The Official E-Newsletter of the Mississippi REALTORS®                                       March 2017

Mississippi REALTORS® gathered for 2017 MAR REALTOR® Day at the Capitol

Over 200 Mississippi REALTORS® gathered at the Mississippi State Capitol to take part in REALTOR® Day at the Capitol. Numerous Mississippi elected officials spoke to an over-flow crowd in the Capitol's Supreme Court Chambers including Governor Phil Bryant, Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, Insurance Commissioner Mike Cheney, Treasurer Lynn Fitch and Speaker of the House Phillip Gunn. The event at the Capitol was followed by a Legislative Luncheon at the MAR Building in Jackson with keynote speaker Marshall Ramsey. 
MAR names 2016 Legislators of the Year
Senator Rita Potts Parks-Republican, Senate District 4, Alcorn and Tippah Counties was awarded the Mississippi REALTORS® Outstanding Senate Legislator Award for 2016.  Senator Parks was recognized by MAR for her exemplary support in real estate and property rights issues during the 2016 Legislative Session.

Speaker of the House Philip Gunn-Republican, House District 56, Hinds and Madison Counties, has been awarded the Mississippi REALTORS® Outstanding House Legislator Award for 2016.  Representative Gunn was recognized for exemplary support in real estate and property rights issues during the 2016 Legislative Session.

Senator Rita Parks, MAR Governmental Affairs Director Clarke Wise, MAR President David Griffith

Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, MAR Governmental Affairs Director Clarke Wise, MAR President David Griffith

Lucky REALTOR® wins $5,000 in MARPAC Drawdown
Nearly 150 Mississippi REALTORS® attended the MARPAC Drawdown at the Sparkman Auditorium at the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Museum in Jackson. Various vendors provided western-style games while the ticket-holders' numbers were drawn. Over $70,500 was raised for MARPAC during the event. The final ticket-holder, Nell Wyatt of Ridgeland won the $5,000 prize.
Or you can contact Jeanelle Marshall  at 601-932-9325 or
Course offerings are added often. Find the latest schedule of MRI courses at  

New PCDS and supporting forms released

The Mississippi Real Estate Commission recently released a new Property Condition Disclosure Statement in addition to mandatory Exemption and Informational Pages. These forms become effective on April 1, 2017.

Annual Reports Due to the Secretary of State's Office by April 15
All corporations and limited liability companies doing business in Mississippi are required to file their annual report by April 15, 2017. You may file your 2017 annual report now. Failure to file your annual report will result in the administrative dissolution of your company.
Annual reports must be filed online click here.  In August 2014, the Secretary of State implemented a new filing system. If you have not yet used this system, you will need to create a filing account.
For filing instructions, please review the following demo click here.
No income or tax information is needed to file your annual report with the Secretary of State.
If your company has already filed its 2017 annual report, please disregard this reminder .

If you are unsure whether you have filed your 2017 annual report, you may search for your company using the following link on our website: click here

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary of State's Office, Business Services Division at (601) 359-1633.

2017 MAR Gold Partner 




The title of MAR's Standard Form F-27 was recently changed to "Property Issues Disclosure" from the previous "Property Issues Addendum." based on member feedback given to the Standard Forms Advisory Committee. 


In This Issue
Mississippi REALTOR® Day at the Capitol Huge Success
Nell Wyatt wins $5000 MARPAC Drawdown Prize
REALTOR Institute Upcoming Classes
MREC releases new PCDS form
Secretary of State Reports Due April 15
Thank you sponsors
MAR Standard Forms Update
MAR Staff Changes
2017 LMAR Class Named
Sign up for YPN email list

Kathy Whitfield departs MAR for new career venture

Kathy Whitfield recently resigned from the Mississippi REALTORS® staff to launch a new coaching, consulting, communications, training and keynote speaking company called Compass Consulting. Whitfield served as Communication and Publications Director and Professional Standards Administrator for Mississippi REALTORS® for 8 years.

Sabrena Patrick joins Commercial Real Estate firm

Mississippi REALTOR® Institute Course Manager Sabrena Patrick recently accepted a position with The Estes Group, Inc. in Ridgeland. Patrick worked as MRI Course Manager for 2 years and worked closely with students in registration, scheduling and record-keeping.

MAR welcomes Jeanelle Marshall to staff

Jeanelle Marshall recently joined the MAR staff as Mississippi REALTOR® Institute Course Manager and Professional Standards Administrator. Marshall brings an extensive background in real estate, sales, office administration and professional standards management.

Jace Ponder joins MAR staff as Communications and Member Services Director

Jace Ponder will be joining the MAR staff as Communications and Publications Director. He brings an impressive background in various areas of communication, most recently as owner of the Pass Christian newspaper Gazebo Gazette.

2017 Class of LeadershipMAR Attends First Retreat
The newly-selected 2017 LMAR Class recently attended their first retreat in Columbus. The LMAR class was envisioned to identify emerging REALTOR® leaders in the state, encourage them with substantive instruction and activities, and assist in sharpening their leadership skills in the hope they will exert a strong positive influence on the future of the Association and profession. The participants work together in a training course which combines individual study, group sessions, and actual project experience in using leadership skills.  
This year's class includes:
Dustin HillMeridian Board of REALTORS®
Ashley Howie, Central Mississippi REALTORS®
Levi McCraney, Greenville Area Assn of REALTORS®
Christy McDowell, Northwest MS Assn of REALTORS®
Jay McMiller, Northwest MS Assn of REALTORS®
Martin Mesecke, Northeast MS Board of REALTORS®
Gena Nolan, Northeast MS Board of REALTORS®
Gary Parker, Central Mississippi REALTORS®
Dee Salvas, Gulf Coast Assn of REALTORS®
Mica Stevens, Laurel Board of REALTORS®
Schneika Stokes, Central Mississippi REALTORS®
Adam Watkins, Hattiesburg Area Assn of REALTORS®

Tax time is here! Learn from the pros how to save big on your taxes with MAR's Affinity Partner

March 7, 2017
10:00 AM 

Taxbot is the easiest way for small business owners and 1099 contractors to turn expenses into deductions!
 What are the Taxbot benefits to MAR members?
  • Snap pictures of receipts
  • GPS mileage tracking
  • IRS/CRA compliant expense tracking
  • All your records stored in the cloud
  • Tax tips
  • Integrates with your bank
Free Trial offer and 50% off for Mississippi REALTORS®!

It only takes a few minutes to take advantage of this incredible member benefit. 




Take advantage of your MAR Member Benefit through Office Depot
Use your Office Depot discount
cards in stores or print out a discount
card from our website. You make also shop online
through the MAR website. 

To access additional information, online
shopping or the printable card click here.  

Want to be a part of the
Young Professionals Network (YPN)?

Please email  Jessica Holmes at to be
added to the email list.

Mississippi REALTORS®
4274 Lakeland Dr.  Jackson, MS 39232-1000  
Phone: (601) 932.5241