The latest news from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes 
This newsletter provides the latest updates from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the  BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) and related forest and climate fund work. This issue highlights news, videos and events from October 2018 to January 2019. Please enjoy and  contact us with any questions or feedback.
Celebrating 10 years of REDD+ at COP24
In December, the FCPF co-hosted a high-level reception in Katowice, Poland, celebrating the 10-year anniversary of REDD+ through initiatives like the FCPF and UN-REDD. High level speakers from around the world included the World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development, Laura Tuck. Participants praised a decade of coordinated actions through readiness, investment and financial support to help countries preserve forests and landscapes. 

Mozambique forest and landscape activities highlighted at Global Landscapes Forum
A session at the recent Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany, “Landscape Programs in Action: Experiences from the Field," advanced dialogue among partners in Mozambique and showcased the country's achievements. The Zambezia Integrated Landscape Program framework was highlighted during the lively panel.

Aligning financing to transform food systems in a changing climate
The BioCarbon Fund ISFL hosted an event for over 30 experts from agriculture, forestry and climate finance to explore how public and private funding can help transform global food systems. Participants looked at global trends and risks, challenged current assumptions and discussed how to navigate future uncertainties across p overty, climate change, food and nutrition security . A strategy paper will be developed based on the workshop in February. 

Togo stakeholders demonstrate strong support for REDD+ implementation
A first version of Togo’s REDD+ strategy has been drafted, and the country aims to have a final version by June 2019, which will include an ambitious investment program. The REDD+ process in the country has benefited from strong political will at the highest level, the participation of diverse stakeholders, particularly civil society organizations, and support from technical and financial partners. Togo’s national REDD+ strategy is focused on a few major strategic axes, including agriculture, sustainable forest management and reduction in wood energy consumption. 

Mozambique's national forest inventory results now publicly available
Mozambique has officially launched the results of its National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Deforestation Assessment Report (both funded by FCPF readiness funds), covering the period of 2003 to 2016. These resources will be invaluable in reconciling available forest resources with the government's national priorities. For the first time in Mozambique, this information has been made publicly available through interactive platforms that showcase the NFI results and deforestation data by province. 

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FCPF and GIZ lead global conference on social inclusion in REDD+
A November conference on Social Inclusion in REDD+ Processes: Status and Achievements of 10 years’ REDD+ Preparation and Implementation was held in Weilburg, Germany. At the event, Indigenous Peoples and civil society organizations provided insights on how they have benefited from REDD+ social inclusion instruments beyond involvement in REDD+ discussions. Key action items on land tenure, safeguards, benefit sharing and gender were developed and endorsed by the conference delegates.
South-South knowledge exchange looks at open source tools to support national greenhouse gas inventories
The FCPF recently supported a workshop in Guadalajara focused on open source tools and collaborative platforms to support national greenhouse gas inventories. The event was hosted by Mexico's national forestry commission, CONAFOR. In addition to FCPF and the World Bank, several other partners, including SilvaCarbon, AMEXCID, USAID and USFS, supported this effort, which brought together forest monitoring experts from 16 Latin American countries, donors and international organizations.

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How forests are changing lives in the Dominican Republic
Learn how Mr. Enelsito Ramos, a forester in the Dajabón province of the Dominican Republic, is using sustainable forest management techniques that support natural regeneration of native tree species, help with fire prevention and pest management, provide a sustainable income stream and much more.

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UNFCCC commends Mozambique for robust forest reference emission data
The UNFCCC has accepted Mozambique's Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) assessment and commended the government for presenting such a robust document. They have concluded that "the information used by Mozambique in constructing its FREL for the activity is largely transparent, complete and in overall accordance with the guidelines for submissions of information on FRELs/FRLs."

Carbon project delivers results in Ethiopia's Humbo province
The Humbo Ethiopia Assisted Natural Regeneration Project, supported by the BioCarbon Fund, has delivered all of the committed emission reductions (ERs) in its ER Purchase Agreement. The project has restored more than 2,700 hectares of a biodiverse native forest while supporting local income and employment. The project is reinstating indigenous tree species to the region, which has had a number of natural co-benefits, including the return of a water source in the mountains. The local community is actively engaged, with seven cooperatives managing the regeneration areas and monitoring the project’s environmental and social issues. The carbon payments will be distributed to local communities to be used for constructing a storage house, buying equipment and supporting other livelihood activities. 

Video: The next decade for forests and the FCPF
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the FCPF, this video looks ahead to explore how forests and the work of the FCPF will be critical in the coming decade to mitigate climate change and create more sustainable livelihoods for the billions of people dependent on forests.

Forest and climate funds in the news
Header: Franka Braun, Celebrating 10 years of REDD+: IISD, Togo stakeholders demonstrate strong support for REDD+ implementation: The Togo National REDD+ Coordination, Mozambique's National Forest Inventory: Andre Aquino, FCPF and GIZ lead global conference on social inclusion in REDD+: Tamara Bah, South-South knowledge exchange: CONAFOR, Dominican Republic: photo courtesy Ministry of Environment of the Dominican Republic, Aligning Finance event: photo by Kilara Suit, graphic by InnovationArts, RED+ Delivers Results in Ethiopia: Karin Kachele, In the news photo credit: Pablo Cambronero/UN-REDD, all other photos courtesy of World Bank or partners, used with permission.