Prepare Now for the Next Provider Self-Service (PSS) Release
Here are important steps to take and things you need to know before the next PSS release on Saturday, November 12.
After November 12, all existing applications that are in-progress (save and quit) will be lost.
Warning! Don't lose your data!
All existing applications in PSS that are in-progress (save and quit) will be deleted after the next PSS update is released on Saturday, November 12, 2016.
Actions Required for All In-Progress Applications
By Friday, November 11: This is the deadline to submit or withdraw all in-progress (save and quit) applications for all provider types before they are removed completely.
Freeze Period on FCCH Applications: 10-31-16 through 11-12-16
Do not create any new Family Child Care Home (FCCH) applications between Monday, October 31 and Saturday, November 12.
Questions? Contact the PELICAN Provider Help Desk.
Phone: 1-877-491-3818
You may also contact your Regional Certification Office for assistance.