2023 Year in Review

Photo by Bill Hoenk

2023 was an incredible year for the Land Bank! Click the button below to read about what we were up to last year, from property improvements to acquisitions and everything in between.


Channeling Water: Nature-Based Solutions to Combat Stormwater Flooding

As an island community, Nantucket is becoming increasingly aware of the coastal impacts of climate change. We see these effects in a myriad of ways, whether it be erosion along the south shore or flooding on Easy Street. However, it’s important to remember that these impacts are being experienced throughout all parts of the natural world, including inland areas.


Property Spotlight: Stump Pond Preserve

As the Land Bank celebrates our 40th anniversary, we have a special property to spotlight… Stump Pond Preserve! Acquired on July 2, 1984, Stump Pond Preserve is one of the very first Land Bank properties.


Staff Spotlight: Guthrie Diamond

Guthrie Diamond, Field Ecology Coordinator, has been with the Land Bank since 2019, and has a hand in almost all things environmental – from plant surveys to habitat management to creating maps, and so much more. Read on to learn more about her work at the Land Bank!


Nature Talk at Nantucket Atheneum

Friday, February 2nd, 6:30 PM

This is the first of two events this week where the Land Bank and the Nantucket Conservation Foundation are teaming up to share valuable information on the southern pine beetle with our community.


Southern Pine Beetle Walk at Ram Pasture

Saturday, February 3rd, 11:00 AM

Join us for an important and targeted walk with Land Bank's Research Ecologist, Emily Goldstein Murphy PhD, and Nantucket Conservation Foundation's Wildlife Research Ecologist, Danielle O'Dell, to see the effects of southern pine beetle infestations up close. Learn the signs to look for and understand the significant impact this southern species could have on our island forests.


Winter Wellness Walks

Join Nantucket's Environmental Organizations and Fairwinds for a fun, free community series of walks beginning in February. Let's get outdoors this off-season and enjoy Nantucket's natural environment together.

These weekly walks, hosted on Saturdays at 1 pm, will last approximately 45 - 60 minutes and will be led by staff from the environmental organizations. At the start of each walk, a member of Fairwinds, Nantucket's behavioral health center, will give a brief introduction and background on the services they offer.

All are welcome! Registration is required. Please sign up through and be sure to dress for the weather!


Nantucket's Coastal Resilience Plan: The Path to a More Resilient Island

Photo by Vince Murphy

Developed by the Town’s Natural Resources Department and the Coastal Resilience Advisory Committee (CRAC), and adopted by the Select Board in January 2022, Nantucket’s Coastal Resilience Plan (CRP) provides a roadmap for making the island more resilient in the face of increased flooding and erosion stemming from climate change and sea level rise.

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