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On August 1, 2017 all child care providers with a full certificate of compliance will automatically be awarded a STAR 1 in the Keystone STARS program.

Please view the letter from Suzann Morris, OCDEL Deputy Secretary, to learn more about this exciting development that offers access to resources and supports with the new Keystone STARS.

Pennsylvania's future is stronger because of your dedication and commitment to the health, safety and education of young children.

Thank you,

Tanya Vasquez, Director
OCDEL Bureau of Certification 

July 24, 2017

Dear Provider,
Thank you for being a Department of Human Services certified child care program! The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is here to make sure you have the supports you need to provide the very best care to the children you serve.  We want to share some exciting news about how we can serve you better.
On August 1, 2017 all child care providers with a full certificate of compliance will automatically be awarded a STAR 1 in the Keystone STARS program. You will not have to complete any paperwork to receive your STAR 1.  
STAR 1 providers have access to many resources including... 
  • Support to help your program earn a higher STAR rating both through people and financial resources
  • Scholarships for staff to earn college credits and degrees
  • Recognition that your program is a healthy and safe environment for children           

The new STARS indicators are focused on continuous quality improvement, flexibility and provider choice. Plus there are almost half the number of indicators in the new STARS!  
Programs that are NAEYC or NAFCC accredited may be able to move to a STAR 4 quickly.
I strongly encourage you to take a look at the new Keystone STARS standards and supports. Earning a higher STAR rating now might make sense for your program and the families you serve.  
Please visit the PA Keys website,, or contact your Regional Key for more information about reaching for the STARS.
Thank you for all you do,  


Suzann Morris, Deputy Secretary       
Office of Child Development and Early Learning  

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.