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The 2020 elections are in full gear and the left will stop at nothing to defeat Donald Trump and David Perdue and take control of Cobb County. Your donation can make sure we have the tools and resources to fight the left every step of the way!


Chairman's Corner
by Jason Shepherd
After a brief hiatus following our Independence Day festivities, the newsletter is back full of events for your conservative calendar as we finish summer and begin heading to fall!

I want to especially remind you of tonight's 30th Annual Corn Boilin' hosted by Sheriff Neil Warren at Jim R. Miller Park. Doors open at 5:30 pm and you can get your $25 ticket at the door.

I want to once again thank our sponsors, our speakers, and especially our volunteers who made this one of the best Independence Day BBQs we've held. Being this wasn't an election year, we were expecting approximately 240 tickets to be sold. We sold more that 450!!! The BBQ helped to put our fundraising totals over $60,000 so far for 2019, a great start to prepare for the 2020 elections!

The event would not have been a success without the tireless work of Jeff Souther and Carter Crenshaw who have worked for more than two months to put together the event and Phyllis Slaght who was force behind our success with our sponsors.

We also had a tremendous crowd join us for the Marietta Let Freedom Ring July 4th Parade. It was also the most diverse group of volunteers we have ever seen march or ride on our float with the Cobb GOP.

Please be sure to read to the end and mark your calendars. You don't want to miss out on a single one of these great events!

Yours in freedom,
Jason Shepherd
Chairman, Cobb County Republican Party
To see the entire newsletter, go to the bottom or click the link to View this Email as a Webpage
In this issue...
  • July 4th Parade and BBQ Photos
  • Recap and thanks to sponsors and volunteers
  • 2nd Annual Grand Old Scotch Tasting
  • Cobb Young Republicans with Rose Wing, Candidate for HD 37
  • Sheriff Neil Warren Corn Boilin'
  • Swearing in For Chief Magistrate Court Judge Brendan Murphy
  • Franklin Roundtable Lecture Series
  • GACR 4th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Barry Loudermilk Fundraiser
  • 11th Congressional District 5th Annual Marksmanship Event and BBQ
  • Cobb Legislative Delegation Fundraiser
  • Join the Cobb GOP or Renew your membership
Photos from our Independence Day Festivities

We planed for 240 to come to our annual Independence Day BBQ. We consider off election years to be a bit of a "down" cycle time, but instead more than 430 tickets were sold and we had more volunteers walking or riding on our float than anytime in recent memory.

Along the parade route, those watching the parade, hundreds of people regardless of color, creed, or age saw us and spontaneously started chanting "FOUR MORE YEARS!"

Danny Hamilton brought his Trump Bus and we had photo ops with the President and Vice-President in the lobby. The photos below have been gathered from all over social media, but special thanks to Stella Lohmann who took and posted most of the ones below. Enjoy the photos!
GAGOP National Committeeman Jason Thompson
Jason and Julianne Thompson, Georgia head of Women for Trump.
GAGOP National Committeewoman Ginger Howard
Vietnam vet Jerry Ramsey prepares the table for our MIA/POWs
Chairman Jason Shepherd speaks to the volunteers before the parade.
Neera Bahl and Jason Shepherd grab a quick photo with former Cobb NAACP President Deane Bonner on the parade route.
US Army Veterans Judge Roger Plichta and Patrick Gartland.
How Santa (Dennis Merriman) celebrates America!
Former Cobb GOP Chairman Scott Johnson missed the events in Cobb County this July 4...but we will forgive him this time.
Scott Johnson captures a photo of the President and First Lady as Trump concludes his remarks.
Cobb DA Joyette Holmes reads a portion of the Declaration of Independence.
Cobb GOP Vice-Chair Pamela Alayon reads a portion of the Declaration of Independence.
Joe Webb and others prepare the motorcycle escort for the Trump Bus.
Lydia Ang, Sunny Wong, and Neera Bahl prepare for the parade to start.
Elizabeth Lisle and Emily Morrell
Some great Fulton County Republican Women!
The Women for Trump Team!
Natalie and Alexander Shepherd visit the Trump Bus
Leona Wollesen (98) is recognized for having attended every Cobb GOP July 4th BBQ for over 50 years.
Danny Hamilton, owner of the Trump Bus, is recognized by the Cobb GOP for his efforts to elect and re-elect President Trump.
Rhea Adkins leads the BBQ in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Namasvi Bhatt sings a melody of patriotic songs.
See more photos from July 4th on CobbGOP.org.
July 4th Cobb GOP BBQ
A HUGE "Thank You" again to our July 4th BBQ Sponsors
Support those who support the Cobb GOP.
Click the link to find out more and to support these fantastic candidates. Campaign website linked if available.



Sheriff Neil Warren


Rose Wing for State House
Cobb Commi ssioner Bob Ott

Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell
Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce
The 13th Congressional District Republican Committee
Kazoku Lunettes, LLC.


Special thanks to
Solicitor General Barry Morgan

Volunteer Appreciation: Float Crew
Thank you to our amazing float team:
From construction to making signs, our team spent hours getting the float ready for July 4!
  • Tom Reardon
  • Jason Shepherd
  • Bill Cullo
  • Gabby Cullo
  • Justin Kelley
  • Scott Johnson
  • Andrew Johnson
  • Pamela Ayalon
  • Jo Novy
  • Christian Spencer
Volunteer Appreciation: BBQ Team
Thank you to our amazing BBQ Team:
headed by Co-Chairs Carter Crenshaw , Phyllis Slaght , and Jeff Souther , the following volunteers helped with kid's activities, coordinate, decorate, clean-up and check people in (if we have missed any names, please let us know and we will include them in the next newsletter):
  • Sue Marshall
  • Eileen Alberstadt
  • Lisa Adkins
  • Roy Adkins
  • Raea Adkins
  • Michael Williams
  • Jim Boyd
  • Jim Hickey
  • Jo Novy
  • Dee Gay
  • Lamar Cheatham
  • Janet Peters
  • Pamela Ayalon
  • Billy Cahill
  • Michael Amaral
  • Mike Congemi
  • Rose Wing
  • Cheryl Lenney
  • Jerry Ramsey
  • Carolyn Ramsey
  • Marsha Stemme
  • Pamela Reardon
  • Billie Dendy
  • James Saterfield
  • Beth Pollard
  • Jan Barton
  • Jan Sherman
  • Namasvi Bhatt
  • Stella Lohmann
  • John Delves
2nd Annual Grand Old Scotch Tasting
Jason Thompson Georgia National Committeeman
Mark Williams Printing Trade Company 

Invite you to
A most distinguished and sophisticated event

The 2nd Annual Grand Old Scotch Tasting!


Friday, August 9, 2019
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Cobb Young Republicans Monthly Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday, July 17, 7:00 - 8:30pm
WHERE: House of Lu, 89 Cherokee Street NE, Marietta 30060

This month, CYR is welcoming Rose Wing, newly-announced candidate for House District 37! Rose is no stranger to Cobb Young Republicans nor to the Georgia GOP. Rose is a practicing attorney and a former Cobb County Assistant District Attorney. She has served in the Cobb County GOP for more than 25 years, wearing every hat from Precinct Captain to County Chair.

Rose has done yeoman’s work in Republican Women’s organizations for decades, including stints as the President of the CCRWC, President of the GFRW, and a National Board post with the NFRW. In 2013, Rose joined the ranks of Republican Leadership for Georgia. Of the many prestigious honors and accomplishments that populate her political resume, however, one which Rose is most proud of receiving is the Jon Richards Award from the Georgia Young Republicans.

Now, Rose Wing is stepping up to the plate and undertaking a new and difficult challenge on behalf of Republicans all across Cobb County and Georgia: she’s going to take back District 37 for the GOP, re-establish Republican leadership of Cobb County’s legislative delegation, and secure the GOP’s legislative authority.

  • What are her plans for the campaign, and what are her priorities in the General Assembly for the people of District 37?
  • What exactly does it mean for the Republican Party to regain leadership of Cobb’s legislative delegation?
  • How can we help her along the way?

Come armed with your questions, Wednesday July 17, 7:00 PM at the House of Lu in Marietta!

Also, we hope you’ll become a lifetime member and continue joining us monthly. You’ll have a chance to meet some of your closest representatives and involve yourself in the political process. We look forward to seeing you at the House of Lu in the Marietta Square! Because House of Lu is graciously offering to host us, we’d like to encourage you to plan on having a meal or a few drinks with us. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

More Upcoming Events
The below events are hosted by Republican candidates, elected officials, and non-affiliated organizations in or near Cobb County. The Cobb County Republican Party provides the information as a service to the below organizations and individuals.
TONIGHT! Sheriff Neil Warren's 30th Annual Corn Boilin'
Tickets may be purchased at the door for $25 e ach! A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Cobb County Youth Museum.
Brendan Murphy Swearing-In Ceremony
Franklin Roundtable
Public Policy from a Constitutional Viewpoint
Lecture 11: Marriage and Family
Date and Time: Saturday July 20, 2019 | 9:30 am to 12 noon
Location: 799 Roswell Street Marietta, Georgia (2 blocks west of the "Big Chicken")

Presenter: Kevin Slack, Assistant Professor of Politics at Hillsdale College
The American Founders viewed marriage—which they held to be one of the cornerstones of civil society—as a contract that conferred rights and responsibilities on both parties. Beginning in the 19th century, this understanding of marriage was rejected, first for the romantic idea of marriage as a status. This change prepared the way for the Progressives, who thought marriage should be managed scientifically by state administrators.
Hosted locally by: Jim Jess, Franklin Roundtable Vice Chair

We take periodic discussion breaks from the video as well as a free coffee and donuts break mid-way through.

There is no fee, but donations are greatly appreciated.

While we encourage everyone to attend every lecture in this series, there is no requirement to attend them all. Come whenever you can make it.

The Franklin Roundtable is not affiliated with the Cobb County Republican Party and pays a fee for utilizing the meeting space and equipment., as well as promotion in this newsletter. All views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Cobb County Republican Party.

Georgia Association of College Republicans
4th Annual Golf Tournament
Join the Georgia College Republicans for an amazing PAR-TEE! We're excited to announce our 4th Annual Golf Tournament will be taking place on Sunday, July 21st at the Dogwood Golf Club in Austell, Georgia. Come play some fantastic golf, hear from guest speakers, and catch up with friends from all over the state. Tickets are currently on sale now! We hope you'll join us!

Visit www.georgiacrs.org/events/ to purchase tickets, get more information, and or become a sponsor!

12:30 PM: Walk Registration Begins
1:30 PM: Tee Time
5:00 PM: Reception/Dinner Begins
Congressman Barry Loudermilk Fundraiser
11th Cong. District Annual Marksmanship and BBQ Event
The 11th Congressiona l District Republican Committee and Adventure Outdoors invites you to the 5th Annual Marksmanship Event and BBQ.

WHEN: Friday, August 16, 2019 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
WHERE: Adventure Outdoors , 2500 S Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, Georgia 30080
COST: $45:00 for the Shooting and BBQ; $20 for the BBQ only.

Cobb Legislative Delegation Fundraiser
Join or Renew Your Cobb GOP Membership!
Make a difference in your community be joining or renewing your membership today!