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November 26; 10 - 2
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P.O. Box 604
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It feels like just yesterday that I was asking for a pumpkin loon carving, but here we are again on another Halloween. Time is flying by!
So far this fall we have assisted with 4 loon rescues: one tangled in monofilament line, 2 beached loons, and a red-throated loon that crash landed on Route 3 not too far from the CT River. The only time of year that we see red-throated loons is when they are passing thru during migration. LPC Senior Biologist John Cooley helped transport the loon to rehabilitator Kappy Sprenger who then transferred it to Avian Haven in Freedom, Maine. After being treated for parasites and given a few days in the pool to work on some waterproofing issues, the loon was released on October 16 in Penobscot Bay!
The red-throated loon enjoys some time in the pool at Avian Haven. Photo courtesy of Terry Heitz.
The red-throated loon flies off soon after it was released on Penobscot Bay in mid-October. Photo courtesy of Terry Heitz.
Sadly, two of the other rescued loons did not survive, but we appreciate the efforts made by Kappy Sprenger and the staff at Avian Haven to try to save these birds.
Many loons have already left our lakes, but some are still hanging around. I think it's so interesting to see the differences in fall molt among individual loons. See below for a series of photos taken earlier this month.
Don't forget to take a chance to win one of three great prizes in our annual raffle. The drawing will be held at our Holiday Open House on November 26, but you don't have to be present to win.
Lastly, LPC was recently awarded VIP All Star Status by Constant Contact, so thank you again so much for taking the time to read our e-newsletters!
Happy Halloween,
@ Cottage Life Stencil
Look what we found at one of the local stores on Squam Lake!
Save the Date!
Come celebrate the holiday season at LPC's Annual Holiday Open House
Saturday, November 26, 2016
10 am - 2 pm
183 Lee's Mill Road, Moultonborough, NH
Free Admission!
Hay Rides, Kid's Crafts, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Local Food
Santa Arrives at 12 pm!
For more information, contact the Loon Preservation Committee at 603-476-5666 (LOON) or visit our website at www.loon.org
Molting Loons
As the leaves drop from the trees and fall marches on, loons lose their magnificent black & white plumage that we recognize and love. Usually adults without chicks will start to molt first--the feathers by the base of the bill start to turn grey and then the head, neck, and back follow shortly thereafter. They do not molt their flight feathers until they are on their ocean wintering grounds simply because there would not be enough time for these feathers to regrow before the lakes freeze (and they would be stuck, which was the case for the loons rescued from the ice last winter).
Here's a series of pictures taken this October on three different lakes: two in our Seacoast monitoring region and one in the Sunapee region.
The photo below was taken on October 11 on Pawtuckaway Lake in Nottingham. It's still easy to tell that this is an adult loon--red eye, blackish head, white spots and a dark bill.
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
The same day a loon and its chick were photographed on Pleasant Lake in New London, NH. The loon in front is not as easily recognizable as an adult because it's head is not solid black, but you can still see the red eye and white specs on the wings.
Photo courtesy of Kittie Wilson
The next day on October 12 an adult loon was photographed flapping its wings on Lake Massabesic. This loon seems to be farther along in its molt. Again it's harder to tell this is an adult loon, but you can still see the dark bill, red eye and white spots on the wings.
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
A week later on Lake Massabesic an adult and chick were spotted swimming together near Ladies Island. From this angle they almost look like "twins!"
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
But, when you look at these loons individually you can see the subtle differences. The adult is in the top picture.
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
Loon Preservation Committee