The City of Taylor Mill is continuing to celebrate 60 years of incorporation and, in honor of the momentous occasion, will be holding a Party in Pride Park on Friday, October 20th. The event begins at 5 pm and culminates at 10 pm with a display of fireworks. Please see the event flyer below for more information about the upcoming celebration.
Additionally, construction season is continuing in Taylor Mill and we have several road repairs that are ongoing and/or preparing to commence. These street projects involve major reconstruction, paving/patching, and shoring up and will be taking place on Mason Road, Old Taylor Mill Road, Blue Lake, Rockwood, and several streets in the North end of the City adjacent to and including Church Street. Several other streets are in the pipeline to do work on next construction season also. We also have, this year and next year, general pothole patching and repairs that will be undertaken. Please make sure to report potholes and necessary road repairs to us by calling 859.581.3234 or emailing us at
City streets are evaluated annually and ranked for repairs using funds received from the Commonwealth of Kentucky's distribution of Municipal Road Aid (Gasoline Tax) Revenues in addition to funds allocated towards street projects from the City's General Fund. Unfortunately funding is limited though. Each year the City has about $100,000 of MRA Funds combined with $100,000 of General Revenue Funds allocated towards road repair efforts on 112 streets throughout the Taylor Mill Community.
The City of Taylor Mill funds street repairs and all of our operations on a pay as we go philosophy, meaning we are a debt free community. A rarity in local government.
Currently, Cities in Northern Kentucky fund street repairs via one of four various methods.
1. Combine MRA and General Fund Receipts to pay for individual projects as they are constructed. This is the City Commission's preferred method of doing street projects in Taylor Mill; and
2. Issue a Government Bond to finance the completion of many streets all at one time, but often times the Bonds are 20 years and the infrastructure begins to deteriorate before you complete the payments due. This leads to bad debt and streets that are still in need of repair over the long term; and
3. A Citywide Street Levy in which every business and resident in Taylor Mill is taxed based upon the value of their home, similarly to the property tax process. or a predetermined annual flat fee. This method must be approved by a majority of the voting population via a special ballot; and
4. Street Assessments that are billed directly to the property owner based upon the total project cost equally divided or on the frontage of property owners have adjacent to the street begin repaired. Currently, the City has two Assessment Projects being paid for by adjacent Commercial Property Owners.
As of this publication, the City Commission has no plans to change the method in which we currently are funding and paying for streets repairs. We ask that you report any concerns in regards to street repairs to us and that you remain patient in our efforts to get the necessary work completed. We have many projects that are on our list of projects to complete.
The City Commission, myself and staff are working hard to promote and expand our commercial development opportunities in our Downtown Taylor Mill Business District, all while still being committed to keeping taxes low, and our services of the highest quality. Taylor Mill is truly a great place to live, work, and play!
In the event you need any assistance please contact any of your local elected officials or City Administrator Jill Cain Bailey at 859.581.3234 or email us at
Warmest Regards,
Daniel L. Bell, Mayor
City of Taylor Mill