NCA news & updates
February 2022
NCA Education and Outreach Committee Sets Agenda
The Agenda will be finalized in the coming weeks and shared with our local state elected officials. If you would like to join the committee, or have questions or comments, please contact Jeremy Evans at 
The Education and Outreach Committee met in January to discuss Governor Hochul’s proposed FYE 2023 budget. The committee is chaired by Jeremy Evans, Franklin County IDA, and members represent a diverse background in business, economic development organizations, and community development organizations from across the North Country. While not formally adopted yet by the NCA Board, leading issues in the region include investment in quality, affordable rural broadband; enhanced workforce programs, and affordable childcare and housing for working families; investment in rural infrastructure including roads, bridges, airports and utilities; and funding for tourism related activities. The NCA strongly supports the reopening and ‘normalization’ of business across the borders with Canada as this trade represents a significant part of our economy in the region. 
Member Spotlight: PTAC
PTAC services are always free of charge. Reach out for a consultation at this link, or learn more about the program here.
Procurement Technical Assistance Centers help companies that are looking to become federal, state and local contractors, as well as companies and municipalities that have been in the government space and have just hit a snag. We work through direct support, for example, helping companies become a small business set-aside such as WOSB/MWBE/VOSB. We also host webinars and share seminars put together by our government partners. We also partner with many local organizations including SBDCs, MEPs, IDAs and Chambers of Commerce. 

The nine-county North Country territory is served by Manna Doyle, who has monthly office hours in eight of the nine counties in his service area. Check out his monthly mobile office hours at this link.
NCA Strategic Planning Update
The NCA board chose this year's Fall Forum as the launch point for strategic planning work to guide the organization's work moving forward. Facilitated by AEDC's Victoria Zinser Duley, attendees worked through a SOAR analysis process including quite a bit of discussion.

The work has continued with a task force lead by Eric Virkler and Rob Aiken. The Mission Statement has been revisited and will focus on the loan program, advocacy, being a forum for interaction and cooperation, and connection to resources. The group will complete the mission statement, develop a strategic plan and present it at the Annual Meeting on June 22 in Lake Placid. Meetings are once every three weeks. If you would like to add your voice to the discussion or join the Task Force, reach out to Eric Virkler at 
Spread the Word About NCA Funding
Funds are available for small businesses in the North Country!

The NCA loan fund has funding available for all types of business needs. From working capital to equipment and from acquisition to inventory, you name it, the NCA fits most business needs. If you are a business, or know of a business, that may be looking for funding please contact Matt Siver at for more information on the NCA’s Revolving Loan Fund.