Grand Masters Travel Schedule 2016-2017
Rep Name / Default date
Whitman PM Night WA |
Jan. 18, 2017 |
DON Ceremonial |
January 21st, 2017 |
Boise |
GL of Colorado |
January 27-28, 2017 |
Need Rep |
Ed Simmons ?? |
GL of Utah - Salt Lake City |
Jan. 28-30 |
No |
Kent McCandless |
GL of Alaska |
Feb. 1-4 |
Yes |
GL of Nebraska - Kearney |
Feb. 2-4 |
Need Rep |
GM Conference - Omaha, NE |
Feb. 18-21 |
Yes |
Calam Potentate Ball |
May ?, 2017 |
GL Planning - Pocatello |
Mar. 4 |
Yes |
Regional Training |
March 11th |
Pocatello |
Proposed |
GL of New Mexico - Albuquerque? |
March 17-18 |
Yes |
3rd Friday in March |
Regional Training |
March 18th |
Twin Falls |
Proposed |
DON - Installation Iras Temple No. 40 |
Saturday, March 25, 2017 |
Yes |
Demolay conclave |
Mar |
Need Rep |
Regional Training |
April 1st |
Boise area |
Proposed |
Intl. Day BF/Creston BC |
Apr . 15, 2017 |
Yes |
Grand York Rite - Boise, ID |
Apr. 20-22 |
Yes |
Regional Training |
April 22nd |
Lewiston |
Proposed |
Regional Training |
April 29th |
Coeur D'Alene |
Proposed |
Unity Banquet |
May |
Yes |
GL of Oregon |
May 31-Jun 2 |
Yes |
GL of Arizona |
June 1-3, 2017 |
1st Friday in June |
Fiat Lux Lodge - New York |
Jun. 5, 2017 |
Yes |
GL of Washington - Yakima |
June 7-10 |
Yes |
2nd Friday in June. |
Demolay Intl. |
June 15-17 , Buffalo,NY |
Bannock Lodge |
Saturday, June 17, 2017 |
Need Rep |
Grand Session Job Daughters International |
June 14 - 17, 2017 |
Boise |
Grand Chapter OES - Boise
June 16-19
Need Rep |
Boise |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge |
June 22 - 25, 2017 ? |
Need Date |
GL of Montana |
June 22-24, 2017 |
Yes |
Missoula, MT |
Rainbow Girls |
July 14-16, 2017 |
Yes |
Yakima |
Silver City Homecoming |
July 8 |
Yes |
Planning Session |
??? |
Yes |
Dedication at Hailey 16 |
July 1, 2017(?) |
Rocky Mtn. confer. |
July 20-22, 2017, Albuquerque, NM |
Yes |
GL of Wyoming |
August 14-15 |
Yes |
2nd Monday in August |
Challis Picnic |
Aug. 27 (?) |
Yes |
DON Supreme Queen Visit |
Sept. 5, 2017 |
Boise |
GL of Idaho - Boise |
Sept. 21-13 |
Yes |
3rd Thursday of Sept. |
Dates to Remember
See Lodge Trestleboards for upcoming events in your local Area
If you have something that you want everyone to know about contact Grand Lodge Office
7th Masonic District Practice "Red Room"
215 N. 10th Street, Boise, Idaho
Every Tuesday
7:00 PM
Knights Templar Christmas Observance
Boise Masonic Temple, 6:30 PM
December 22, 2016 |
*** |
6-11 PM El Korah Shrine
Boise, ID
December 31, 2016 |
150th Annual Communication
Grand Lodge of Idaho - 2017
Boise, ID
September 21-23, 2017
Clickable links to documents
2016 - 2017 Lodge Installations
Lodge |
Date |
Time |
open/close |
37 |
Dec 22 |
After Stated Meeting 7:30 |
Open |
Trestleboards from around the State
Click on the underlined link to read the newsletters
***Updated NOTE: if your Trestleboard is outdated, please send an updated Trestleboard to Thank you. Trestleboards older than 3 months will be removed.
Sunshine and Prayers
Bob Bate Ford [] Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 2:52 PM Subject: Masonic Funeral for Bruce Leaf
Just a "heads up" guys of Ionic Lodge # 82 that we will be doing a Masonic Funeral for our Brother and Friend Bruce Leaf at the Finn Cemetery on January 4th. I don't have a time yet but will keep you informed. As you may be aware Bruce was proud to belong to the fraternity and since he had been a "Shriner Kid" I will not soon forget the tears of joy that ran down his face the day he received his Fez and became a Shriner himself! Yours in Faith, Steve Bate
Please keep our Brothers in your thoughts and prayers.
Knights Temple Christmas Observance
Ron Berto [] Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2016 7:37 PM Subject: Fwd: Christmas Observance
Christmas Observance
To be held in the Boise Masonic Temple
215 North Tenth Street
Boise, Idaho
At the Hour of Six Thirty O'clock P.M. on Thursday evening
22 December 2016
Conforming to an ancient custom, our Christmas Observance will be held in our Asylum, at 6:30 P.M. on the evening of Thursday, December 22, 2016.
This is the time-honored Christmas Service among Knights Templar, and, that others may share in the Celebration of the anniversary of our Saviour's birth, all masons, their families and friends, as well as all Templars, are cordially invited to be our guests. Our Widows are especially invited.
The Officers and Members of Idaho Commandery No. 1, wish you and yours a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year."
will assemble at the Asylum, at six fifteen o'clock p.m., in full Templar uniform, without swords, for the Annual Observance of the Christmas Sentiments of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar.
Ronald G. Berto Clinton "Bud" Wethered
Recorder Eminent Commander
Boise Lodge No. 2 A.F. & A.M.
The Installation of Officers was completed and we have a great, fun line up for 2017. Congratulations to Brother Jim Ladd, who is our new Worshipful Master, Brother Scotty, SW and Bro. Wayne Ross JW. Bro. Jerry Parsons remains as Secretary and Bro. Harlow Kibbey was elected back to his office as Treasurer.
Come to the Lodge tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th, and enjoy a great
Christmas Dinner catered by the Kona Grill in Meridian. A donation will be taken at the door. Join us at 7:00 PM to welcome the Holidays, greet the new Officers and to celebrate the 149th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Idaho. There will be entertainment and very few speeches.
Dates of Interest:
Dec. 19 Idaho #1 Installation of Officers - 6:30 PM
Dec. 19 Capital City #93 Fellow Craft Degree - 7:00 PMll
Dec. 20 Boise #2 Christmas Dinner - 7:00 PM
Dec. 20 Meridian #47 Installation of Officers
Dec. 22 Idaho Commandery #1 KT Christmas Observance - 6:30 PM
Jerry D. Parsons PM
Lodge Secretary
December 21, 2016
December 16, was our Installation of Officers for Oriental Lodge #60. Your Officers for the 2017 year are as follows:
Bro. Marc E Essary................ W.M. Bro. Santa Bob.................... Marshal
Bro. Mark R Urban.................. S.W. Bro. Joshua E Bingaman............ S.D.
Bro. James T Hansen................ J.W. Bro. R Arlen Marshall................ J.D.
Bro. Ronald G Berto, PM... TREAS. Bro. Skot Ward.......................... S.S.
Bro. David A Smith, PM...... SECY. Bro. Nicklaus H Johnson............ J.S.
Bro. Daniel L Clark.............. CHAP. Bro. Terry L Adsitt, PM....... TYLER
The Lodge will be DARK on December 23 and 30. Hope everyone has a
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
We will start the New Year off on January 6, 2017 with an EA Degree. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the Degree to follow.
Dec. 23, Oriental Lodge #60 will be Dark.
Dec. 30, Oriental Lodge #60 will be Dark.
Jan. 06, EA Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Jan. 13, Stated Communication with dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Additional Degrees can be scheduled on other nights to fit with the candidate's needs.
Every Tuesday is Study/Proficiency night at the Boise Masonic Temple for all Lodges in the area at 7:00 p.m.
****Please check your dues card
Dues via CC are $140.00 plus a $4.90 Convenience Fee to cover what the Lodge gets charged by Square, NOT $125.00 plus .
This shows I am still probably the world's worst proof reader on my own material. Thanks Bro. Lance Lind for catching this.
Dues are due and payable January 1st of each year for the current year.
If your card does not say 2017, please send $140.00 to the address below or we can receive your payment via CC - $140.00 plus a $4.90 Convenience Fee to cover what the Lodge gets charged by Square. There are still 11 members that have not paid for 2016 ($125.00) of which 5 of those are still owing for 2015 (250.00).
The names of those still owing dues were read and listed in the December Minutes.
David A Smith, PM-Secretary
Oriental Lodge #60, AF & AM
P O Box 1032
Meridian, Idaho 83680-1032
Sesquecentenial Quilt Raffle
Sesquicentennial Committee Gun Raffle
The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho Sesquicentennial Committee
has purchased two commemorative masonic rifles that are both unique. These rifles will be sold by raffle ticket at a price of $20 per ticket with the f
unds t
o help pay for the
l Celebration and the remainder to go to the Grand Lodge of Idaho Endowment Fund.
Rifle 1. Marlin 45-70 Masonic Commemorative Rifle Serial Number "150". It is 1 of 1000 made but this one will be 1 of 1 because of its unique
Serial Number and there will be two Sesquicentennial Coins embedded in the stock of the rifle.
Rifle 2. Henry "Golden Boy .22" is a Masonic Commemorative Rifle with a serial number of "GLID18672017"
Raffle will be held Sept. 22, 2017 at the 150th Annual Communication General Membership Banquet.
You do not need to be present to win.
Tickets cost $20.00
Winner takes choice of the 2 rifles;
Second Drawing takes the remaining rifle.
You can purchase tickets from any Grand Lodge Officer or pick up at the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho, 219 N. 17th St. Boise, Idaho 83702 or contact the Grand Lodge Office
at (208) 343-4562.
For more Information use the QR code
Idaho Masonic Family Alliance
Job's Daughters International
Cindy Tolman, Grand Guardian
Russ Smith, Associate Grand Guardian
Barbara Mahoney Grand Secretary
Rainbow for Girls
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) is a Masonic youth service organization which teaches leadership training through community service.
Friendship #9 (Mountain Home, meets at Elmore Lodge)
Meets the 1st and 3rd
Mother Advisor: Margret Kazyaka
Chairperson: John Lawicki
Meridian Gems #12 (Meridian, meets at Meridian Lodge)
Meets the 2nd an 4th Monday's
Mother Advisor: Barbra Smith
Chairperson: Norman Lane
Magic Valley #13 (Twin Falls, meets at the Twin Falls Lodge)
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday's
Mother Advisor: Terese Guiterrez
Chairperson: Alexandra Koper
Grand Deputy: Jennie Davis
December 23rd 4:00 pm Operation Santa Arrive at Faith Lutheran Church December 24th 7:00 am Arrive at Faith Lutheran Church to help with Operation Santa December 25th Merry Christmas! December 30th Bethel 8 Installation 7:00 pm Caldwell Masonic Hall. Allyson Cameron Honored Queen Elect & Samantha Tolman - Senior Princess Elect. They would like to have a Sword Arch if there is enough young men to perform, so please respond saying yes or no to your ability to attend or not. |
December 23rd 4:00 pm Operation Santa Arrive at Faith Lutheran Church
December 24th 7:00 am Arrive at Faith Lutheran Church
December 25th Merry Christmas!
January 5th Advisory Meeting
January 7th 11:00 am Lodge Cleanup
January 12th 6:45 Arrive at the lodge 7:00 pm Stated Meeting and Step-up night
January 20th 7:00 pm Instillation Practice
January 21st Installation of Officers 1:00 pm Pictures 2:00 pm Installation Please watch for updates and changes to this schedule
State Master Councilor - Elijah Newberry
State Senior Councilor - Damien Stonhill
State Junior Councilor - J.C. Spracher
Executive Officer - Gary LaBruyere
Order of Eastern Star
Worthy Grand Matron Waunda Kibbey Worthy Grand Patron Bill Rigoli Grand Secretary Judith Walsborn
Grand Chapter of Idaho Order of the Eastern Star
Potentate Cory Turner
Recorder Max Bearden
Daughters of the Nile
Daughters of the Nile is an international fraternal organization for women 18 years or older, who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason, or Daughter of the Nile, or is a majority member in Good Standing of a Masonic-related organization for girls; or who was a patient, with or without Shrine or Masonic relationship, at a Shriners Hospital for Children®. Founded in Seattle, Washington in 1913, Daughters of the Nile members total 25,000 in 136 cities throughout the United States and Canada. The members are proud of their long association with Shriners International and their continuing support of Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
Amaranth have the next get together Saturday, Dec 17th at noon in the Grove City building, Blackfoot. Christmas goodies, wrapped white elephants are planed. This is an informal setting in the dining room. Come and meet the folks who will be charter members and enjoy warm hospitality, welcome to one and all, further information can be obtained from Dianne 522 6411 or
Merry Christmas to all Charity will be dark Jan. & Feb.
The Order of the Amaranth is a social, fraternal, philanthropic organization that is separate but related to the Masonic Lodge in that all of our members are either a Mason or a female relative of a Mason. Majority members of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls and Jobs Daughters International are also eligible under certain conditions. Our groups are called Courts and we currently have active Courts in Boise, Mountain Home, and Gooding and are working toward developing a Court in the Eastern side of the state. Our precepts are Truth, Faith, Wisdom, and Charity and our primary philanthropic project is to support the Amaranth Diabetes Research fund. This fund, is in conjunction with the American Diabetes Association, is a 501c3 organization that finances research projects that are working toward a cure for Diabetes, both juvenile and adult onset. We also fund scholarships for Masonic related youth who are going on to college. If you are interested in learning more about our organization or about becoming a member, current contact information can be obtained from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Court of Idaho.
Grand Court of Idaho
York Rite Bodies
2017 York Rite Meeting
Date |
Location |
Open In: |
January 25th |
Grangeville |
Commandery |
January 31st |
Grangeville |
Council |
February 22nd |
Kooskia |
Chapter |
March 22nd |
Grangeville |
Commandery |
April 26th |
Lewiston |
Chapter |
May 24th |
Grangeville |
Commandery |
May 30th |
Lewiston |
Council |
September 27th |
Lewiston |
Commandery |
October 25th |
Kooskia |
Chapter |
October 31st |
Grangeville |
Council |
November 1st |
Grangeville |
Commandery |
Election |
December 6th |
Kooskia |
Chapter |
Installation |
December 8th |
Grangeville |
Council |
Election and Installation |
Idaho York Rite Grand Sessions will be April 20, 21, and 22 at the Red Lion Downtowner, Boise, Idaho
Tentatively the Northwest York Rite Conference will be October 13-14.
Lewiston York Rite Bodies meet fourth Wednesday except November and December when they meet first Wednesday. Clearwater Council meets fifth Tuesday excepting if there is no fifth Tuesday in November they meet the second Friday in December. All York rite Bodies are dark in June, July, and August.
Grand Secretary/Recorder/Treasurer
Idaho Freemason Foundation uses Amazon Smile
(Freemasons helping kids by supporting education, safety and well being of children.)
The Idaho Freemason Foundation used Amazon Smile to purchase all of it needs from
Remember when you are shopping using - you can
register so the 0.5% of the sale goes to the Grand Lodge of Idaho A.F. & A.M. of Idaho Charitable Fund. or DBA: Idaho Freemason Foundation a 501(c)3.
All donations to the Idaho Freemason Foundation is tax deductible.
Thank you!
Idaho Freemason Foundation
Greg Winther, Chairman
G. Arthur Shoemaker
N. Randall "Randy" King
Monte Bollar
George Decker
John Ransdell
"Your" Office Staff |
Monte Bollar, 219 N. 17th Street Cyndie Bollar "Your" Grand Secretary Boise, Idaho, 83702 Grand Clerk Phone: (208) 343-4562 Toll Free: (866) 674-1867 Website: ________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Lodge Hours of Operation 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday Except when traveling on Grand Lodge Business and Federal Holidays |
The Grand Lodge invites all Masonic Bodies of Idaho to contribute to the newsletter on the happenings in your organization that are of interest to Masonry in general. Please send them to the Grand Lodge Office at Please send digital photographs in .JPG format |
Deadline 1:00 pm Monday to be in Wednesday's Newsletter.
Disclaimer Unless otherwise noted the opinions and/or information shared by the writers of the articles/news items are that of the writer and do not reflect the position of the Grand Lodge of Idaho. Official information of the Grand Lodge will be through the Grand Master when attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary. |