NCA news & updates

April 2023

NCA Board Meetings

The North Country Alliance Board of Directors meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 11:00am. All members are welcome to join.

Board meeting minutes and agendas are posted on the NCA website. The next board meeting is: April 19, 2023 at 11:00am at this link.

Join the NCA: Please consider joining the NCA. For membership questions, contact Matt Siver at

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List your events in this space: If you have an event that seems relevant and useful to NCA members, send your listing to

Member Events

April 6 through May 11, 2023

Leadership Development Essentials; take your leadership skills to the next level. This training is aimed at professionals working to build skills to transform their organizations. In person in Plattsburgh. Learn more and register here.

April 18, 2023 1:00pm Virtual

Capital Costs Tax Credit Webinar. Your business may be eligible for a rebate up to $25,000! This webinar will introduce you to the opportunity including an eligibility screening too. Learn more and register here.

April 29 and 30, 2023

Conference for Women in Leadership at the Hilton Garden Inn in Watertown. This two-day event will have you walking away with motivation, inspiration and genuine connections. Learn more and register here.  

NCA Speaker Series Inaugural Presentation

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

12:00pm to 12:45pm

Join us online


The federal spending bills we have been hearing about hold all kinds of promise for our communities, but it is nearly impossible to figure out and how to access that funding for projects in the North Country.

The NCA is pleased to host a webinar discussion with Jon Cardinal, Director of Economic Development for Senator Schumer, who will shed light on what is actually covered in those spending bills and how the North Country can benefit.

The NCA Speaker Series is a new initiative by the NCA to broaden our reach offering economic opportunities in the region. Please share this event with your networks.

Save the Date and Call for Sponsors:

Annual Meeting June 21 in Saranac Lake

Thank you to National Grid for sponsoring this event!

If you would like to help sponsor this event at any level, please reach out to Aviva Gold;

The NCA's Annual Meeting is June 21, 2023 at the Hotel Saranac in Saranac Lake.

The panel discussion this year will cover housing, workforce training, and childcare: workforce-related programs successfully running in the North Country, impacts they are having, challenges they face, and how other communities might replicate them to address their specific needs.

June 21, 2023

10:30am to 1:30pm

Hotel Saranac

Saranac Lake

Registration Coming Soon