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In This Issue
Creating Waldens
Berthrong on Creativity
2009 Ikeda Forum

September 2009

The-newsletter of the Ikeda Center (formerly the Boston Research Center) is designed to keep you up to date with our activities in support of peace, learning, and dialogue.
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Book Event to Celebrate Creating Waldens: An East-West Conversation on the American Renaissance

Creating Waldens CoverOn Thursday, September 24th, from 4:00 - 6:00pm, Professors Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson will appear at the Ikeda Center in Cambridge, MA to discuss their new dialogue book, Creating Waldens, co-authored with Center founder Daisaku Ikeda. Consisting of 18 provocative discussions, the book explores the multifaceted, enduring legacy of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman. Professor Anita Patterson of Boston University will provide opening remarks. The event is free and open to the public. Click below to RSVP.

Learn more about the September 24 "Book Talk" event.

Learn more about the book Creating Waldens.


Creativity and Global Flourishing

What is creativity, exactly? Have humans always prized it like we do today? In this essay, written as an original contribution to the Ikeda Center's 2009 investigation, Humanizing Our Lives, Humanizing Our World, Professor John Berthrong of Boston University suggests that in the West we sometimes are too quick to see creativity as simply a good thing, in and of itself. Citing teachings from the classical Chinese tradition, he argues that we would do well to leaven our creative impulses with wisdom and discernment, with the goal of greater global flourishing always in mind.

Read "Creativity and Global Flourishing" by John Berthrong


Announcing the 2009 Ikeda Forum!

On November 14, 2009 a powerhouse lineup of scholars will gather for the 6th Annual Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue. Called John Dewey, Daisaku Ikeda, and the Quest for a New Humanism, the day will center on a core question: How might the humanistic insights of John Dewey and Daisaku Ikeda be helpful to us in facing daily challenges in uncertain times? Participants include Virginia Benson, Jim Garrison, Charlene-Haddock Siegfried, David Hansen, Larry Hickman, Nel Noddings, Gonzalo Obelleiro, and Steven Rockefeller. Click below for event and registration details.

Learn more about the November 14 event!

Contact Information
Ikeda Center (formerly the Boston Research Center)
 396 Harvard Street * Cambridge, MA 02138

phone 617-491-1090 * www.ikedacenter.org