6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive 

Longboat Key, FL 34228

THE CHAPELINE - July 19, 2022

From Rev. Brock Patterson

"Consider the Lilies..."

Are you a summer person? Do you prefer the sun and heat this time of the year, or do you prefer a colder climate, with frozen roads and winter clothing? Before arriving in the tropics, I would have said that I preferred cooler weather. But now that I live in the land of palm trees and fruity drinks, I can easily say that I much prefer living in a warm climate.

With that being said, I still miss the cooler weather, especially nowadays. In the middle of the day, it's so hot that I begin to sweat as soon as I walk outside. When walking my dog Pippa, I carry her across the street because the hot blacktop burns her little feet. The ocean feels like a giant bathtub and the ocean breeze feels like a hairdryer.  

Yes, in case folks were wondering, it's not always easy living in paradise. Sometimes, the rain falls and messes up my plans, but while it falls, it cools the air, nourishes the palm trees, and improves the fruit for my umbrella drinks.

Am I suffering? Hardly. But the scorching heat does serve as a good reminder that nobody's life is perfect. All of us struggle with different issues and even the smallest worry and complaint can disrupt our recognition of God's blessings.

This week, consider the lilies of the field. They're very pretty and they smell nice. If God pays that much attention to the flowers, then surely God must pay even more attention to each of us! It can be easy to forget and difficult to remember that God is our biggest cheerleader and most devoted fan!

Stay cool, safe, and healthy this week!



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Sermon Title: "Consider the Lilies"

Scriptures: Luke 12:22-31

Watch Worship LIVE @ 10 am (EST) on our Website: Sunday, July 24 Worship

CLICK HERE to see our previous Worship Services.

No Shifting Sands This Week 

Shifting Sands will not meet

this Thursday, July 21 due to the 

monthly Board of Trustees Meeting.

Pearls of Wisdom from Shifting Sands


We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grow in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls.

-Mother Teresa

Scholarship Sunday

July 24, 2022

Please join us in welcoming our Longboat Island Chapel 2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients and their families. They will be honored at the end of the service with a luncheon to follow. All are invited. We hope you will take the time to visit with and congratulate each of our special guests. 

MiMi Appreciation Day

July 31, 2022

During the Fellowship hour following worship on Sunday, July 31, we will be celebrating MiMi Horwitz with a day of appreciation and honor. We will be presenting her with a basket of cards, notes, and tokens of esteem.

If you have something you would like to include you can send it to or drop it off in the basket provided in the chapel office.  

Would you like to honor or remember someone with flowers in Worship?

Would you like to sponsor special music during Worship?

Contact the Chapel Office and we'll help make it possible!

(941) 383-6491

Sunday Morning Refreshments

Would you like to help by bringing some goodies for Sunday morning, following Worship, at Fellowship Time? You are welcome to bring any of your favorite goodies, especially if some of them can be frozen! If you have questions, contact Vickie Van Meier, (941) 388-7284.


Kathy Logsdon, Mike & Chris Dawson, Dennis Cooper, Hudson, Amy James, Lynn, Michael Kinney, Carola, Barbara Childress, Ethel Doughty, Julie Burdian, Chuck, Elisa, Rogers family, 

Holly & Jerry Koiro, George, Don, Grace & Chris Masefield Nancy Carol Morgan, Jaclyn Lenhart



Thank you for your generosity!


  • Checks and/or money orders written out to: Longboat Island Chapel.
  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at 941-383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.
  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact Chapel staff at 941-383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.
  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your charge card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.
  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button on our homepage at This may be a one time, or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer.
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If you are an Amazon shopper, please pay attention! Amazon will donate a percentage of each purchase to a qualified organization of your choice.  Longboat Island Chapel is now registered with Amazon, and if you will select the Chapel as your preferred organization, Amazon will donate a percentage of each purchase to the Chapel. This is free money for the Chapel, so please, register today!


Instructions for Amazon Smile: Log into your Amazon account as normal. In the Amazon search bar, search for Amazon Smile. When you are asked to select a charitable organization, search for “Longboat Island Chapel”. Select the Chapel from the list and you are finished. Then, each time you shop on Amazon, always begin by searching for “Amazon Smile” in the search bar. When you do this, it automatically triggers your donation to the Chapel. Then, shop as normal. Please help the Chapel by registering for Amazon Smile.