December 10, 2021
About our anniversary year
Beginning September 8, 2021, the Diocese of Providence is celebrating the sesquicentennial of its foundation through a series of events running through June 2022. For more information on our anniversary events, visit
Why Is Christmas Music So Popular?
I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t like Christmas music. Oh, there might be a few Grinches out there somewhere, but I’ve yet to meet them. Of course some folks favor one type of Christmas music over another. Personally I cringe at some modern secular songs that have little to do with the holiday except some passing reference to snow or cold or love. But almost everyone loves Christmas music.

Have you missed any of Bishop's columns? Catch up here!
The Third Sunday of Advent

“Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.” – Matthew 11:4-5

Prayer for lighting the third candle of Advent
Let us pray.
We humbly beg Thee, O Lord,
to listen to our prayers;
and by the grace of Thy coming
bring light into our darkened minds.
Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.

Christmas is time for sharing, not commercialism, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Christmas tree and Nativity crèche should evoke the joy and the peace of God’s love and not the selfish indulgence of consumerism and indifference, Pope Francis said.

“Let us not live a fake, commercial Christmas! Let us allow ourselves to be enveloped by God’s closeness, by the Christmas atmosphere that art, music, songs and traditions bring to our heart,” he said.

A figurine of the baby Jesus is seen as Pope Francis leads an audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican Dec. 10, 2021, with delegations from Italy and Peru who donated the Christmas tree and Nativity scene displayed in St. Peter's Square.
PHOTO: CNS/Vatican Media
Rome's holy crib
(CNS) - Art historian Elizabeth Lev talks about the history and significance of the relic of the crib in Rome.

Watch below
Highlights of Ceremony of inauguration of the Nativity and Christmas tree
(VATICAN NEWS) - From the Paul VI Hall, highlights of the official ceremony of inauguration of the Nativity scene and lighting of the Christmas tree.

Watch below
Our 150th Anniversary celebration continues
Bishop Tobin blesses papal decree which established the Diocese of Providence in 1872
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
PROVIDENCE — The Vatican document signed by Pope Pius IX which created the Diocese of Providence in 1872, was placed on display and blessed by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin Sunday at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the diocese.

On Sunday, Dec. 5, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin blessed an authentic copy of the papal bull issued by the Holy See on February 16, 1872.
PHOTO: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
To view the Mass on the Diocese of Providence’s YouTube channel at which Bishop Tobin blessed the papal decree, click below:
Keep the Heat On seeing greatest need for assistance in program's history
Proceeds from annual ‘Sounds of the Season’ concert at cathedral will help to keep families warm this winter
By LAURA KILGUS, Assistant Editor, RI Catholic
PROVIDENCE — The Keep the Heat on Program for the Diocese of Providence has never experienced a heating season quite like this one before. So far this heating season, KTHO staff have already assisted 437 households compared to 183 at this time last year. Keep the Heat On has also provided more than $163,000 in assistance already this year.

“Usually the fall is a slower time for requests for help. Not this year,” explained Secretary for diocesan Catholic Charities and Social Ministry James Jahnz.

Many gathered on Sunday, Dec. 3, to not only listen and enjoy the beautiful Sounds of the Season performance, but to support the diocesan Keep the Heat On program. Each year, the Gregorian Concert Choir welcomes the community to this special performance in Advent with concert proceeds benefitting families and individuals in the Diocese of Providence since 2005.
PHOTO: Courtney Amaral
As restoration nears completion on cathedral towers, diocese invites faithful to sponsor stones
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
PROVIDENCE — The 22-story climb to the top of the towers of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul is at once daunting and enlightening.

A skeletal stairwell, enclosed by black mesh fabric that provides some measure of dryness on rainy days, takes workers and visitors to places on the surrounding scaffolding where they can access the 132-year-old cathedral’s signature sandstone façade.

It is here, high above Cathedral Square, that such an up-close view reveals the ravages of time and weather upon the soft sandstone.

A view of the newly replaced roof of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul from atop the west tower.
PHOTO: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
'An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,' at St. Martin de Porres' Moderna Vaccine Clinic
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
PROVIDENCE — The St. Martin de Porres Center served as the site of a recent Moderna Vaccine Clinic to provide first, second or booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to local residents and first responders.

St. Martin de Porres Center Director Linda A’vant-Deishini said she was pleased with the turnout from members of the senior community who participate in senior programs.

“I’m seeing so many folks from the community and that’s good,” she said. “The more we can get the word out to the community, the more folks get vaccinated and the faster we can get back to our real lives again. The more people we can get vaccinated the safer it’s going to be.”

Providence Police Officer Jose Deschamps receives his Moderna booster shot from Providence Firefighter EMT Derrick Campbell at a recent Vaccine Clinic held at St. Martin de Porres Center.
PHOTO: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, RI Catholic
In our parishes this weekend - the collection for our Retired Religious

The Retirement Fund for Religious helps religious communities care for senior members—today and tomorrow.

Gran Celebracion Diocesana por la Virgen de Guadalupe: Sábado, 11 de Diciembre 2021 
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Upcoming events in our Diocese
We hope you can join us!
From Bishop Tobin
In case you missed it!
From our Catholic Schools
Learn more about Catholic Schools in Rhode Island.
Wednesday we celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, honoring Mary our Mother. Grade 7 led the Middle School in Mass while some of our second graders lit the second Advent candle at school.
St. Peter Tri-Parish School, PreK-8, Warwick
Learn more -
It was "Reindeer Games" this week in the Kindergarten STEAM class! Students had to design a way to make their reindeer fly!
St. Joseph School, PreK-8, West Warwick
Learn more -
150 Acts of Charity
How to recognize someone or how to get involved
About the 150 Acts of Charity
To make a recognition
During our special 150th Anniversary Celebration, Bishop Tobin is recognizing 150 unsung individuals/groups of our diocesan family who have performed new and/or increased volunteer efforts in our diocesan parishes, Catholic schools and organizations and/or in their wider communities during the 150th Diocesan Celebration Year. Recognition will take place individually and in groups throughout the coming year. Learn more and/or make a recognition at

To get involved
To volunteer or partner with us, please contact Catholic Charities at 401-421-7833 or email
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Click here to see the good work of your Catholic Charities donation in action.
Employment Opportunities in the Diocese of Providence

Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all – do it for the glory of God "- Corinthians 10:31

Please click here to view the employment opportunities currently posted in the Diocese of Providence.
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Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence
Communications Office
One Cathedral Square, Providence, RI
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