Fall 2016
In this issue: 
Project Spotlight, Upcoming Events, Portland Harbor in the News


Please enjoy the fall edition of the Trustee Council's newsletter.  Read on to learn about restoration plans for the Linnton Plywood Mill site, recent news, and upcoming events.

On January 11th the Trustee Council will present at the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group's meeting.  These meetings are open to all of the public.  We hope to see you there. 

Lauren Senkyr, Outreach Coordinator
Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council

Project Spotlight- Linnton Plywood Mill

Pictured above, existing conditions at the Linnton Plywood Mill site (left) compared to the proposed restoration concept for the site (right). Photo credits: RestorCap.

The former Linnton Plywood Mill is in the process of being transformed into a habitat restoration project to benefit fish and wildlife affected by contamination in Portland Harbor. The project is located on the west bank of the Willamette River in the heart of Portland Harbor between the St. Johns Bridge and the Linnton community. The 25 acre parcel was purchased by the environmental restoration firm RestorCap in September 2015. Prior to RestorCap's purchase of the property for habitat restoration, the lot stood vacant for nearly 15 years.
Planned restoration activities include demolition of the mill buildings, construction of new off-channel habitat, daylighting of a culverted cold-water stream, construction of enhanced shallow water and active channel margin habitats, and extensive planting of native species of plants and trees. The project design also includes a trail that will provide the public with a viewpoint overlooking the river and newly restored habitat. RestorCap is building the project to create natural resource and mitigation credits that may be used to offset environmental liability and satisfy restoration needs in Portland Harbor. 
Permitting and planning activities have been ongoing since late 2015. RestorCap anticipates building demolition will occur in the spring of 2017. Habitat construction and planting are scheduled for the summer and fall of 2017.  To learn more about the project, visit RestorCap's website

Cameras set up to capture images of mink using the project area documented this coyote on a small stretch of beach at the Linnton Plywood Mill site. Photo credit: RestorCap.
Upcoming Events

Community Advisory Group meetings
December 14, 2016
January 11, 2017
February 8, 2017
Portland Harbor CAG meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. 
6:00 - 8:00 PM at  City of Portland's Water Pollution Control Testing Lab-  6543 N Burlington Avenue  Portland, Oregon

Trashy Tuesdays
Join Willamette Riverkeeper on the second Tuesday of each month to help  pick up trash in the central part of Portland along the  Willamette River Reserve a seat in one of their canoes, or bring your own boat.   Register  by emailing  [email protected]

River Restoration Symposium
February 7-9, 2017 at Skamania Lodge  Stevenson, Washington

Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium
February 6, 2017 from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM at  Portland State University's Smith Center Ballroom  1825 SW Broadway,  Portland, Oregon

Portland Harbor in the News
The Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council is responsible for restoring natural resources that have been impacted by contamination in the Portland Harbor Superfund site. The purpose of this newsletter is to share information about the Trustee Council's work with those who are interested in our assessment and restoration efforts.