Dr. Kris Raitzer provided a report updating summer progress on the math program review.

July’s work, facilitated by Kristen Clegg, a consultant whose expertise is math curriculum development, and new Math Instructional Specialist Nikki Penherski, focused on the junior high curriculum. The junior high team revised the pacing calendars and created screening assessments. Pacing calendars ensure that units of study align with learning standards, the proper time is allocated to the most important units and that the units are timed to maximize student preparation for important assessments. Screening assessments are administered at the beginning of the year. They assess prerequisite skills so teachers can promptly intervene if students have learning gaps from the previous year.
Work also included cross-checking units of study between the elementary and junior high curriculum for sequence and continuity. The junior high math instructional specialist is also collaborating with the math/science coordinators from neighboring districts. 

A representative from the College Board, which created PSAT, will work with math and ELA teachers in August and meet with parents in September. 

Curriculum guides are also being revised in preparation for fall parent curriculum nights.

“With this math program review, we are improving teaching and learning. Our goal is to go beyond test scores; we want to grow and enhance our entire math program and instructional practices to help every child reach their potential,” Dr. Raitzer said.