January 9, 2017

conflicts Conflicts of Interests Workshop Jan. 20
The Office of Research will hold a Conflicts of Interest workshop on Friday Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. in Jardine 405. The workshop, hosted by Becky Hundley, WSU director of intellectual property and research compliance, will cover conflicts of interest and financial conflict of interest reporting required by public health service agencies and management plans. Register through the myTraining portal at mywsu.wichita.edu. Contact Jana Henderson for more information.
  Jana.henderson@wichita.edu or 978-3285.

IRBInstitutional Review Board Labs

The Office of Research will hold monthly workshops to address Institutional Review Board (IRB) forms and questions about proposed or current studies. The IRB reviews research involving human subjects and enforces the requirement of informed consent to assure that the rights and welfare of subjects who participate in research conducted by WSU faculty, staff and students are protected and that the University is in compliance with federal requirements. Labs will be held on the following dates from 10-11:30 a.m. in Jardine 405.
  • January 9
  • February 13
  • March 13
  • April 10
  • May 8
fundInnovation Fund reopens; $1,000 grants available for students
Wichita State University students are eligible for grants of up to $1,000 from WSU Ventures to support high-potential technologies showing promise of commercialization. The WSU Ventures Innovation Fund was recently replenished thanks to a donation from Bill Lucas, a 1961 WSU graduate. Qualifying expenses include those related to feasibility studies, planning, market intelligence, technical assistance, laboratory fees, technology or process development, and training software/information technology.   
Read more... 
BMEBMEidea competition offers university biomedical entrepreneurs the chance to win up to $10,000
Since 2005, the BMEidea competition has recognized biomedical engineering design with high commercial potential and social impact. Strong BMEidea submissions define a problem and demonstrate the development of a device, product, or technology designed to solve it.   Read more...  
JumpStartWichita State Jumpstart competition will award $60K for high potential technology

WSU Ventures is accepting applications for the Jumpstart Kansas Entrepreneurs competition, which will award six businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs up to $10,000 each for high-potential technology ideas, devices, methods and applications. The competition, made possible by the Kansas Department of Commerce, seeks to identify and award Kansas-based individuals and/or companies. The application is available at  www.wsuventures.org/funding-opportunities   and is open until Monday, Jan. 23. The top applicants will pitch to a panel of judges on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at Wichita State. Read more...
applyApply to earn $4,000 Award for Research/Creative Projects
The Office of Research's Award for Research/Creative Projects provides salary/fringes of $3,000 for two months, plus $1,000 for other operating expenses to enable faculty to pursue research or creative projects during the summer. The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 3 for grant period May 1-August 31, 2017. For application instructions and to apply, visit www.wichita.edu/grantopportunities.  
NSFVolunteer as an NSF Reviewer

The National Science Foundation (NSF) needs volunteers to serve as NSF Reviewers. One of the best ways to build your skills as a researcher seeking external funding is to serve as a Peer Reviewer of funding applications.  Visit the NSF website for details.

pivot Pivot external funding search tool offers free training

Pivot, an external funding search tool that Wichita State University subscribes to, offers a variety of free training opportunities in how to use Pivot. Upcoming webinars include Pivot Searching: Saving & Tracking Funding Opportunities and Pivot Profiles: Creating, Updating & Searching. Visit the website for details on upcoming webinars and training videos for researchers. 
complianceCompliance Corner: VAT? What's that?

VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a consumption tax that is charged on most goods and services bought and sold in the European Union (EU)*. Although exports from the EU are normally not subject to VAT, if you plan to ship an item to an address within the EU, your shipment may be subject to this tax. A VAT dispute can delay or even cancel delivery. Additionally, once the freight forwarder (such as FedEx, UPS or DHL) has paid the VAT on your behalf, you (as the sender) will be responsible for the payment.

Common examples of when the VAT might apply to you as a university employee include:
  • shipping a kiln (or camera, microscope, printer, etc.) to Germany for repair or replacement
  • sending a hybridoma cell line to a colleague at Cambridge for use in research
  • forwarding audio visual equipment to yourself for a semester as a guest lecturer in Madrid
There are ways to document imports and exports with allowed exceptions such that the VAT may be waived. Documentation must be in place at the time of shipment, and the freight forwarder is not obligated to take care of this for you. The Research Compliance Office can help you navigate international shipping classifications and licensing. Contact us before you ship.
or 978-2667.
* Although the United Kingdom recently voted to leave the EU, it is currently still participating and charging VAT.

importantImportant Office of Research Links