ASPHN Donors Raise More Than $1500!
Thanks to our generous donors, $1525 in donations have been received by ASPHN so far this year!
We are pleased to announce that $1000 of those donations were made in memory of Lynda Alfred, a long-time ASPHN consultant who passed away in March 2016 following a short battle with multiple myeloma.
Many thanks to: Becky Adams, Cyndi Atterbury, Carolyn Donohoe Mather, Carol Friesen, Suzanne Haydu, Amy Koren-Roth, Donna McDuffie, Karen Probert, Marsha Spence, Robin Stanton, Takako Tagami and Ann Weidenbenner (and others who wish to remain anonymous) for your generous support of ASPHN!
ASPHN is grateful for any level of support. Your generosity will make a difference in our programming, communications, resources and more!
Click here
to make a tax-deductible donation today!
Have a gift for fundraising? Contact
Karen Probert
, ASPHN Executive Director, with any questions or to share new fundraising ideas.
Just Released: Interpretive Guide for SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework |
USDA's SNAP-ED is excited to announce the release of the Interpretive Guide (IG) to accompany the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework. The goal for this package of resources is to
elp stakeholders work together at state and local levels. The expanded resource can make users more competitive for public funds by incorporating CDC, MCH, state and local funding priorites, along with SNAP-Ed.
The Framework and IG include a menu of 51 indicators and related metrics, that align with evidence-based national recommendations for healthy eating, active living and obesity prevention.
Among the new indicators are those for public/private partnerships; program and community-wide recognition programs; media coverage and behaviors; food systems; leveraged resources; sustainability plans; and unexpected benefits. National data sources inform indicators for changes in Policy, Systems and Environment (PSE).
The IG is designed to also be useful with coalitions as well. Coaliton
approaches reach individuals and groups with direct service;
reach large segments of the low-income population with community and public health;
and provide comprehensive interventions in environmental settings.
Check this resource often. The IG will be updated with experience and USDA's SNAP-Ed Connections website has been restructured as the virtual home for all things SNAP-Ed.
Meet the Board of Directors & Committee Leads for 2016-17
Great things are accomplished through great leadership.
board members leading ASPHN for the August 2016-July 2017 term are now listed on the website.
Also, please note the committee leaders listed here.
Collaboration Committee - Pat Simmons
Governance Committee - Alison Jensen
Policy Committee - Jennifer Church and Tiffani Grant
Membership Communication and Outreach Committee - Terrell Brock
Thanks to all our leaders for their dedication and service.
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Welcome New Members |
The ASPHN membership continues to change and grow. It is great to have new members and fresh ideas. Here are the new members for August.
Claire Santarelli, RD, CDE, LDN. Claire is in the Massachusetts Dept of Health and will be the Fruit/Vegetable Nutrition Coordinator
Maureen Spence, RD, MS, CLC and Connie Stephano, RDN, CDN from the New York State Dept of Health. Maureen and Connie have joined the MCH Nutrition Council.
The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and
environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.
Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans. We welcome your involvement in our growing organization. Learn more about us at About ASPHN.