December 10, 2021
Ruby Hamilton shares her insights on how the forces of socialization have shaped her identity in the Mask Exhibition
Sharing what she learned in Biology, Honesty Novinger counsels her "patient" in the Animas Oncology Lab
Greetings Ospreys,

It's looking downright wintery around the Nest today after our first significant snowstorm, just in time for POL week, the end of the semester and the holiday season. Our apologies if you were trying to reach out to us today, as our internet was knocked out by the storm! Thanks to the truly amazing generosity of our school community, we wrapped piles and piles of presents for the 6 families we adopted through the Holidays with Heart Holiday Gift Drive during the day today, rather than waiting to do it at the Ospreys on Ice Holiday Party from 7:30 to 9pm tonight at Chapman Ice Rink. Thank you so much to all who donated gifts!

Upcoming Exhibitions
This is a weekend filled with artistic Ospreys sharing their learning through performances around town and we encourage you to attend their exhibitions!

Britt's Painting students will exhibit their Coal Painting Nature Studies tonight, 6-7pm at the D&SNGRR Museum.

The Osprey Theater Company presents their debut performance, the one-act play The Hope and Heartache Diner Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Durango Art Center. To purchase tickets, you must "register" for it as you would an event or class. Here is the link to the event registration page. If you scroll down, you will see the different dates for Willy Wonka, Jr. The AHS play is a double feature with Wonka tonight and tomorrow at 7pm and Sunday at 2pm.

Finally, students in our two Music Performance elective classes will perform at the iAM Music Winter Student Showcase on Sunday from 2-7pm at Outdoorsy at 934 Main Avenue in downtown Durango. The 2 AHS bands will go on around 6pm and admission is free.
Presentations of Learning (POLs)
Students in all grades must successfully complete their Presentations of Learning by the end of next week in order to move on next semester. Please review all the details in the POL letter, including format for each grade, scheduling, expectations and more.

  • 9th grade: All students will be on campus Monday 12/13 for POL Dress Rehearsals with an early release at 1:05pm. Students' POL schedules vary for Tuesday and Wednesday when they are presenting and paneling, and those who need to do their POLs a second time will do so on Thursday.

  • 10th grade: Sophomore POLs run from Monday through Wednesday, with make-ups scheduled on Thursday and Friday.

  • 11th grade: Juniors will all be on campus full days Monday and Tuesday to prepare for their POLs, which take the form of job interviews. The junior team will share the POL schedule with students early next week and POLs will take place Wednesday and Thursday, with make-ups Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Students will not panel for peers this time around.

  • 12th grade: Senior POLs have already begun and continue through next Thursday. Students must attend for their own POL and those they are paneling.

The Hub Bus will run all week next week at its regular times. We will provide catered lunch on Monday and Tuesday, but not on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Sack lunches will be available for students all week.

2nd Semester Schedules
Second semester begins on Tuesday, January 4. Students will begin 3rd quarter XBlock classes on Wednesday, January 5. The add/drop form is now open for students who would like to request changes in 2nd semester electives. Questions? Reach out to Maureen at
Be Local Coupon Books
Don't forget to purchase your Be Local Coupon Book at the AHS Main Office for $25 cash or check made out to "Animas High School" or order here and we'll send it home with your student. Coupon books make great holiday gifts and AHS receives $6 from each one sold!

COVID Updates
This week, we had no new COVID cases. Please continue to contact with any positive COVID results, questions or guidance you might need.

To register your student for our weekly on-campus COVID testing sign up here. Our school code is C0075 and once registered, students can test weekly without re-registering. Learn more about the program here. The next on-campus testing date will be Tuesday, January 4.

Enjoy the weekend and thanks for all you do to help the Ospreys soar!
Upcoming AHS Events

Last Advisory and XBlock of the Semester: Wed. 12/8

Winter Exhibition Extravaganza (9th and 11th grades): Wed. 12/8

Last Day of 1st Semester Classes: Fri. 12/10

Painting Exhibition: Coal Painting Nature Studies: Fri. 12/610, 5-6pm at D&SNGRR Roundhouse Museum

Ospreys on Ice Holiday Party: Fri. 12/10, 7-8:30pm at Chapman Ice Rink

Osprey Theater Company: The Hope and Heartache Diner: Fri. 12/10, Sat. 12/11, Sun. 12/12

iAM Music Winter Student Showcase featuring AHS Music Performance Students: Sun. 12/12, 2-7pm at Outdoorsy

Presentations of Learning: Mon. 12/13 to Fri. 12/17

Winter Break: Sat. 12/18 through Sun. 1/2

Professional Development Day (no classes): Mon. 1/3

First Day of 2nd Semester: Tues. 1/4
"Living through the Cycle of Socialization," a short film from students in the class of 2025 which premiered at their Exhibition this week
Animas High School prepares all students for college and postsecondary success by creating critical thinkers and engaged citizens through an innovative, student-centered, project-based curriculum. We accomplish this through:
Rigorous academics, where all students are prepared for college success
Culture of excellence, where students are held to high expectations
Strong student-faculty relationships, where students are well known.
Engaging learning, where students see the relevance in their education