The partnerships fostered awareness and implementation of population-level health interventions at the national level. 

Brief summaries of the 7 state HPKE projects are listed below.

Contact Amber Phipps for additional details about these initiatives.

  • Alaska
    • Created an Alaska Salad Bar for Schools Cookbook
  • Arkansas
    • Farm to School (Several different projects)  
  • Minnesota
    • Partnered with Fellows from the Humphrey Institute Program on Farm to Childcare
  • Missouri
    • Culinary Skills Institute for School Kitchens
  • New Jersey
    • Farm to Childcare  
  • Tennessee
    • Farm to Preschool
  • Utah
    • Local Wellness Policies in Schools 

Become a Member!
Are you learning from and being challenged by the content of this monthly newsletter, but you're not yet a member?  
Join now!  Membership with ASPHN brings more opportunity to excel.  The opportunities range from webinars that improve your programs to committee work that strengthens your leadership. 

Follow these links to our  member benefits and  membership application.  Contact Allison McGuigan with questions.
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The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists  (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.


Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans.  We welcome your involvement in our growing organization.  Learn more about us at About ASPHN.