In light of the expected winter weather this weekend, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has dispensed Catholics of the Diocese of Providence from the obligation to attend Holy Mass this weekend.
February 2nd is, of course, Groundhog Day, when lots of Americans pause early in the morning to watch a furry little rodent from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania predict the weather for the next six weeks. There’s a well-defined ritual surrounding the event but, more than anything, it’s a harmless little celebration giving folks an excuse to party and break the mid-winter doldrums. The 1993 film, “Groundhog Day,” starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, captures well the spirit of the day.
Ever wonder about the *real impact* of your gift to the Catholic Charity Appeal?
Watch below to see the huge difference you are making everyday in the lives of mothers served by the St. Gabriel's Call program of the Diocese of Providence
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - January 30 to February 5
The benefit of Catholic schools
“A lot,” my mom said. “A whole lot.” And she went back to washing the dishes.
I shrugged and laughed, and pressed her for an actual answer.
“Honestly, I don’t know, Katie. I’d have to sit down and do the math. But I can tell you this much: your Catholic education, from day care through college, was worth every penny.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because you clearly still love the Lord, and you’re raising your family in the faith. And I think Catholic schools had a lot to do with that.”
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - January 30 to February 5
Curious about what a Catholic education has to offer?
Here's your opportunity! Check out the Open Houses and more coming up at our Catholic Schools!
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - January 30 to February 5
A prayer for Teachers
God of love, Thank you for every teacher
who notices a child’s special gift.
Thank you for the teachers who are listeners
and gentle guides. Thank you for teachers who expect much
and love enough to demand more. Thank you for the special
teacher each one of us remembers.
God of Mercy, sustain teachers who give everything they have.
God of Strength, encourage teachers to care and inspire them to
nourish. Motivate teachers to keep on learning for the fun of it
and to make learning enjoyable for children.
God of Justice, help and support teachers in their special calling,
wherever they teach and whatever obstacles they must face.
We pray all these things in the name of our great teacher,
Jesus Christ.
The Third Bishop of Providence: Bishop William A. Hickey
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
As the Diocese of Providence celebrates its 150th anniversary through June 26, 2022, Rhode Island Catholic is featuring profiles of the eight men who have served as diocesan shepherds through its history.
PROVIDENCE — As Bishop Matthew Harkins began to advance in both age and health, he asked the Holy See in 1914 for an auxiliary bishop to assist him in his duties.
After Auxiliary Bishop Thomas F. Doran died in 1916, after only eight months in office, and his successor, Auxiliary Bishop Dennis Lowney, served for less than a year after he was stricken with heart disease and died, Bishop Harkins then asked the Vatican for a coadjutor instead.
Above: Bishop William A. Hickey was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island and Titular Bishop of Claudiopolis in Isauria by Pope Benedict XV on January 16, 1919.
(PHOTO: Diocese of Providence Archives)
Saint Philip community shows its support for life at school, parish and in Washington, D.C.
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
GREENVILLE — Since 2016, young people from Saint Philip Parish have participated in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., every other year, with each trip being for them a new and memorable experience. But for parish youth minister Melissa Roberts, this year’s event was truly exceptional.
“What set this year apart from any other year was the feeling of truly being representatives for our entire parish and school community,” Roberts said.
“As we shared our journey through social media, our parishioners shared their support and prayers and thanked us for representing them. It truly felt as though we had brought Saint Philip Parish to the March for Life.”
The Saint Philip Parish delegation, including Father Phillip Dufour, Madeline Plante, Avery Lough, Riley Morin, Madison Lawton and Joshua Kline finish the march at the Supreme Court.
(PHOTO: Melissa Roberts).
Catholic college students talk about why they braved the bitter cold to participate in the March for Life in Washington Jan. 21, 2022.
Watch below
Project Rachel/Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats
A journey to healing for anyone that has been touched by an abortion
A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is a weekend retreat that provides participants an opportunity to process their pain and sorrow, to form spiritual connection with their child(ren), to experience the compassion and forgiveness of Jesus and to begin a journey toward healing.
Our services are provided by a team of trained individuals, a Catholic therapist and trained clergy.
We are offering retreats in English and Spanish April 29-May 1, 2022. Registration required, information below. Download the flyer here. All inquiries are strictly confidential. Call 401-421-7833, ext. 218.
From Bishop Tobin
In case you missed it!
From our Catholic Schools
Learn more about Catholic Schools in Rhode Island.
Grade 2 is hopeful for snow! After reading and learning about Snowflake Bentley, students were given a STEM challenge to make their own snowflakes with marshmallows and toothpicks!
Mercymount Country Day School, PreSchool-8, Cumberland
What is the Synod?
Launched by Pope Francis in October 2021, the synod is an opportunity for all people to discuss ways to broaden and strengthen participation and life in the Catholic Church. It is officially called “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.”
Upcoming events in our Diocese
We hope you can join us!
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence
Life and Family Ministry
Our 150th Anniversary celebration continues
150 Acts of Charity
To get involved
To make a recognition
During our special 150th Anniversary Celebration, Bishop Tobin is recognizing 150 unsung groups from our diocesan family who have performed new and/or increased volunteer efforts in our diocesan parishes, Catholic schools, agencies, ministries and organizations and/or in their wider communities during the 150th Diocesan Celebration Year.
Need help?
Learn more -
Click here to see the good work of your Catholic Charities donation in action.
Employment Opportunities in the Diocese of Providence
Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all – do it for the glory of God "- Corinthians 10:31
Please click here to view the employment opportunities currently posted in the Diocese of Providence.
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Bishop Tobin
Diocese of Providence
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul
Rhode Island Catholic
Catholic Schools
Sincerely yours in Christ,
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence
Communications and Public Relations
One Cathedral Square, Providence, RI
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