Volume 60 | January 2025

Happy New Year - From the Placitas Chamber

Greetings and Happy New Year!

The new year is young but there is a great list of events and activities available to attend during the month of January. Visit the Chamber Events page for a list.

This year, the Placitas Chamber has plans to sponsor at least four community activities. While we don't yet have all the dates and venues firmed up, our list of sponsored events so far includes Placitas Appreciation Day in early June, the Annual Chile Cook-Off event in the fall, a "Taste of the Tour" preview event for the 28th Annual Placitas Studio Tour. A fourth sponsored event is waiting in the wings for confirmation that's connected to the annual holiday markets here in Placitas. We'll send Save the Date emails as dates, times and venues are confirmed.

Something new is coming to our monthly newsletter, beginning with the February issue - cameo articles about our Chamber business members.

Your Placitas Chamber of Commerce

