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January e-Newsletter

What Can I Do?

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive asks for advice on what an individual can do to help in the fight against climate change. Yes, we can, and should, join with others to leverage our collective and amplified voice, but many of us feel that we should also be actively engaged in our daily lives. After all, studies have shown that even small individual acts, when aggregated with others, can make a significant impact. 

We regularly collect good ideas for individual actions and will use this newsletter to feature some of the best. To organize them, we’ll adapt our own “collaborative verbs” (see the icons above) to what this means for individuals. For example, we’ll suggest actions to:

Educate and Communicate: Educate yourself. Learn something new. Then help educate others - your family, friends and neighbors. 

Act: Take a concrete step. 

Convene and Collaborate: Gather some friends or neighbors for a conversation. Or organize a local group. We’ve got ideas about how to do this. 

Advocate: Show up, figuratively and literally. Write letters to your representatives or to your local newspaper.

You get the idea. So for this month’s newsletter, we are featuring information on how to get a no-cost home energy assessment and an upcoming series of three monthly webinars from Mass Audubon: Conserving Nature Close to Home series. Learn how to get involved below.  

Start 2024 with a No-Cost Home Energy Assessment!

The new year is the perfect time to start your journey towards Energy Efficiency! The Cape

Light Compact offers a wide variety of incentives to help make energy efficiency upgrades to your home more affordable and it all starts with a no-cost home energy assessment.

After your assessment you will receive a personalized list of recommended energy efficiency for your home and access to incentives through the Cape Light Compact.

Income qualified customers may be eligible for even more savings. Click here to learn more!

Schedule a Home Energy Assessment

Online Series

Conserving Nature Close to Home

Over the next several months, these FREE webinars will explore “what you can do in your community to address climate change by supporting nature.” 

January 23

Massachusetts Climate Impacts & Solutions 

February 27

Nature by the Yard 

March 26

Conservation in Your Community

Sign up for one, or all three! This is a terrific opportunity to learn how to transform your local patch of earth into a more climate-resilient space while helping to protect biodiversity at the same time!

Register today

Regional News

Partner Spotlight

Q+A with Kristy Senatori

Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to talk with Kristy Senatori, Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission, discussing the Commission's Climate Action Plan.

CC: The Commission has developed a Climate Action Plan for the Cape. Can you share key highlights and goals?

KS: In 2021, the Cape Cod Commission developed a meaningful plan for our region to address the causes and effects of climate change. The Climate Action Plan offers multiple paths forward to address the impacts already felt and reduce those yet to come. Aligned with the Commonwealth’s goals, the Climate Action Plan identifies strategies and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance local and regional resiliency to climate threats present today and increasing in severity and intensity. It was guided by principles that recognize the urgent need to take action and reflect the long-held regional goals that have shaped Cape Cod’s growth policies and planning decisions in recent decades.

The plan targets the region's highest emitting sectors, transportation and energy, as identified in the regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory, and includes strategies that apply more broadly to support successful implementation. The Climate Action Plan calls on all sectors of our community to work together to reduce risk, make communities more resilient, and shift behavior to reduce the region's contributions to the causes of climate change.

CC: How does the Commission integrate climate considerations into its regional planning initiatives, specifically the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy?

KS: The Cape Cod Commission’s planning work addresses the myriad of challenges facing the region in a comprehensive way. This includes regularly developing a Regional Policy Plan, which provides a vision and growth policy for the region as a whole and guides our other planning work. The Commission’s targeted, issue-specific plans, such as the Regional Transportation Plan and, most recently, the Regional Housing Strategy, also incorporate climate resiliency planning and actions recognizing the interrelatedness of Cape Cod and its natural, built, and community systems, and the need to ensure we are acting in a way that supports and is coordinated with other initiatives and needs.  


The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, currently being updated, integrates resilience. Identifying ways to mitigate and adapt to climate change will be imperative in supporting and sustaining a vibrant and resilient economy. 

CC: What role does the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative play in your work and why was it important for you and the Commission to be part of it?

KS: The Commission has been part of the Climate Collaborative since the beginning, participating in the inaugural event From Paris to Pleasant Bay and recognizing the importance of integrating climate change considerations into all regional planning efforts. I am pleased to be a member of the Climate Collaborative working with other regional organizations to combat climate change. The Collaborative and its individual members and their organizations are critical partners in ensuring that climate action is integrated in local and regional initiatives. 

State News

Deadline for MassHCIC All-Stars: January 31, 2024

The Massachusetts Housing & Climate Innovation Center's All-Stars Program is a great opportunity for college students and Cape Cod communities to work together on housing and climate initiatives.

This summer, 8 students have the chance to spend the summer with a host family on the Cape and use MassHCIC's resources to develop a project at the intersection of affordable housing, environmental sustainability and climate resilience. At the same time, MassHCIC will pair the students up with communities to make an impact in their regions.

Pitch a project or apply

Have a spare bedroom in your house? The program is also looking for All-Star hosts!

Apply to be a host here.

Avangrid, CIP Announce First Power from Nation-Leading Vineyard Wind 1 Project

The innovative joint venture between CIP & Avangrid, is an exciting step forward in the commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.

Harnessing the power of the ocean winds, Vineyard Wind 1 will produce clean energy while reducing carbon emissions by over 1.68 million metric tons per yearthat's the equivalent to taking 325,000 cars off the road.

Read more here from CAI

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is reduce the Cape & Islands' contributions to climate change and protect our region from its potentially devastating impacts.

We depend upon the generosity of our stakeholders to conduct our work. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.


We welcome climate news from your home, school, business, town, faith community, or organization. Please submit your news, events, or article ideas to [email protected].

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