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Responding to the Needs of the Unhoused
Homelessness is an issue that affects people in every community throughout California and our nation. The City of Concord works closely with Contra Costa County and local non-profit organizations to provide assistance to our unhoused residents. 

To more clearly share information about the ways in which the City is responding to the needs of the unhoused, Concord recently created a new homeless services fact sheet and updated its web page on this topic.  

The Concord City Council and City staff have been working to develop additional ways to address the growing problem of homelessness, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Council recently approved two additional staff positions; a City staff person to assist the current team of 2.5 employees in the Housing Division and a County position who will work in the field directly with unhoused residents. The two new positions are: 

  • A Social Worker for the Coordinated Outreach Referral and Engagement (CORE) program, who will conduct trauma-informed street outreach. The job is now open; read the job description here. 
  • A Community Services Manager, who will oversee and coordinate the City’s response to homeless issues. Concord will be recruiting for this position in first quarter of 2022. 

Additionally, the City of Concord recently applied for and will receive non-competitive funding through the state’s Permanent Local Housing Allocation grant. The City received more than $488,000 for fiscal year 2019 and more than $759,000 for fiscal year 2020. Concord will also receive funding for the next three fiscal years, with approximately $2.9 million expected over the five-year grant period.  

The funds will be used for the CORE social worker mentioned above as well as a significant investment in Rapid Rehousing, which helps individuals and families move quickly from homelessness and shelters into long-term housing, and provides case management services to give people the help they need to get back on their feet after a setback.  

What You Can Do 
  • Call 211 if someone needs services through CORE. 211 is a countywide call center and the County’s main entry point to its system for assisting the unhoused. It is a 24-7 hotline and resources database run by the nonprofit Contra Costa Crisis Center. 
  • Call 911 if someone poses an immediate risk to him/herself or others. 
  • Use the Concord Connect mobile app to report an encampment posing safety or health issues. 
Rent Registry Report Published
Concord's first Rent Registry program report is now available for review. Data was collected from multifamily complexes with four or more units, and the report includes information on tenancy and rents, as well as citywide information on change of occupancy.

This is the first of what will become an annual report, and it contains baseline information as of July 1, 2021. Subsequent reports will build upon this data. The raw data spreadsheet, from which this report is derived, is also available. Identifying information and unit-specific rent information has been redacted.

Take Concord's Housing Survey - Win $40 Gift Card
Help shape the future of housing in Concord! The City of Concord is seeking the public’s input for its Housing Element Update, which will develop a housing plan for 2023 to 2031.  

The Housing Element serves as a policy guide to address the housing needs of all economic segments within our city.

Take an easy 10-minute survey on how Concord should meet its future housing needs, and be entered for the chance to win a $40 gift card.

Free Sandbags Available
The Bay Area is bracing for several days of rain, and the Concord community could experience flooding.

Take advantage of the City's 24-hour sandbag station, located at the Public Works Corp Yard, 1455 Gasoline Alley. Sandbags are free to Concord residents.

Pre-filled sandbags are available to residents who are unable to fill their own, such as seniors and persons with disabilities. Arrangements can be made for filled sandbags by calling (925) 671-3448. However, please note that City offices will be closed for the holidays on Friday, Dec. 24 and Monday, Dec. 27.

Need to report flooding on a City street? Use our Concord Connect app. If it's a flood emergency, you can call the Police dispatch line during nights, weekends and holidays: (925) 671-3333. Otherwise, please use the Public Works number listed above.

Permit Center Services Available Online
Did you know the City of Concord’s Permit Center services are available online?

You can search information on zoning, permit requirements and fees with the Permit Pal tool, and you can apply for Building, Engineering, and Planning permits through the Virtual Permit Center. You can also search permit histories and request inspections, all online!

Please visit our Permit Center web page for additional resources.
City of Concord | www.cityofconcord.org