The Bulletin Board Newsletter

A monthly e-newsletter highlighting the discussions, decisions and business of the North Penn School District Board of School Directors.
The North Penn School Board (NPSB) welcomes questions and feedback from the community. To that end, community members may email the entire board at

If you would like to contact a specific board member via email or phone, please visit our website to find contact information.
Board Members

Tina Stoll, President
Christian D. Fusco, Vice President
Elisha K. Gee, Ed.D.
Jonathan M. Kassa
Wanda Lewis-Campbell, Ed.D.
Timothy MacBain
Juliane Ramić
Al Roesch
Cathy Wesley

Letter to the Community

Juliane Ramić

Term Expiration: 2023

Dear Community,

Prior to last week’s Board Action Meeting, members of the Knapp Elementary School Student Council shared handwritten letters with members of the board in honor of School Director Recognition Month. The letters that we received were well-written, thoughtful notes of gratitude that myself and my fellow school board members were delighted to receive. The students also shared their thoughts on the Knapp renovations and what they love about the new Knapp. 

As you may recall, the Knapp renovation was completed in several phases over a 2 and a half year period where construction crews worked with teachers and staff to ensure that the educational experience of Knapp students was not disrupted while also keeping construction progress on-time. The Knapp student council members who wrote letters got to see the Knapp renovation from the first phase to the ribbon cutting and now are reaping the benefits of our community’s investment. From the sentiments they shared, the Knapp students are grateful and excited about their new school, making our investment, effort, and sacrifices all worth it! 

With the Knapp renovation complete and a 10 year capital plan developed and under continuous review and action, we are keenly aware of critical needs at the secondary level. The Board is moving forward with a transparent and responsible planning process as we lay the groundwork for a renovation of our secondary schools. This includes a plan to construct a ninth grade center on the grounds of the high school, which may require a referendum vote, while also working to renovate the high school, updating the 1971 and 1999 systems. Our educational spaces need to support a 21st century education, and beginning with the high school and ninth grade center is the most efficient and cost-effective way to bring these spaces to the entire district. 

Superintendent Todd Bauer and the dedicated administrative team have outlined a thorough plan for preparing the Board and informing our North Penn community using Work Session meetings. In January, the board heard presentations from the Montgomery Planning Commissions who shared their findings from an enrollment study and a traffic study from Heinrich & Klein Associates, Inc. who discussed roadway improvements around the high school to accommodate potential increased traffic. 

Through all of the upcoming planned meetings and discussions in the coming months, we invite you to join us and share your input as the discussion phase turns to earnest planning and action. These projects will not be easy. We will need to make difficult decisions and call on our community to support this investment, but in the end, we know that if we keep our students at the center of each decision, it will all be worth the effort, the struggle, and the wait. 


Juliane Ramić

NPSD Board of School Directors

Term Expiration: 2023

Meeting Information

School Board Meeting Information

Meetings of the whole (Finance Committee; Worksession; Action) will be held in person at the Educational Services Center (ESC) located at 401 E. Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446 unless otherwise noted. Those who wish to make public comment at these in-person meetings must be present in person to do so. For residents who would like to pre-register to speak during the audience of citizens, please email the school board secretary at at least 24 hours before the meeting. These meetings will be televised live and added to the library for later viewing on North Penn Television's (NPTV) YouTube Channel.

Committee meetings (Safe Schools; Facilities and Operations; Policy; and Education, Curriculum and Instruction) will be held virtually in an online format using Zoom, televised live and added to the library for later viewing on NPTV's YouTube ChannelIndividuals having difficulty accessing a virtual meeting may email for assistance. This email address will be monitored throughout the course of virtual meetings and may be utilized by any person who wishes to raise an objection during a meeting pursuant to Section 710.1(c) of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. Objections, which will be noted for the record, must include the person’s name and the general nature of their objection.  

How to Watch Meetings
Residents can watch live on the NPTV YouTube Channel, North Penn News, or NPTV local Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29.

A recording of this meeting will be available on the district website, the NPTV YouTube Channel, and will air on North Penn Television Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29 for the next three business days at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

How to View Meeting Agendas
Meeting agendas are published the week of the meeting and can be viewed online on BoardDocs. To view meeting agendas, visit BoardDocs and select the "Meetings" tab in the top right corner. From there, find and select the meeting, and then click "view agenda".

How to Participate in Virtual Meetings
Public comment will be available using Zoom. A link to make public comment will be available on our website prior to the start of the meeting.

When it is time for public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in the zoom webinar. We will take public comment in order that hands were raised. Please listen for your name when called upon for comment and unmute your microphone.

If you do not have access to zoom, please email your comments to and it will be included in the board minutes.

Meetings in Review


January 10, 7:00 pm


January 19, 7:00 pm

Upcoming Meetings


February 7, 7:00 pm


February 16, 7:00 pm, Upper Gwynedd Twp. Building


Change: February 13, 5:30 pm

Facilities and Operations

February 27, 7:00 pm


February 7, 6:00 pm

February 21, 6:00 pm


February 27, 5:00 pm

Safe Schools

February 27, 5:45 pm

View 2023 Meeting Schedule

You Could Save Up to $731 through the NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program

Are you eligible? Do you know someone who is? Learn more and help us spread the word about this program!
Learn more & see if you're eligible

Student Recognition

The North Penn High School boys and girls water polo teams received proclamations at the 1/19 action meeting for their achievements during the 2022-2023 season and placing second at the state championship. Congratulations on your great performance in the 2022-2023 season!

York Avenue students and their principal, Mrs. Dipa Richardson, came to the board meeting to discuss their student experiences attending York Avenue. Students talked about the peer buddy program, clubs and activities for students, and other happenings at their school. Thank you for coming to the meeting and telling us about your school!

Employment News

At the action meeting, board members voted to appoint Mrs. Rita Whalen as the new Principal of Hatfield Elementary School! Mrs. Whalen joins Hatfield with over 21 years of experience in education and 7 years in the North Penn School District. She has been the Assistant Principal of Pennbrook Middle School since 2021, and is a welcome addition to the Hatfield team. Congratulations and good luck!

2023-2024 Calendar


The calendar for the 2023-2024 school year was approved at the action meeting and can be viewed at the link below.

View Calendar
Committee Reports
Education/Curriculum/Instruction Committee

The ECI committee met on January 4, 2023. At the meeting, committee members received an update regarding the Community Hosted Internship Program (CHIP) at the high school. The goal of this program is to assist students with developing a plan for post-graduation by offering opportunities for career exploration, part-time jobs, volunteering, internships, college visits, and hearing from guest speakers. This program has 94 students enrolled and 70 companies participating, with plans to expand further. 


Also, the committee reviewed the school calendar for the 2023-24 school year which was sent to the full board for approval.

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next ECI meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5:30 in a virtual format.  

Dr. Elisha K. Gee

Christian Fusco, Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell, Tim MacBain

Facilities and Operations Committee

The Facilities and Operations Committee did not meet in December.

The next Facilities and Operations Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 30, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in a virtual format. 

Cathy Wesley

Vice Chair:
Jonathan Kassa
Juliane Ramić,
Tina Stoll

Finance Committee

At the January 10, 2023, Finance Committee meeting the financial reports and budget transfers were reviewed in addition to the following items:


1. Marjorie Scott provided an overview of the Extended School Care program as well as a recommendation for 2023-24 camp fees and tuition rates. 


2. Steve Skrocki reviewed the 2023-24 first look healthcare rates.  


3. Steve Skrocki reviewed the 2023-24 retirement (PSERS) rate. The employer contribution rate will be 34.00%, down from the current 35.26%. This represents a 3.57% decrease over the current rate.  The net impact on the 2023-24 General Fund due to the rate decrease is approximately $964,678.


4. Steve Skrocki provided an update on the onsite healthcare center which should be ready for opening in late February/early March.

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the ESC. There will also be a special Finance Committee meeting held on February 21st at 6:00 p.m. for budget purposes.

Christian Fusco

Vice Chair:
Al Roesch

Committee of the Whole

NPSD Educational Foundation

The Foundation met last on December 20th, 2022 at North Penn High School where Trustees participated in a demo of the spatial computing lab which we have supported since its inception. Trustees enjoyed using the Virtual Reality goggles and learning about the skills being taught to our students. 


The Foundation welcomed two new student liaisons Alexander Muto from Penndale Middle School and Sami Blanchard from North Penn High School. Students play an important role on the Foundation giving us valuable feedback on our programs. We look forward to their help and will welcome a third student liaison at our next meeting. Other topics included supporting a branding project at Crawford Stadium and offering a scholarship to a NPHS graduating student.


Next up is our annual online auction which will be held in the beginning of May. This popular event offers fun items such as a limo ride to your school, restaurant gift cards and themed baskets. I will be looking to my fellow board members for support of the online auction. 


I also want to thank Penn Pump in Hatfield for a donation of $3,000. Thank you for being a great neighbor and supporting innovation in our schools. 


The Foundation meets next in February. To learn more about all things Foundation related, please visit or contact Christine Liberaski at the ESC.

Visit our Website
Board of Trustees Member:
Juliane Ramić

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee did not meet in December. 

The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 30, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in a virtual format.


Al Roesch


Christian Fusco,

Tina Stoll

Safe Schools Committee

The Safe Schools Committee did not meet in December. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, January 30, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. in a virtual format.

Jonathan Kassa

Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell,
Cathy Wesley