September 4, 2023
Mahopac Welcomes
37 New Teachers
“Every year is exciting and new, and we’re looking forward to seeing the great things that you do in the classroom,” said Superintendent Christine Tona as she welcomed 37 new teachers to the Mahopac Schools family.

Mahopac’s newest teachers have spent the last days before the start of classes getting acquainted with the Mahopac community, learning Mahopac Schools’ systems, and working alongside mentors to prepare for the first day of school.
The new faculty members’ immersion even included a local history lesson from Mahopac High School teacher Dan Ricci.

“Once upon a time, the Harlem line actually ran right here into Mahopac,” Ricci began.

Working with experienced Mahopac teachers is a highlight of the New Teacher Orientation.

Each new teacher has been assigned a mentor to help guide them with curriculum and teaching strategies, as well as provide practical tips on procedures and school traditions. The mentoring structure builds lasting relationships through the first year that benefit the entire district.

“We hope that your years in Mahopac are the best years of your career,” said Tona. “Congratulations and welcome to Mahopac!”
Meet the New Administrators
In addition to all of the new teachers that joined Mahopac this year, there are 12 new administrators. Some are new to Mahopac, while others have been a part of the Mahopac Central School District in other roles before this year. Either way, everyone at the District is excited to see all of the great work that our new administrators are going to do!

"I had a choice to make before I became the Director of Technology at Mahopac. I'm happy to say that I couldn't have been more right to land here. This district is incredible, and I'm looking forward to working with everyone and to all of the exciting changes that are coming."

Ben August, Director of Technology

"I am really looking forward to becoming engrossed in the Lakeview culture and climate and getting to know our families on a more intimate level. I can't wait to build on all of the wonderful traditions here and do my part to make Lakeview a great place to learn."

Liz Blessing, Lakeview Elementary Principal

"I've been involved in Special Education for over a decade. We have some incredible and hard working faculty here, and I can't wait to help them because at the end of the day, it's all about what we can do support the social and emotional needs of our students."

Jeff Cole, Assistant Director of Special Education

"I taught at Fulmar Road for 18 years. It's great to be back where my teaching career started. I'm eager to start working with all of our new teachers because teaching is so near and dear to my heart. I'm going to do everything I can to make them feel supported and to get them everything that they need."

Allyson Fallman, Fulmar Road Elementary Assistant Principal

"We have so many great things in store this year. Feedback from our teachers and staff is incredibly valuable so we're ramping up our communications this year and taking a pulse on what we can do in our new roles."

Leigh Galione, Lakeview Elementary Assistant Principal

"I loved working with all of my students as a teacher so I'm really looking forward to working with so many more students as Assistant Principal. Some of my favorite programs are our partnerships with the middle school and the elementary schools. Having mentors that younger students can connect with and look up to makes such a positive impact."

Cristina Giansante, Mahopac High School Assistant Principal

"Mahopac feels like such a family. I'm so excited to get to know all of our students and our families. We have a lot planned to support our teachers this year and I'm very pleased to be working with all of our amazing and professional staff and faculty."

Stephanie Grace, Mahopac Middle School Assistant Principal

"I can’t wait to play my part in facilitating the critical work that the counseling department does as Administrator for School Counseling. We support students socially, emotionally, and academically from the moment they walk into Mahopac schools with a focus on the endgame of college and career readiness."

April Ljumic, Administrator for School Counseling

"Mahopac has been really welcoming and I’m looking forward to getting out to some events and seeing students using all of our facilities after all of the work that was done over the summer. I couldn’t ask for a better team here at the business office and I am ready and eager to support the District."

Alyssa Murray, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations

"Working with our new special education team has been a pleasure already and we’re looking forward to expanding our programs and the opportunities that we provide our students from kindergarten through the end of high school. I want to expand on our programs, smooth the transition between levels, and improve our communication with parents and teachers."

Erin Piquet, Secondary Administrator for Special Education

"I did a lot of human resources at the building level as Principal of Lakeview Elementary so this role feels like a natural fit for me. Hiring and being a part of the mentoring program for all of our new staff has been so exciting, they have great questions and attitudes. I can't wait to work with them throughout this year and to watch them grow."

Jennifer Pontillo, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

"I’ve felt so welcomed since I came to Mahopac and can’t wait to contribute to this community in my new role. We have some amazing teachers and I’m looking forward to fostering students’ learning and independence by collaborating with elementary staff and faculty."

Melissa Szymanowski, Elementary Administrator for Special Education
This Week in Photos
New Facilities Across the District
Even after the last day of classes, the Mahopac Central School District was a busy place this summer. New libraries, security vestibules, and infrastructure has been built across the District as a part of the sweeping Capital Project. Check out some of the new facilities, such as the library at Fulmar Road Elementary, and the new, blue, track at Mahopac High School.

Stay tuned for our full report on the Capital Project.
Mahopac High School Students Speak Before Teachers and Staff
"One thing that always sticks out to me, is when you all have treated us like adults," said student Emma Behun as she addressed Mahopac High School's faculty. "You've done so much to make us feel safe, as well as seen and heard."

Daniel Walsh and Behun were invited to speak before teachers in the high school auditorium before the start of classes this year. The faculty, many of whom had taught Walsh and Behun in the past, listened with rapt attention.

"The level of communication and support that I have received from everyone here is unparalleled," Walsh said. "It is because of you that myself and so many of my peers have experienced success... You are heroes without capes."
Popsicles with Principles at Lakeview Elementary
Smiles abounded as Lakeview Elementary students enjoyed some cool, summery snacks with Principal Liz Blessing and Assistant Principal Leigh Galione on Monday, August 28th. 300 popsicles were donated by the Lakeview PTO and former Lakeview students and current Mahopac High School students helped hand out all of the popsicles.
'Back to School' Edition of Spotlight on Mahopac

9/5 - Superintendent's Conference Day
9/8 - First Day for All Students

The Board of Education adopted a new vision statement on August 22nd which is, "The Mahopac CSD strives to become Schools of Excellence that produce exceptional members of society."
Mission Statement
To prepare each and every student for college and career readiness, and
to educate all students to be responsible and productive members
of the global community.
Mahopac Central School District
179 East Lake Boulevard, Mahopac, NY 10541-1666
Phone: 845-628-3415 Fax: 845-628-5502