This email newsletter update provides helpful information from the Bureau of Certification.
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This edition of the Certification enews brings information about a reissue of prior announcements relating to Emergency Temporary Relocation of a child care facility, and Child Service Report form. Please review both  Announcements to make sure you're aware of the most recent information.

Now that we are in fall season and the weather is getting cooler, a reminder that weather permitting, children must be taken out doors daily. Outdoor play is not only an opportunity for learning in a different environment; it also provides many health benefits! During October, PA's Promise for Children is focused on outside early learning activities. The activities align with the PA Early Learning Standards and include a related children's book list that can promote outdoor play. 

Check out the other articles below to keep you updated about what's trending in certification!

Pennsylvania's future is stronger because of your dedication and commitment to the health, safety and education of young children.

Thank you,

Tanya Vasquez, Director
OCDEL Bureau of Certification 
Reissue of Prior Announcements

The Bureau of Certification is reissuing two prior announcements that contain slight wording adjustments for clarification.

This announcement was originally isued on May 12, 2011 and is being reissued to include family child care homes. This protocol outlines the responsibilities of the child care facility operator and the Bureau staff in the event that a facility sustains building damage and the facility must temporarily and quickly relocate to an alternative location.

Previously, the areas of observation in the Child Service Report were noted as being aligned with the Department of Education's Academic Standards for third grade and above.  A change in wording was made to the Child Service Report Form in order to alleviate confusion, as the areas of observation within the Child Service Report Form are aligned with Academic Standards for all ages. The Child Service Report form must be completed for children of all ages.

Update: New Health & Safety Training Requirements

The deadline for the new Health & Safety Training requirements has now passed. All are expected to be in compliance.

One new requirement of the federal Child Care Development Block Grant was for all child care directors and staff to complete training on 10 health and safety topics by September 30, 2017. Please see OCDEL's Announcement for more information.

  • Take a free, six-hour "Health & Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification" course online through Better Kid Care or in person through the Regional Key, or provide transcript of courses already taken that meet the requirements.
  • Take face-to-face Pediatric First Aid and CPR training.
Child care certification representatives are checking professional development records for these topics as part of inspections and new providers must complete pre-service training on the 10 topics before submitting an application.

Visit the PA Key website  or contact your Regional OCDEL Certification Office for more details.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.