
Annual Meeting Highlights June 2016
Lead, Develop, Mentor: Opportunities for Success
In This Issue
Presentation Highlights
Annual Award Winners
Federal Presentation Highlights
Student Poster Session Winners
Welcome New Members!
Presentation Highlights

Step Up to the Plate: Lead, Learn, Nourish Success

Fanning the flames of our passion for career success, Angela Tagtow asked us to, "Step up to the plate and nourish public health nutrition." Angie is an ASPHN member who started her public health nutrition career working for the Iowa State WIC Program.  Now she is the Executive Director of the USDA, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP).  The CNPP is the lead entity on initiatives including the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate, and SuperTracker.  She shared her advice in building one's career as a public health nutritionist.  She boiled it down to 5 tips, including Don't Say "I Wish I Had" and Listen Actively.

Mentoring 101
Three exceptional and experienced leaders in ASPHN (Phyllis Crowley, Miriam Gaines, and Diane Golzynski) worked with leadership development consultant, Jean Weinberg, on the Mentoring 101 session.  This highly interactive session included short stories from the session leaders and small group work by meeting participants.  People were engaged, talking, listening, asking questions, and learning from each other during this session.

Food Service Guidelines Great and Small
Practical guidance on food service guidelines were provided by:

Hatidza Zagajor, Fellow, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, CDC

Carol Voss, MEd, RD (IA), Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Coordinator, Iowa Dept of Public Health

Carolyn Donohoe-Mather, MAS, RDN, LD, IBCLC, Nutritionist, Healthy Hawaii Initiative

View their individual presentation slides on the Day 3 Resources page.
Prevention of Obesity in Early Care and Education: What are the right targets?
Dr. Bill Dietz covered obesity prevention in children.  He started his informative talk with a comprehensive review of the recent reports of a leveling off and even a decline in child obesity rates.  He also talked about the impact of adverse childhood experiences on obesity rates, the targets for obesity prevention in young children, and the relevance of our work in the early care and education setting.   Dr Dietz presentation  was recorded.  View the obesity prevention presentation slides with audio via  View the obesity prevention presentation slides with audio .

Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer
Engaging and upbeat, Colleen Doyle from American Cancer Society provided the most recent scientific thinking on diet and exercise and their link to cancer prevention and to recurring cancer risk.  Her slides include information on obesity and cancer risk, physical activity and cancer risk, diet and cancer, and alcohol and cancer.  She also reviewed messaging of all this information to consumers. View the Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer slides.

Annual Award Winners

Outstanding Leadership for the MCH Council: 
Kim DeDino
This award honors Kim DeDino, a leader on the ASPHN MCH Council, for her outstanding contribution to expanding ASPHN's purpose of improving the health and wellbeing of the MCH population. 

Excellence in Practice:  Joyce Dougherty, PhD, RD

This award honors Joyce as an ASPHN member with outstanding contribution to the field of public health nutrition. It also recognizes her activities and efforts that have assisted in meeting ASPHN's mission. 

Excellence in Association Work: Michelle Futrell, MS, RD, LDN
This award honors Michelle, an ASPHN member whose committee work and Board activities during the past year have made a major difference in moving forward ASPHN's goals and objectives.

Outstanding Leadership for the National Council of Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Coordinators: 
Amy Koren-Roth, MS, RDN, CDN
This award honors Amy, a Fruit & Vegetable Nutrition Coordinator with outstanding contribution to public health nutrition specifically related to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption.  This award also recognizes her leadership role with federal partners and the National Council of Fruit & Vegetable Nutrition Coordinators.

Excellence in Advocacy: 
Donna McDuffie, MPH, CHP, RD, LN
This award honors Donna, who has made a significant contribution to the field of public health nutrition through advocacy, policy change, and collaborative work with decision makers.

Your Feedback: What Annual Meeting information will you apply to your work?

The word cloud below shows the most frequent words conference attendees used to answer this question. Mentoring, resources, research, skills and much more are being applied to nutrition programs and policy across the nation as a result of the ASPHN Annual Meeting.

Federal Presentation Highlights
National Institutes of Health Update

Sheila Fleischhacker reviewed the National Nutrition Research Roadmap (NNRR) which is a written strategic plan to identify human nutrition research gaps and opportunities that could be addressed over the next five to ten years.  She directed us to specific sections in the NNRR that are relevant to public health nutrition.  Dr. Fleischhacker also offered her help in compiling the research base for a particular public health nutrition topic or strategy that our members are working on in a state! View the NIH presentation slides.

Maternal and Child Health Bureau Update
Laura Kavanaugh stepped in for Dr. Lu who was pulled last minute into a high-level meeting. Laura gave updates on MCH Block Grant, Healthy Start reducing infant mortality, Home Visiting, Maternal and Child Health for Preconception Health, lowering cesarian births, Womens Preventive Services.   She also discussed the impact of state teams and COiiNs.  The recording of this presentation is available on the ASPHN website. Listen now.

CDC- Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Update
Ann O'Connor CDC Everyone looks forward to the update from CDC, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO).  Ann O'Connor took time to review the DNPAO budget and national health trends over the past few years and explained the special initiatives within the Division.  She also covered new data systems and strategic priorities of DNPAO. View the DNPAO presentation slides.

United States Department of Agriculture Update

Donna Johnson-Bailey shared details about SNAP participation, FINI grant, SNAP-Ed Obesity Prevention Toolkit and Evaluation, SNAP-Ed current research, WIC participation and food package review, WIC Works online resource and current WIC research. View the USDA presentation slides.
Student Poster Session Winners
1st Place Honors

"The Effect of a Nutrition 
Education Intervention on Maternal 
Nutrition Knowledge, Child
Feeding Practices and Nutrition"

-Teresia Mbogori,  University of Texas

2nd Place Honors

"An Evaluation of a Multi-component Meal Planning Toolkit Intervention for Work Site Wellness"
-Kaitlin DeWitt,  University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Welcome New Members!

During the June meeting, the ASPHN Board of Directors
welcomed 2 new members:

Monica Perez, MS, RD in the California Department of Public Health

Kara Hughes* in the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.  

*Kara will be the new Fruit and Vegetable Coordinator for Montana.

You could be our next new member!

It is easy to apply online. Simply fill in your information on the membership application form and follow the payment instructions to join ASPHN today! 
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The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists  (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.


Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans.  We welcome your involvement in our growing organization.  Learn more about us at About ASPHN.