This email newsletter update provides helpful information from the Bureau of Certification.
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April is recognized as the Month of the Young Child!
During this month, it's the perfect time to make plans about how we will better meet the needs of all young children and their families. It's also a time to recognize the importance of providing quality early childhood experiences for all young children.
Thank you for the great work you do for children and their families!
Tanya Vasquez, Director OCDEL Bureau of Certification
Important Notice for Family Child Care Home Providers
Child Care Providers United, an affiliate of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), has begun reaching out to Family Child Care Home (FCCH) providers in Pennsylvania.
As this outreach continues, FCCH providers may contact their OCDEL Regional Certification Office, Regional Key or Child Care Information Services agency with questions.
Please be aware that OCDEL neither condones nor discourages providers in joining this or any other union. Participation in the union is completely voluntary on the provider's part. Your ability to become a certified child care provider, participate in STARS, or participate in the subsidized child care program (Child Care Works) is not impacted by your decision about whether or not to join the union.
Reminder: Complete the New Health & Safety Training Requirements
by September 2017
Free online training is available now for 9 of 10 required topics.
One new requirement of the federal Child Care Development Block Grant is for all child care directors and staff to complete training on 10 health and safety topics by September 30, 2017. Please see OCDEL's Announcement for more information.
Take a free, six-hour "Health & Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification" course online through Better Kid Care or in person through the Regional Key, or provide transcript of courses already taken that meet the requirements.
Must take face-to-face Pediatric First Aid and CPR training.
Child care certification representatives are checking professional development records for these topics as part of inspections and new providers must complete pre-service training on the 10 topics before submitting an application.