This email newsletter update provides helpful information from the Bureau of Certification.
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This edition of the Certification enews brings information on an Announcement released by OCDEL about the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act. This applies to all Child Care Centers and Group Child Care Homes. Watch for a letter in your mail from DEP, asking for information about where your facility obtains its tap water and see below for more info. If you have already received a survey from DEP it is important that you complete the information and return it to the address provided.
Pennsylvania's future is stronger because of your dedication and commitment to the health, safety and education of young children.
Thank you,
Tanya Vasquez, Director OCDEL Bureau of Certification
Announcement released for
Applicability of the PA Safe Drinking Water Act
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) released the Announcement,
Applicability of the PA Safe Drinking Water Act. This is to alert certified child care centers and group home providers, located in buildings with water supplied from an on-site well or spring or other source of water rather than a water company or a municipal water system, that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will be expanding its efforts to implement the Safe Drinking Water Act (SOWA).
The Department of Human Services (OHS) is working with DEP to help assure that providers impacted meet the Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. Child-care providers must cooperate with DEP as a requirement of meeting OHS regulations at 55 Pa.Code Chapter 3270.69 (child care centers) and 3280.69 (group child care homes) regarding safe water for individuals in the building.
DEP has reviewed the list of certified child care facilities in Pennsylvania. Over the next year, DEP will send a letter and survey to child care facilities that possibly fall under the definition of Public Water Source. The survey will ask for information to determine where your facility obtains its water. You must complete the survey to the best of your ability and return it to the return address provided by DEP. If DEP needs more information, they will follow up with you including a site visit as needed. If your facility meets the definition of a public water system you will need to work with DEP to comply with the Safe Drinking Water regulations. Child-care providers must cooperate with DEP as a requirement of meeting OHS regulations at 55 Pa.Code Chapter 3270.69 (child care centers} and 3280.69 (group homes) regarding safe water for individuals in the building.
For more information on the definition of a public water system, please refer the DEP Fact Sheet "Identifying Public Water Systems". Contact DEP at 717-787-9633 to obtain a copy of the Fact Sheet.
OCDEL will provide additional written announcements about meeting the Safe Drinking Water Act as more information becomes available about child care providers' requirement to meet the DEP regulations.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.