May 2017
2017 has kicked off with a bang for the Don Dunstan Foundation.
  • We produced our first ever Social Change Guide to the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
  • The Premier helped us relaunch of the Adelaide Thinkers In Residence program - now under the auspices of the Don Dunstan Foundation.
  • We are now in the midst of our first new residency with Allyson Hewitt in Adelaide right now from Toronto Canada - helping us consider how can can grow jobs in SA's social economy.
  • This visit is the first in a new series of Social Capital Residencies that will welcome some of the world's best thinkers on social innovation to Adelaide, aiming at growing the social economy and positioning our state as the social capital of Australia.
  • We are leading the development of the Zero Project Adelaide - a bold new campaign to help end rough sleeping homelessness in the inner city.
  • We held our first AdMental event, which used the power of marketing to help change attitudes to mental health.
  • Together with the Hugo Centre and the Committee for Adelaide, we are working to start a new national conversation about the role of migration in Australian culture and the economy.

We have more coming. This month's newsletter includes more information about each of these projects and associated events. In particular your chance to hear from our Thinker in Residence, and to be part of a series of events to mark the 50th anniversary since the 1967 referendum recognising Aboriginal Australians in the constitution.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Meg Drechsier and Lisa Radetti who finished up at the Don Dunstan Foundation earlier this year, they made a massive contribution to the Foundation's work.

W e hope you will consider  attending,  joining donating ,   partnering volunteering   and help us inspire action for a fairer world in 2017.

David Pearson 
Executive Director 
Don Dunstan Foundation

On the 17th of May, the Don Dunstan Foundation is hosting the inaugural Thinkers in Residence, Social Capital Residencies Q&A-style Oration with Thinker Allyson Hewitt.
Allyson leads the social innovation programs at  MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada. Allyson has assisted hundreds of social ventures to become economically sustainable and increase their social impact, has initiated and implemented public policy to support social enterprise and has developed a range of social innovation programs at MaRS.
The oration will follow three weeks of intense engagement with individuals and organisations across private, public and non-government sectors. Following the Oration, there will be a Q&A-style discussion with a panel of local speakers. Stay tuned, the speakers will be announced shortly!
General Admission $18 | Concession $10
Tickets includes a drink after the show.
When Wednesday 17 May 2017, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm ACST
Where Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005

  Social Capital Residencies

Tuesday May 30, 2017 - 7:00pm
2017 Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration
Fr. Frank Brennan SJ AO
On Aboriginal Land: Seeking unity at the table. Celebrating 50 years since the 1967 Referendum.
Fr. Frank Brennan SJ AO is an Australian Jesuit priest, human rights
lawyer and aca demic. Frank is currently the CEO of Catholic Social Services  Australia. He is well known for his 199 8 in volvement in the Wik debate when Paul Keating called him "the meddling priest" and the National Trust classified him as a Living National Treasure. Brennan has a longstanding reputation of advocacy in the areas of law, social justice, refugee protection and Aboriginal reconciliation. His books on Aboriginal issues include The Wik Debate, One Land One Nation, Sharing the Country and Land Rights Queensland Style. 

General Admission $15 | Members $12 | Concession $10

Saturday May 27, 2017 - 1:00pm
Capri Theatre, 141 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 

Recognising 50 years since the 1967 Referendum. Please join us for light refreshments with special guest speakers followed by the screening of 'Vote Yes for Aborigines'.
The film revisits those involved with the 1967 Referendum and the social attitudes and influences that led to the event, featuring former Prime Ministers, politicians, historians and campaigners. 

General Admission $25 | Members $20 | Concession $15

Saturday June 3, 2017 - 6:30pm
Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace
The University of Adelaide

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mabo decision we will be screening 'Mabo'.  The film portrays the successful legal battle waged by Eddie Koiki Mabo to bring about native land title legislation. Starring Jimi Bani as Eddie Koiki Mabo and Deborah Mailman as his wife, Bonita Mabo.

Gold coin donation on entry but please book to reserve your place to avoid disappointment.


12th of May
Join SIMNA SA and the Don Dunstan Foundation for a conversation with Allyson Hewitt
Come listen to Allyson's experience and hear her input about the value of measurement in demonstrating social impact. Networking, drinks and light refreshments will follow Allyson's address.

22nd of May
Transforming Work: How co-operatively owned digital platforms create jobs
Green Industries SA and the Don Dunstan Foundation present Trebor Scholz.
Platform Co-operatives, an alternative to venture capital funded platforms, are owned and governed by those who use them, sharing the revenue with the people who make them valuable. Learn about the benefits of this model, case studies of how it is being taken up around the world, and how platform co-ops are 'disrupting the disruptors'.


Together with partners we held our first Gruen Transfer inspired event during public health week - titled AdMental.  The event was aimed at using the power of marketing and advertising to help improve mental wellbeing. It featured a 'pitch session' where local advertising agencies developed a short TV advertisement answering the question of what the equivalent prevention message of Slip, Slop, Slap for Cancer Prevention is for mental health.

The event was a huge success. Attracting an almost sell-out crowd of over 400 people this important event proved to be a highly engaging way to promote mental wellness, and your support was key to its success.  Click bellow to watch the live stream or and the ads that were produced!

Welborn O'Brien's Ad
Live Recording
Live Recording
Black Sheep's Ad
All profits from the event will be used to support the staging of the event again next year and to support the commissioning of future mental health research.
Together with our sponsors, the Don Dunstan Foundation was proud to publish the first ever Social Change Guide to the Adelaide Fringe. The guide featured 85 dynamic works highlighted important issues such as domestic violence, asylum seekers, racism, mental illness and s exuality.
We thought we would share with you articles that we've been reading recently.

Dunstan, Christies and me: growing up in the 'Athens of the South'
The Conversation, Chris Wallace: 1 February 2017
Adelaide's golden age began when the Beatles flew into town on June 12, 1964, electrifying the citizenry out of their country-town torpor into a screaming mass on the streets. It ended when a  dressing-gowned  Don Dunstan resigned office on February 15, 1979 - the last day of the most exciting state government Australia has ever seen.  Read the full article here.

All About That Base
George Monbiot: 26 January 2017
Our democracies are broken, debased and distrusted. Here are some ideas for restoring them.

Switch NFP. What About FI?
ProBono Australia, Natasha Hudson: 17 January 2017
What if the not-for-profit sector described itself as what it is: For Impact (FI).

South Australia needs policies to turbo charge our population growth
Jodie van Deventer: 24 April 2017
What works for the eastern states doesn't always work for South Australia and that appears to be the case with the Federal Government's decision to make it harder for skilled migrants to come to Australia.  Read the full article here.
We thought we would share a podcast that we've been listening to recently.

Trust Me
Freakonomics Radio
Societies where people trust one another are healthier and wealthier. In the U.S. (and the U.K. and elsewhere), social trust has been falling for decades -- in part because our populations are more diverse. What can we do to fix it? Listen to the podcast here.

The Don Dunstan Foundation is as passionate today as Don was himself about empowering individuals to live the life they choose in a supportive democracy. 
Support the Don Dunstan Foundation.