June 2023
Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) represents 450,000 forest landowners, large and small, who are committed to long-term sustainable forest management for a healthy climate and thriving communities.
Days on the Hill
Canadian Forest Owners, supported by Maple Leaf Strategies, made their way up the Hill again in April to continue to position our members as leaders in Local Forests for a Healthy Climate. The success of our 17 meetings with MPs, senior officials and staff (including ADMs of Canadian Forest Service and Environment and Climate Change Canada) over these two days in Ottawa is a reflection of the continued hard work CFO has done on the critical issues facing our members.
Speaker of the House Anthony Rota hosted a reception for CFO members providing further opportunity to network face to face with more than 30 MPs and senior staff. CFO’s reach is far beyond the time we spent in Ottawa because of our continued engagement with these key government officials.
PSSIP Legacy Policy for Woodlots
Canadian Forest Owners is pressing government to invest in the future of forestry by realizing the importance of a Personal Silvicultural Savings and Investment Plan. This plan is crucial in enabling small-and medium-sized forest owners to invest in creating long-term resilient forests, accelerate the 2 Billion Tree Initiative and help fight climate change. It also recognizes the importance of investment and job creation in the forest sector, supporting rural economic development. After much consultation, the Plan was recommended in the most recent report of the Finance Standing Committee but was not included in Budget 2023. Contributing to a healthy forest, a healthy climate and increase in biodiversity conservation, CFO will keep working to have this legacy policy change included in next year’s budget. Stay tuned.
CCFM Forum on Forests
In May, Canadian Forest Owners participated in the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers’ Forum on Forests held in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. This event brought together federal and provincial forest ministers with several stakeholders from the Canadian forest sector to discuss national policies impacting the management of Canada's forests. Read More
Species at Risk Act
Canadian Forest Owners is working with the Forest Products Association of Canada on the federal SARA Forest Sector Conservation Plan. We are committed to wildlife and habitat conservation with an approach that respects the differences between public and private land management and incentivizes all private landowners including other sectors, such as agriculture. Working together, our objectives are to keep the process and outcomes on track and mitigate impacts on forestry activities on public and private lands. A draft version of the Agricultural Plan is moving forward quickly to meet its new December 31, 2023 deadline, and we hope to start sharing information with our members soon.
Migratory Birds Regulations
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada is committed to developing amendments to the Migratory Birds Regulations and Canadian Forest Owners is fully engaged in the Canadian Wildlife Service consultation on these amendments. Our pressing concern is about the far-reaching implications of the inclusion of the Pileated Woodpecker in the regulations, which could impair forestry on public and private forestlands. CFO is working with a natural resources coalition, including Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Forest Products Association of Canada, WaterPower Canada, Electricity Canada and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association to align our input. We will continue to communicate the need for a more balanced approach that meets the needs of these birds and rural economies, including mechanisms such as Incidental Take permits.
2 Billion Trees Progress
Canadian Forest Owners is actively working on a 2 Billion Tree proposal to help fight climate change and enhance biodiversity in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Ornamental & Horticultural Alliance, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and Tree Canada. Planting two billion trees in the next decade is a crucial part of Canada’s climate plan and we are committed to sustainably managing local forests for a healthy climate. With the input of provincial groups, CFO has completed a Scoping Survey and the next step is to further engage in collaboration to identify the best track for this proposal by September 2023.

L-R: Victor Santacruz, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and Scott Ross, Canadian Federation of Agriculture with CFO's Jean-Pierre Martel and Megan Hanacek, PFLA
National Biodiversity Symposium
On May 15, Canadian Forest Owners participated in the National Biodiversity Strategy which launched development of the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy for Canada. The Strategy’s goal is to identify Canada’s biodiversity priorities over the next decade and support domestic implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The symposium included a series of panels with participation representing different orders of government, Indigenous governments and communities, and key stakeholders from the private sector, non-governmental organizations, academia and youth. In collaboration with the Forest Products Association of Canada, Canadian Forest Owners is working to develop recommendations by July 15 to contribute to achieving our national and global biodiversity goals.
National Socio-economic Data for Private Lands
Canadian Forest Owners has been diligently gathering statistics from provinces, coast to coast, to produce a broad and detailed report on the sizable economic contribution of private forest owners across Canada. This data is in its final stages and will be ready for distribution in English and French by early fall.
Meet Susannah Banks, Chair
If you don't already know this powerhouse through her lifelong commitment to rural landowners and communities, meet Susannah Banks, New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners and Chair of Canadian Forest Owners. Susannah took on this 2-year role at CFO's AGM June 15, 2023.
Having grown up on a dairy farm and working woodlot in New Brunswick, Susannah has a lifetime of experience and wisdom to share with our members. She has brought best management practices, educational opportunities, and training to rural landowners for over 20 years.
Susannah welcomes our 2023-25 Board of Directors  
Vice Chair Domenico Iannidinardo; Treasurer Megan Hanacek; John Pineau, Ontario Woodlot Association; Vincent Miville, Fédération des producteurs forestiers du Québec (FPFQ); Matthew Merritt, Manulife; Conway Elkins, Adityabirla Group, Jason Killam, JD Irving.
Strength in Membership
After our meetings in Ottawa, Canadian Forest Owners headed off to New Brunswick to meet up with two of our long-time east coast members: Crabbe Lumber and Acadian Timber. It was a welcome opportunity to exchange perspectives and business outlooks and have a grand tour of their long-standing and successful operations.
Our organization continues to reach out to prospective members through our network to strengthen our numbers. We are happy to welcome two new members to the fold: Groupements Forestiers Quebec and Vladi Private Islands in the Maritimes.
We look forward to your contribution to our collective voice as we work together to protect and enhance the sustainability of our forests from coast to coast.

Forestry Hall of Fame Member Peter deMarsh
Woodlot champion Peter deMarsh continues to receive honours posthumously for his outstanding achievements and prominence in forestry. Recently, deMarsh was elected into the New Brunswick Hall of Fame to recognize his major contributions to forestry. Visiting New Brunswick this summer? The Hall of Fame is located in the Woodmen’s Museum in Boiestown, New Brunswick.
Scholarship and Bursary Awards

To honour the memory and legacy of Christopher Lee and Peter deMarsh, and to celebrate their innumerable contributions to the advancement of private forest land management in Canada, Canadian Forest Owners will be selecting students to receive forestry-related awards for the second year in a row.
Deadline for application is June 30 with the selection complete by the end of August.

Click here for details:
Canadian Forest Owners | www.ForestOwners.ca