NCA news & updates
May 2022
You're Invited! NCA Annual Meeting June 22
Consider sponsoring the Annual Meeting. Contact Aviva Gold at for more information.
One of two annual in-person NCA membership events. Join your colleagues in business, economic development, education, and workforce for this networking event at the beautiful Mirror Lake Inn in Lake Placid.

Your input is vital. In addition to the meeting, networking, and sharing a meal, this year's Annual Meeting will unveil the organization's new strategic plan, and elicit your input on how to better engage membership to achieve the NCA's goals and meet the needs of North Country businesses.
Wednesday, June 22, 20225
10:30am to 1:30pm
Keep it Going!
NCA members are invited to spend the rest of the day in Lake Placid for some loosely arranged networking activities. There is a room rate at the Mirror Lake Inn for the night as well.. More details coming as they are developed. Contact Aviva Gold ( with questions.
Advocacy for the North Country
The NCA's Outreach and Education Committee is chaired by Jeremy Evans. Reach out to him if you would like to be involved. 
The NCA is happy to announce the repeal of the fiber optics broadband fee by the NYS legislature! This is a big win for rural New York State especially in the North Country. The Education and Outreach Committee advocated for the repeal of this fee in order to encourage deployment of broadband in the region while maintaining affordability. 

In addition, the Education and Outreach Committee reviewed and recommended to the Board support for a letter to the Honorable Secretary Raimondo, U.S. Department of Commerce, identifying New York State as the best location for the research and development hub of the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC). The letter was coordinated by the NYS Economic Development Council. In addition to the North Country Alliance’s support, the letter carried the support of 72 other organizations, associations, and institutions from across New York State. It is by working together that we can make New York great!
NCA Strategic Planning Update
The NCA board launched a strategic planning initiative at the Fall Forum meeting in October, and has been working through the process for delivery at the June 22 Annual Meeting in Lake Placid. Eric Virkler and Rob Aiken co-chair the working group. The group has completed a revision of the mission statement which now reads: The North Country Alliance promotes economic and business growth in New York’s North Country region through collaboration, financing, and advocacy.

The NCA's core values of collaboration, access to capital, and advocacy have been clarified, and the working group is now fleshing out objectives and tactics for the coming year.