Upcoming Events
Campus Tour for Prospective Families: Tues, 4/4 5:30pm; RSVP here
TWIGS HIke with Ashley Carruth and SOLES Sisters: Thurs. 4/6, 5pm location TBA
Student Council Easter Egg Hunt: Fri. 4/7
TWIGS Parent Coffee: Mon. 4/10, 8:30am
Spirit Week: Mon. 4/10 through Fri. 4/15
PSAT/SAT Testing Date (9th-11th grades): early release after testing for all: Wed. 4/12
CMAS Testing Date (11th grade): no early release: Thurs. 4/13
Junior/Senior Prom: Sat. 4/15, 7:30-10pm
LINK Internships (11th grade): Mon. 4/17 through Fri. 5/5
TWIGS HIke with Osprey Alum Parent Mimi Gates: Fri. 4/21, 3:30pm
Sophomore Inspire Week (10th grade): Mon. 4/24 through Fri. 4/28
TWIGS Happy Hour: Thurs. 4/27, 6pm
TWIGS HIke with AHS Co-Founder Jesse Hutt: Tues. 5/2, 9am
All School Exhibition: Thurs. 5/11, 4-7pm
Senior Project TED Talks: Thurs. 5/11 through Thurs. 5/18
Final NEST Meeting (special schedule): Thurs. 5/18
Senior Supper: Thurs. 5/18, 6-8pm
Advisory Olympics: Fri. 5/19
Graduation: Fri. 5/19, 4pm
TPOL Prep (special schedule): Mon. 5/22 and Tues. 5/23
Transitional Presentations of Learning: Wed. 5/24 through Tues. 5/31
Last Day of School: Tues. 5/31