By Ellen Nash, FSA Associate
The North Carolina Associates celebrated the Christmas season at Ellen Nash's home with a short meeting, then food, fun, a sing along and our 12 days of Christmas song, which we try to act out. 😊
Pictured left to right, back row: Ellen Nash, Lynn Boulter, Pam Socha. Art and Anita, Gayle Hughes, Sharon Dodge, Jay Boulter, Teddy Altreuter.
Seated, left to right: Pat Pell, Teresa Gatton, Rita Canfield, Betty Parbst.
On the floor: Janet Shirdon, Gail Brant.
A grand time was had by all!
We wish all our Sisters, and fellow Associates a New Year filled with hope and trust that our dear Lord will bless us with His constant presence, guidance, love and peace. 🎉🙏🏼💚Happy New Year Y'all .👋🤗🌈