About our anniversary year
Beginning September 8, 2021, the Diocese of Providence is celebrating the sesquicentennial of its foundation through a series of events running through June 2022. For more information on our anniversary events, visit dioceseofprovidence.org/150
Bishop Tobin to recognize 150 Acts of Charity during diocesan 150th anniversary celebration
By Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, Rhode Island Catholic
PROVIDENCE — Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has launched a diocesan initiative to recognize 150 unsung individuals/groups from among the diocesan family who will perform new or increased volunteer efforts in diocesan parishes, Catholic schools and organizations or in their wider communities during the Diocese of Providence’s celebration of its 150th anniversary.
The bishop made the announcement, accompanied by James R. Jahnz, secretary for Catholic Charities and Social Ministry for the diocese, during a barbecue Monday night at Emmanuel House to honor the many volunteers who have helped to make the diocesan shelter a safe place to spend the night for men who would otherwise have nowhere else to turn.
During a visit to the diocesan Emmanuel House homeless shelter on Monday night, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin met with some of the shelter’s guests. He also enjoyed a barbecue with members of parish communities who volunteer their time and talent to help provide meals and bring supplies to those in need there. Following the barbecue, the bishop introduced the diocese’s new 150 Acts of Charity initiative.
PHOTO: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
About the 150 Acts of Charity
To make a recognition
During our special 150th Anniversary Celebration, Bishop Tobin is recognizing 150 unsung individuals/groups of our diocesan family who have performed new and/or increased volunteer efforts in our diocesan parishes, Catholic schools and organizations and/or in their wider communities during the 150th Diocesan Celebration Year. Recognition will take place individually and in groups throughout the coming year. Learn more and/or make a recognition at dioceseofprovidence.org/150-acts-of-charity.
To get involved
Don’t Unsubscribe From God
I don’t do much online shopping. I don’t like it and I’m not very good at it. What I end up getting shipped to me always seems different than what I ordered. I much prefer to shop in person where I can better size-up the product I’m buying.
Bishop Tobin celebrates Wedding Anniversary Mass for more than 200 Married Couples Renewing Vows Sunday in the Cathedral
PROVIDENCE — On Sunday, Sept. 27, the Diocese of Providence held the annual Wedding Anniversary celebration, welcoming more than 200 couples marking milestone anniversaries from 84 parishes across Rhode Island as they renewed their wedding vows.
In his greeting, Bishop Tobin called the day “a truly blessed and happy occasion.”
PHOTO: Laura Kilgus, Assistant Editor, RI Catholic
Support our Seminarians this weekend at Mass
Are you called to continue this Mission?
From the diocesan Office of Vocations
Behind and before every vocation to the priesthood or to the consecrated life
there is always the strong and intense prayer of someone:
a grandmother, a grandfather, a mother, a father, a community….
This is why Jesus said: “Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest,”
that is, God the Father, “to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38).
Vocations are born in prayer and from prayer;
and only through prayer can they persevere and bear fruit.
- Pope Francis, Regina Caeli Message, Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 21, 2013
Are you being called? We invite you to watch below.
Last Friday was a very dark day
as the House of Representatives voted to pass
the most radical abortion bill ever.
It is likely that the Senate will also vote on this bill in the very near future. So, please contact your two Senators to strongly urge their opposition to the Senate version of this bill (S. 1975) when it comes up for a vote.
LIFE in the news September 30
Together we seek Our Lady’s intercession
Take part in our diocesan Rosary Congress, October 2- 8
Respect Life Month begins today, October 1
Pray with us
For more information on Respect Life Month, please contact Lisa Cooley, Diocesan Coordinator, Office for Life and Family, 401-278-2518 or lcooley@dioceseofprovidence.org.
Can you give an hour for LIFE this Sunday?
Life Chain Sunday - stand with us from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information on Life Chain Sunday, please contact Lisa Cooley, Diocesan Coordinator, Office for Life and Family, 401-278-2518 or lcooley@dioceseofprovidence.org.
Human Life Guild Mass with Bishop Tobin
Pray with us for LIFE, Sat., Oct. 16 at 9:30 a.m.
Pro-Life Guest Speaker, Gloria Purvis
Sat., Oct. 16, following the Human Life Guild Mass with Bishop Tobin in the Cathedral
Join us at this special event celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Providence
Click image below to learn more.
Pope: Faith makes us just
During his general audience Sept. 29, Pope Francis said justification before God comes from grace.
Watch below
News from our Catholic Schools
Learn more about Catholic Schools in Rhode Island.
St Teresa School is fortunate to attend Mass weekly. We are so grateful to have this opportunity this year. Bless Father Barrow, the parish, students, school staff and faculty.
St. Teresa School, PreK-8, Pawtucket
A look back at some September learning - sixth graders dissected CPUs as part of the computer science component of the middle school science curriculum. Who knew that's what the inside of a computer looks like!
Fr. John V. Doyle School, PreK-8, Coventry
It's haunted house time!
Visit the Haunted Labyrinth - celebrating 35 years of being the longest running haunted house in New England!
Proceeds to benefit Catholic Youth Ministry programs in the Diocese of Providence
October Events for LIFE
Join us and stand for LIFE
Need help?
Learn more -
Click here to see the good work of your Catholic Charities donation in action.
Please consult parish websites, bulletins, and social media for the most up-to-date Mass times/Special Devotions and/or contact each parish directly.
All parishes, schools and individuals with a devotion to St. Joseph are welcome to send information regarding this to editor@thericatholic.com.
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Sincerely yours in Christ,
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence
Communications Office
One Cathedral Square, Providence, RI
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