Attention all 2021 Church Servant Leaders & Staff
Mark your calendars for the Virtual Installation Service, which
will occur during the Sunday worship service
on Sunday, February 14 at 9:15 AM.
If you lead a ministry or committee, please stay tuned for more details on how to participate. Questions? email
This past year we have learned to worship, serve one another, and meet the needs of our community in all kinds of new ways. Many of us have felt the loss of being physically present together. Some of us may have found some unexpected benefits to our new ways of gathering. But we are reminded that the church has always been bigger than a building. 

Recently, we launched a new way to make our online worship and fellowship even better, more engaging! It’s easy to use -- if you’ve already mastered videoconferencing, you’ll find this about the same level. The platform is called Altar Live. If you are able, please try watching the service on Sunday here or join us after service for fellowship by using the link below and just take a look around. You may want to get dressed just in case you sit down with someone but feel free to let others know and let me know your experience. We'll be working to introduce the platform to our ministries and plan on how we use it for discipleship and fellowship for our members. 
The Ben Hill Pictorial Directory is here! Directories are only available to members that took a photo for the directory through Life Touch last year. Only one directory is available per family. If we have additional directories at the end of the distribution, we will announce in an e-blast and they will be available for only $5.00.

When picking up a directory, please enter off of Austin Road and drive through the Staff Parking Lot. Stop at the end of the ramp underneath the awning. Please do not get out of your car. A volunteer will ask for your name and bring the directory to your car. We are here to serve! Please contact Jean Brown at 404.344.0618 x 1104 or, if you have any questions and/or concerns.
In an effort to support the growing need for food assistance during this challenging and unprecedented time, the Ben Hill Food Bank is reaching out to our church ministries. If your ministry budget permits, please consider purchasing items in the food donation list below. The highlighted items are needed most.

The Food Bank is in URGENT need of canned goods and plastic bag donations.

  • Breakfast food- cereal, grits, oatmeal
  • Boxed or canned milk 
  • Canned Vegetables/peas/beans/corn
  • Canned Fruits 
  • Canned Meat
  • Rice/mashed potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Tomato sauce
  • Loaves of Bread 
  • Peanut butter and jelly
Ministries should bring the food items to the Food Bank Drive-Up on Wed. (10:30am-12:30pm) or Saturday (10:30am-12:30pm). Donating is simple: 1) Place the food in the trunk of your car.  2) When you arrive, call the Food Bank at (404) 344-0618 X 1115 or (404) 314-2241, and someone will meet you to take the food from your car. All donations are touchless--keeping our donors and volunteers safe.


Also, we need (lots of ) plastic bags, the type used at grocery stores. 

In lieu of donating food items, please consider making a monetary donation by check or online as follows:

Make payable to Ben Hill UMC and specify "Food Bank" in note area. Mail to
Ben Hill UMC, ATTN: Food Bank, 2099 Fairburn Road SW, Atlanta, GA 30331

Make your contribution at Click "Food Bank" under the Select a Fund options.

We are thankful and grateful to ALL BHUMC Ministries, Families and Friends for your support. Your generosity and steadfast support of the Food Bank and the families who depend on the essential services it provides are appreciated. Please let us know if you are able to help by contacting Vicki Callaway at (404) 314-2241 or
The Prison Ministry would like to send cards, words of encouragement, to those who are currently incarcerated. Perhaps you have a loved one or know of someone who would appreciate receiving a card. The Prison Ministry offers a safe nonjudgmental space to seek prayers and support. Please contact Gloria Parker, or Cynthia Holland at with the name and mailing information of your loved one.
The Prayer Ministry will host Corporate Prayer every Wednesday from 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm. Weekly Corporate Prayer will feature a prayer of thanksgiving, a reading from the Upper Room Daily Devotional, and intercessory prayer. We will be inviting Clergy and Laity to pray the intercessory prayer. 

To attend Corporate Prayer, please call: (712) 770- 4936, Access Code: 627746. When calling in, please mute your cell phones. If you call in on a landline please turn the volume down on televisions, radios, etc. We look forward to everyone calling in and praying together. To submit Prayer Requests, please visit:
During this season, we want to remind you of the benefits of Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is a collection of specially trained lay people who are trained to listen and provide Christian care for people during the most challenging parts of their lives. It is confidential, one on one, and gender specific. Stephen Ministers are assigned to an individual for about an hour a week. This is especially meaningful for individuals who may be alone during the pandemic, who are grieving, who have a challenging health diagnosis, and who are finding it hard to deal with the challenges in their life.

If this sounds like you, please contact us via email: and we will be happy to walk along side you. You can also call the church office and ask to speak with Beverly Register or Rev. Tillman.
May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief.
Please accept our sincere condolences.

Gertie Bryant (M) on the loss of her sister and Paulette Heard (M)
on the loss of her cousin
Juanita Hatcher (M) 

Expression of Gratitude
We are deeply grateful to the Ben Hill Family for the many expressions of sympathy with which you embraced us following the passing of our father/father-in-law. All of your thoughts, prayers, and acts of kindness were received with love and appreciation. Although words are inadequate, our hearts thank each of you. 
Love and blessings,
Bernadette and Fred Hartfield
Community Events and Resources
Senior Food Assistance Program
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms launched the City of Atlanta Senior Food Assistance Program to support seniors with food insecurity during COVID-19 by partnering with meal and grocery delivery organizations. Seniors who reside in the City of Atlanta and are struggling to receive access to food during this time may apply to be a part of this program by completing this survey found here. You may also contact ATL311 for information or help with filling out the survey by dialing 311 within the city limits or (404) 546-0311.

Specific program eligibility requirements are listed below:
  • Reside in the City of Atlanta;
  • Age 60 or older;
  • Low income (household income at or below 80% of the AMI);
  • Not participating in any other senior food assistance program and meet one of the following criteria:
  • Unable to leave home;
  • Unable to prepare meals for themselves; or
  • Unable to procure or utilize commercial home delivery services.
* Completion of the survey does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

Health Resources
What to Expect After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days.
Fulton County is working closely with the State of Georgia, the federal government, our 15 cities and our two school systems, and many other partners. Learn more here about the vaccine and resources to assist people and businesses affected by COVID-19 in our community. Please check regularly for updates.
Connect With Us
What to do if you cannot view the stream
Here are some helpful tips if you should encounter any issues with accessing Ben Hill's Live Stream:
  1. Try a different Web browser. Most browsers should work but if your web browser is not showing the stream, try a different one. 
  2. Try going to the Ben Hill UMC Facebook Page and view the Live Stream there.
  3. Try the phone app. If you do not have the Ben Hill app, download it from your app store and view the steam from there.
  4. Access as another option to view the live stream.
On Sunday mornings, live chat is available on the Ben Hill website if you should encounter issues and need additional help.

New! Tune into the sermon by using Sermon by Phone.
The Sunday service will be made available at 9:15am on Sundays by dialing in at:

Links to Connect on Sunday Mornings: