The Bulletin Board Newsletter
A monthly e-newsletter highlighting the discussions, decisions and business of the North Penn School District Board of School Directors.
The North Penn School Board (NPSB) welcomes questions and feedback from the community. To that end, community members may email the entire board at
If you would like to contact a specific board member via email or phone, please visit our website to find contact information.
Board Members
Tina Stoll, President
Christian D. Fusco, Vice President
Dr. Elisha K. Gee
Jonathan M. Kassa
Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell
Timothy MacBain
Juliane Ramić
Al Roesch
Cathy Wesley
Tim MacBain
Term Expiration: 2023
Dear Community,
My fellow North Penn School District (NPSD) Board of Directors and I sincerely hope this month’s newsletter finds you healthy and in good spirits. Thank you for once again taking interest in our educational community, especially as we all continue to make adjustments and try to practice patience. As more vaccines become available, and spring arrives with its promise of renewal and warmer weather, there is good reason for optimism. We send our deepest thanks to our entire staff and every North Penn family for sharing in all the inconveniences, struggles and work to safely return our communities and schools to more familiar ways of life.
We’re almost there!
Among all the inspiring achievements we’ve witnessed in our community over the past year, one of the somewhat hidden examples of continued success despite adversity can be found at the North MontCo Technical and Career Center (NMTCC). Stationed adjacent to North Penn High School (NPHS) and serving hundreds of students from five school districts including North Penn, this vibrant hub of active, hands-on learning has offered top-notch educational and training opportunities to students and adults in a surprising variety of fields for decades. Under the leadership of Administrative Director Gina Pardovich, NMTCC has thrived this past year as a dynamic institution for exceptional students and community members to grow and prepare for high demand careers - even during a pandemic. With the recent launch of the North MontCo Education Foundation, there is no better time to explore this incredible learning community.
Through 21 student programs ranging from Biotechnology to Mechatronics to Protective Services (including EMS, firefighting, and police science training) and even Advertising Design, NMTCC offers high school students modern curricula backed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) SOAR (Students Occupationally and Academically Ready) training and learning program for high priority and high wage careers. Two popular programs among top high school students in particular, Allied Health and Biotechnology, are not financially supported through PDE, but by the five sending districts alone. Allied Health has allowed future medical students to learn from real-world medical practice at a local hospital by taking part in a rotation of department shadowing. Though the pandemic limited that on-site learning this year, future opportunities for students have already been expanded from one session offering to three. The highly competitive Biotechnology program is a dual enrollment Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) program offering students college-level laboratory training in recombinant DNA technology, forensics and much more. Students who graduate this one-year program gain experience and develop skills to be able to contribute to research programs after entering college, jump starting their careers.
Students at NMTCC also enjoy opportunities to build community and illustrate their talents through organizations like the National Technical Honor Society, Future for Agriculture (FFA), and SkillsUSA which allows students to meet career professionals and compete against other students in their field statewide and nationally. Just last month in fact, 36 NMTCC students finished in the top three in their respective district level competitions. Thirteen will go on to compete at the state level this coming month in fields ranging from Crime Scene Investigation to Commercial Baking and Automotive Refinishing. We wish them all the best of luck!
NMTCC contributes to our larger community by creating ways to connect students with local customers and offering extensive continuing education programs for adult learners who are starting new careers, exploring new hobbies or tackling home maintenance projects. The NMTCC Salon, Bakery, Restaurant and Floral Design services are open to local residents (though precautions are of course still being taken - see the above link for details) to enjoy.
Finally, NMTCC has continued to adapt and innovate to create better experiences for students and the community despite the pandemic. Both educational equipment updates and structural facility upgrades continue with grants secured from the state and other organizations; COVID antigen testing and verifying cue machines were made available to staff members as early as January; and an NMTCC Equity Counsel comprised of staff, leadership and students was established to evaluate practices and policies to ensure they are guided by tolerance and equity.
As we begin to think about turning the corner into a more hopeful spring, please take a moment to find out what NMTCC can offer your family or how you can support this wonderful learning community through the new North MontCo Education Foundation.
With many thanks,
Tim MacBain
NPSD Board of School Directors
Term Expiration: 2023
Important Updates from NPSD Board of School Directors Action Meeting, 3/18/21
Please join us in congratulating long-time North Penn staffer Dr. D'Ana Waters, our newly appointed assistant superintendent by the NPSD Board of School Directors at last night’s action meeting!
The Board of School Directors also issued a statement in support of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in response to the alarming number of attacks of violence against the AAPI community.
Also at the meeting, the NPSD Board of School Directors voted unanimously to revise the NPSD Health and Safety Plan. The change outlines that NPSD will continue to utilize health and safety mitigation measures while social distancing to the greatest extent possible. As NPSD processes requests to return to in person instruction, we will continue to maintain six feet of social distancing to the greatest extent possible, however in some classrooms students may be seated at a distance between three and six feet. The six foot guideline will remain in place in the cafeteria when students are unmasked to eat.
School Board Virtual Meeting Information
In consideration of the health and safety of the school community, public attendance to NPSD Board of School Directors meetings will take place virtually.
How to Watch Meetings
A recording of this meeting will be available at on the district website, the NPTV YouTube Channel, and will air on North Penn Television Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29 for the next three business days at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm.
How to View Meeting Agendas
Meeting agendas are published the week of the meeting and can be viewed online on BoardDocs. To view meeting agendas, visit BoardDocs and select the "Meetings" tab in the top right corner. From there, find and select the meeting, and then click "view agenda".
How to Participate in Meetings
Public comment will be available using Zoom. For privacy purposes, a link to make public comment will be available on our website prior to the start of the meeting.
When it is time for public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in the zoom webinar. We will take public comment in order that hands were raised. Please listen for your name when called upon for comment and unmute your microphone.
If you do not have access to zoom, please email your comments to and it will be included in the board minutes.
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Meetings in Review
March 9, 7:00 pm
March 18, 7:00 pm
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Upcoming Meetings
April 6, 7:00 pm
April 15, 7:00 pm
ECI Committee
April 6, 6:00 pm
Facilities & Operations Committee
March 29, 6:30 pm
Finance Committee
April 13, 6:00 pm
April 21, 6:00 pm*
*Special budget meeting
Policy Committee
April 13, 5:00 pm
Safe Schools Committee
March 29, 6:00 pm
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You Could Save Up to $487 through NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program
Are you eligible? Do you know someone who is? Learn more and help us spread the word about this program!
Education/Curriculum/Instruction (ECI) Committee
The ECI Committee met on March 2, 2021.
Secondary Textbook & Resource Adoption 2021-2022
Adoption information for World Language, Social Studies and English was reviewed for the committee. Senderos 3 and Senderos 4 will complete the vertically aligned program that was adopted last year for Spanish I and II. This program integrates resources for native Spanish speakers and is compatible with Canvas.
The resource adoption proposed for social studies is Ways of the World, a text and resource for Advanced Placement (AP) World History. Covering 10,000 years of world history, it focuses on significant historical themes, trends and developments and provides students the opportunity to study evidence as a historian would. There are also digital tools to help students prepare for the AP assessment.
Secondary English adoptions are four novels to be added to 11th and 12th grade elective and required courses. A considerable amount of research was invested in the selection of these novels in order to broaden the diversity of the reading selections so that they are reflective of the cultures of our students. With the addition of these novels, culturally diverse and appealing literature will have been added to the English curriculum in grades seven through 12 over the past year.
Math Curriculum Recommendation and Adoption
NPSD Curriculum Supervisors Dr. Sean Arney, Ron Martiello, Michele Falco, and Ainsley Fay-Merkl informed the committee about the K-6 Math program and resources they and their team are proposing for adoption. Their team consisted of regular education, special education, English Language Development (ELD) and gifted teachers; instructional coaches; inclusion facilitators; administrators; and parents. After reviewing five programs, the stakeholders concluded that Ready Math had the rigor, cultural responsiveness, compatibility with Canvas, and parent friendliness they were seeking. The total cost for a six-year contract that includes student and teacher texts and licenses as well as professional development is $1,269,095.
Dr. Elisha K. Gee
Christian Fusco, Tim MacBain
The next ECI Committee meeting will be held on April 6, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Facilities and Operations Committee
The Facilities and Operations Committee Committee met on February 22, 2021.
The committee reviewed the professional boundary and topographic survey proposal for the WNPV property.
The district’s construction manager, William Slawter of ICS, NPSD Supervisor of Environmental and Custodial Operations Dan Linski, and NPSD Director of Facilities and Operations Tom Schneider provided an in-depth update of the Knapp Elementary and Crawford Stadium projects. The projects are well underway and progressing well.
The committee discussed having the school board tour North Penn High School similar to the tour that was conducted in 2019. The tour was conducted on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.
Jonathan Kassa
Vice Chair:
Cathy Wesley
Juliane Ramić,
Tina Stoll
The next Facilities and Operations Committee meeting will be held on March 29, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
The Finance Committee met for a regular meeting on March 9, 2021.
Budget transfers were reviewed with additional discussion on the following items.
2021-2022 North MontCo Career and Technical Center Budget
NPSD Chief Financial Officer Steve Skrocki presented an overview of the budget. The overall general fund budget is increasing by 2.82%. However, North Penn's tuition share is increasing by 7.29%, or $290,031, due to the increased enrollment. North Penn's five-year enrollment average is 43.49% of the total students and is the highest among the sending school districts.
Budget Presentations
The School and Community Engagement and District Communications budgets were reviewed by Christine Liberaski and Bob Gillmer.
A special Finance Committee meeting was held on March 16, 2021. The monthly financial reports were reviewed with additional discussion on the following items.
Representative Joseph Ciresi discussed HB 272 which deals with charter school funding reform. This proposed legislation would save North Penn taxpayers $620,000 per year. Skrocki and NPSD Assistant Director of Business Administration, Kristin Johnson, presented data on the enrollment growth and corresponding financial impact of charter schools on North Penn and cyber school performance data.
Departmental budget presentations were made by the following administrators:
- Dr. Todd Bauer - Secondary Education
- Dr. D'Ana Waters - Curriculum
- Megan McGee - Special Education
- Dr. Mia Kim - Human Resources
North MontCo Technical Career Center Bond Refunding
NMTCC has an opportunity to refund its 2015 bonds. Their financial advisor conducted an RFP for a bank loan and North Penn's net savings would be $80,294 over the life of the loan. Each sending district needs to approve a resolution authorizing the refunding. A refunding resolution will appear on the April 15 NPSD Board of School Directors Action Meeting agenda.
Second Look Health Care Rates
Skrocki reviewed the second look medical and prescription rates for 2021-2022 and the corresponding budget impact. The medical rates are increasing by 2.4% while the prescription rates are decreasing by 13.1%, resulting in a net change of 0%, which was planned for in the preliminary budget. The final rates translate into a $0 budgetary impact to the district for 2021-2022.
Federal Stimulus Update
Johnson provided an update on the various sources and uses of the Federal stimulus funding that the district has received and will be receiving.
Christian Fusco
Vice Chair:
Al Roesch
Committee of the Whole
The next Finance Committee meetings will be held on April 13, 2021 and April 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
NPSD Educational Foundation
The NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees met on March 3, 2021.
A presentation was given by Dr. D'Ana Waters, NPSD Director of Curriculum and Equity , and Jackie Giammarco, NPSD Curriculum Supervisor for Professional Learning and Special Content Areas, regarding NPSD's equity and racism goals and efforts. The Foundation has committed to supporting district efforts including an Equity Summit in the works for the summer. This is in addition to the various innovative projects the Foundation annually supports that provide equity and access to all students.
Trustees enjoyed a video segment on Haiku U, a grant funded at North Penn High School that encouraged staff and students to submit original haiku poems. Thank you to english teacher Ellen McKee who developed the fun project and to Chick-Fil-A Montgomeryville who provided coveted gift cards for winners.
The Foundation's grant committee reported a general solicitation for innovative classroom project proposals for the 2021-2022 school year will be sent to staff by end of the month.
The next NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees meeting will be held on April 7, 2021 at 3:00 pm.
Board of Trustees Member:
Juliane Ramić
The Policy Committee met on March 9, 2021.
The committee continued with its review of policies in the 200 series. Policies 223 - Use of Bicycles and Motor Vehicles, 224 - Care of School Property, and 227 - Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia were discussed.
Also, as a result of Senate Bill 530 being signed into law as Act 110 of 2020 on November 3, 2020, a new section of the PA School Code 24 P.S. Sec. 13-1318.1 was created. In order to be in compliance with the new School Code section, two policies that had been approved - Policy 103- Discrimination - Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students and Policy 252 - Dating Violence - were amended. Also, a new policy, Policy 218.3 - Discipline of Students Convicted/Adjudicated of Sexual Assault, was drafted.
Christian Fusco
Al Roesch,
Tina Stoll
The next Policy Committee meeting will be held on April 13, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
Due to an unexpected change in availability, NPSD Coordinator of Emergency Management and Safe School Chris Doerr was not able to attend and informational items on the agenda were tabled. The committee convened again on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 6:00 pm where the following items were reviewed.
Work toward scheduling outside assessments of district safety and security practices. Doerr has been in contact with the PA State Police Risk & Vulnerability Assessment Team, as well as private firms that conduct this work. The committee is working to schedule these independent assessments for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
An update on the progress of the ScholarChip school safety project. To date, this is a grant-funded project that has revamped student and staff photo IDs and created a new school check-in process at the secondary level. Check-in kiosks are up and running at North Penn High School and in use by students on a daily basis. Remaining work includes the roll-out of this check-in process at the middle school level, as well as implementation of bus ridership features which will be completed by June this year.
A comprehensive overview of North Penn's school threat assessment program was presented. The presentation included a background on the definition and purpose of school threat assessment, North Penn's program development activities thus far, a summary of North Penn's school threat assessment protocol, and next steps in program development.
Jonathan Kassa
Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell,
Cathy Wesley
The next Safe Schools Committee meeting will be held on March 29, 2021 at 6:00 pm.