This email newsletter update provides helpful information from the Bureau of Certification.
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Do you know what the recommended immunizations are for children? Do you know what families should do if their child misses a shot?
The answers to these questions and much more are available below to keep you updated about what's trending in certification!
Pennsylvania's future is stronger because of your dedication and commitment to the health, safety and education of young children.
Thank you,
Tanya Vasquez, Director OCDEL Bureau of Certification
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Immunization Schedules
This is a friendly reminder that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) immunization schedules for 2017 are available on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Please note that it is the responsibility of every child care facility operator to ensure compliance with the Department's regulations in regard to immunizations.
According to the Department's regulations, each child's health report must include a review of the child's immunized status according to recommendations of the ACIP (see 55 Pa. Code §§3270.131(d)(5), 3280.131(d)(5) and 3290.131(d)(5)). Additionally, the ACIP schedules provide information to providers in applying the requirements relating to retaining children who do not have timely immunizations (see 55 Pa. Code §§3270.131(e), 3280.131(e) and 3290.131(e)).
In addition, any exemption from immunizations must be documented according to the requirements listed in 55 Pa. Code §§3270.131(e)(2), 3280.131(e)(2) and 3290.131(e)(2).
The 2017 ACIP schedules are available online at the CDC website by following the links below. The schedules may be printed from the website.
Reminder: Complete the New Health & Safety Training Requirements
by September 2017
Free online training is available now for 9 of 10 required topics.
One new requirement of the federal Child Care Development Block Grant is for all child care directors and staff to complete training on 10 health and safety topics by September 30, 2017. Please see OCDEL's Announcement for more information.
Take a free, six-hour "Health & Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification" course online through Better Kid Care or in person through the Regional Key, or provide transcript of courses already taken that meet the requirements.
Must take face-to-face Pediatric First Aid and CPR training.
Child care certification representatives are checking professional development records for these topics as part of inspections and new providers must complete pre-service training on the 10 topics before submitting an application.