NCA news & updates

November 2022

NCA Board Meetings

The North Country Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 11:00am. All members are welcome to join.

Board meeting minutes and agendas are posted on the NCA website. The next board meeting is: December 22, 2022 at 11:00am at this link.

Join the NCA: Please consider joining the NCA. For membership questions, contact Matt Siver at

Member Events

List your events in this space: If you have an event that seems relevant and useful to NCA members, send your listing to

If this was forwarded to you, email to be added to the mailing list!

Member Events

December 7, 2022 12:00pm

Work-Life Balance Workshop. Part of the St. Lawrence Chamber of Commerce's monthly webinar series.

December 9, 2022 8:30am

North Country Chamber of Commerce, Plattsburgh; Tools for Success: Critical services that can save your business thousands through the NYS DoL.

December 9, 2022 8:45am

Jeff-Lewis Manufacturers Alliance Meeting at the Zero Dock Street Restaurant in Carthage. 

December 10, 2022

Upstate Founders Registration Deadline. Training and resources for early-stage entrepreneurs through Clarkson University. Learn more at this link.

Education/Outreach Meeting December 6

December 6, 2022


Contact Michelle Capone for the meeting link at

The North Country Alliance Education and Outreach Committee will meet virtually on December 6 at 11:00am.

All NCA members are welcome to join the meeting.

The NCA's Outreach and Education committee promotes an understanding of the NCA and member priorities to the region's elected representatives. The committee is chaired by Jeremy Evans, Franklin County IDA, and members represent a diverse background in business, economic development organizations, and community development organizations from across the North Country. Each year the committee develops an Outreach Agenda clarifying the organization's policy priorities. 

The agenda for the December 6th meeting will cover:

  • NCA Strategic Plan Implementation
  • Upcoming NYS Budget Session

Building Our Contacts

The NCA Membership and Communications committees are requesting some quick help from you. 

Your NCA membership is an organizational membership, but for most of our organizations, we have only one contact. We know that many of you work in organizations that have several people that might also be interested in NCA communications and events. Please add their names to our database by filling out the form at this link.

If you are NOT an NCA member already, and believe your organization can benefit from participating, here is a link to the membership form.

NCA Strategic Plan in Action


NCA President Marijean Remington was awarded the Tom Plastino distinguished service award at CITEC's Annual Banquet on November 3 in Saranac Lake. Marijean approaches economic development from the perspective of a North Country businessperson. We are fortunate to have her leadership at the NCA. Learn more at this link.

The NCA launched a new strategic plan at the Annual meeting in June after eight months of collaborative work. A copy of the plan is available at this link.

The Board called upon committee chairs to update the board on progress toward their strategic objectives at the last meeting.  

Brian Gladwin reported for the Loan Review Committee that more banks should be made aware of NCA’s programs and the committee intends to put together some calls and meetings to talk about additional funding sources in Q1 2023.

Jeremy Evans reported for Education and Outreach that the committee will meet before the next NCA board meeting to build a 2023 timeline to meet strategic objectives (see above).

Joe Russo reported that the Communications committee plans to deliver two virtual events in 2023 in addition to the two in-person events.

The newly established Membership Committee has begun to gather the information needed to best define their goals, and committee chair Rob Aiken will gather that information into one database as the base of the outreach plan.