Summer 2024
Dear Colleagues,

We are looking forward to welcoming new faculty to Cornell at next month's new faculty orientation on Aug 21-22. More than 150 new faculty have been invited to attend.

We also are planning Fall programs. These include our popular Making Time to Write accountability program, a new 5-part workshop series, Crafting an Op-Ed: Guide to Writing, Editing and Getting Published, offered by Cornell's Office of Media Relations, and another new program, Writing for Impact, a three-part series where faculty will work to extend their reach beyond a strictly academic audience.

Other Fall programs planned are:

  • Understanding Policy 6.4 and Obligations for Faculty
  • Discovering Cornell's Centers for Student Equity, Empowerment and Belonging - 9/9 from 3:30-5 PM
  • Opportunities to Include Undergraduates in Your Research - 9/16 from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
  • Alphabet Soup of Savings and Investment Plans, 10/24 from 2-3 PM
  • Estate Planning, 10/30 from 12-1 PM
  • Monthly workshops, It Depends on the Lens, for faculty search committee members

Details about all programs will be sent in upcoming emails. In addition, this fall the Office of the Deputy Provost and the Provost's Office of Faculty Development and Diversity will engage in community conversations and faculty talks focused on campus values, free speech and belonging. Stay tuned for more information early this fall.

If you have programming suggestions, please reach out to

We hope you are enjoying the summer -- it is going by so fast! Below we share highlights from the past year.

Avery August
Deputy Provost

Yael Levitte
Senior Associate Vice Provost for Faculty
Development and Diversity

Gabriela Vargas
Director of Faculty Engagement and Early Career Development
Provost's Office of Faculty Development and Diversity
Recognizing Excellence in Promoting
Diversity - Leak, Vashistha Honored
Associate Professor,
Division of Nutritional Sciences and Associate Dean, College of Human Ecology
Assistant Professor,
Information Science,
Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of
Computing and Information Science
Tashara Leak, an associate profession in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and associate dean in the College of Human Ecology, and Aditya Vashishta, an assistant professor in Information Science in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, received the 2024 Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching and Service through Diversity.

The award comes with a $15,000 prize. For more information, see story in Cornell Chronicle highlighting their contributions.
Six Cornell Academic Leaders Join Faculty Advancement Network's 2024-2025
Institute on Inquiry, Equity and Leadership
in the Academic Department
Frank H. Rhodes Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director, Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Schleifer Family Professor and Director, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Professor and Chair,
Professor and Chair, Africana Studies and Research Center
Marie Underhill Noll Professor of the History of Science and Chair, Science and Technology Studies
Associate Professor and Chair, Performing and Media Arts
Six Cornell faculty members (shown above) are participating in the Ivy+ Faculty Advancement Network, a consortium of 13 research universities, including Cornell, seeking to advance diversity and inclusion in the American professoriate.

Over the 2024-25 academic year, the fellows will join colleagues from other universities in the Institute on Inquiry, Equity and Leadership in the Academic Department. Through in person and on-line workshops they will explore campus climate and how to make their departments and institutions more equitable. More information about the Faculty Advancement Network is available here.
Anindita Banerjee Named Special Assistant to Dean, School of Continuing Education
As part of the Ivy + Mellon Fellowship, Anindita Banerjee, an associate professor in the Department of Comparative Literature, has been appointed a special assistant to the dean for curriculum and program development in the School of Continuing Education (SCE).

She will assist SCE's efforts to develop an online bachelor’s degree, re-launch the residential summer precollege programs, and strengthen SCE’s role as a pathway to Cornell for students from underserved backgrounds.

"I am excited to be working with Dean Loeffelholz on these multifaceted efforts to expand access to Cornell’s excellent education across the disciplines, and to forge innovative structures and channels for doing so,” said Banerjee.

Banerjee's appointment culminates her two-year-long term as Ivy+ Mellon fellow with the Faculty Advancement Network.
Antisemitism and Islamophobia Examined - Postponed Lecture to be Held Sept 24
Derek J. Penslar, William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History in the Department of History at Harvard University, is coming to Cornell this fall. Originally scheduled for April 8, his talk Beyond Sympathy and Antisemitism: The International Community and the Creation of the State of Israel, 1947-1949, was eclipsed by the eclipse.

Penslar will speak on Sept 24, at 5 PM in G10 Biotechnology and on-line. Stay tuned for future emails.

Penslar's talk is part of a series, Antisemitism and Islamophobia Examined, sponsored by multiple academic units in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Provost's office. Links to the recordings are provided below.

Nov 16, 2023The Intersectionality of Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Racism, given by Ross Brann, the Milton R. Konvitz Professor of Jewish and Near Eastern Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University

Feb. 12, 2024, Antisemitism, the Israel-Hamas War, and Distorting the Law of Genocide, given by Menachem Rosensaft, Adjunct Professor of Law and Lecturer, Cornell Law School

Feb. 26, 2024, Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism: What's the Relationship? given by Dov Waxman, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies, UCLA

March 18, 2024, Out of Time: On the Rise and Resilience of Anti-Muslim Bigotry Today given by Moustafa Bayoumi, Journalist and Professor at Brooklyn College, City University of New York

March 26, 2024, Let's Talk about Anti-Zionism given by Ethan Katz Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, University of California Berkeley

March 28, 2024, Racializing Religion: Islamophobia, Antisemitism and Palestine, Sahar Aziz, Distinguished Professor of Law and Director, Center for Security, Race and Rights, Rutgers University Law School

April 30, 2024, Villains into Heroes: The Rehabilitation of Fascists and Antisemites in Europe and North America given by Robert Williams, Finci-Viterbi Executive Director, USC Shoah Foundation
Sijin Li and Kathy Hodge Receive Schwartz
Research Fund Award
Assistant Professor
Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Professor
School of Integrative Plant Science
Plant Pathology and
Plant-Microbe Section
Kathie Hodge, an associate professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science, and Sijin Li, an assistant professor in the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, are the recipients of this year's Schwartz Research Fund Award. The award comes with $25,000 in research support and recognizes life science faculty whose research has outstanding promise to generate novel preliminary data or open a significant new line of inquiry.

Hodge is examining how entomophthorales, an ancient lineage of fungi, first evolved, how they interact with their hosts, and and the evolutionary innovations that have led to their success. Li will use the funding to further her lab’s search for a plant-derived painkiller that has less dangerous side effects than opioids.

In addition, Zhiting Tian, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in Cornell Engineering; Amy Krosch, assistant professor of psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences; and Jillian Goldfarb, associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and associate dean’s fellow for undergraduate programs in Cornell Engineering, each received a $1,500 Schwartz grant to support conference-related travel.

For more information, see the Cornell Chronicle story.
Academic Leadership Series Continues:
20 Faculty Participating
Now in its fifth year, the Academic Leadership Series gives faculty leaders -- chairs and directors -- and those aspiring to take on leadership roles an inside look into university operations, how decisions are made and the issues academic leaders face.

Comprised of 20 tenured faculty members across the university, this year's cohort first met in March when they listened to a talk Cornell by the Numbers given by Chris Cowen, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Additional sessions covered topics such as managing crisis, and strategic planning and restructuring. This fall's topics include understanding the undergraduate experience, and mediation.

Each session is designed with an action-learning pedagogy to engage participants in dialogue. The series is led by Avery August, Deputy Provost; Yael Levitte, Senior Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity; Kathryn Boor, dean of the Graduate School, and Sunita Sah, an associate professor of management and organizations in SC Johnson College of Business.

Participants are nominated by their deans. Self-nominations with the support of deans are welcome. Applications for the 2025-26 cohort will be solicited early next year.
OFDD Maintains Several List Servs
The Office of Faculty and Development and Diversity (OFDD) manages several mailing lists, tailored to faculty career stages and interests.

You can register to join our new lists:
  • Academic Parents is for faculty interested in parenting issues;
  • First Generation Faculty is for faculty seeking to engage with others who are the first in their family to graduate from college.
  • The LGBTQIA list serv is for faculty interested in issues affecting the LGBTQIA community.
  • We are also introducing a new list serv for faculty interested in issues impacting faculty and students who are neurodiverse.

If you are interested in being added to a mailing list, please use this form.
Making Time to Write: Writing Accountability Program Open to All Faculty
OFDD's writing accountability program, Making Time to Write, is open to all faculty. More than 300 faculty members have participated in the program since it began in spring 2020.

Held on Zoom, the three-hour-long sessions occur weekly and give faculty opportunities to set time aside on their calendars to write. Led by facilitators, the sessions run most weekdays, depending on demand. Participants join a community of writers from across the campus. Encouragement and accountability but not critique are offered.

To participate in this Fall's program running from Sept 2-Dec. 1, please register.
Supporting Faculty Development

Cornell is a member of NCFDD, a nationally recognized, independent organization providing online career development and mentoring resources. The membership provides all faculty members with access to tools to increase research and writing productivity and improve work-life balance.

To activate your NCFDD subscription, follow these instructions:

2) Under “Select Your Institution,” choose “Cornell University”;
3) Select “Activate my Membership”;
4) Complete the registration form using your Cornell email address;
5) Check your Cornell email account to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.

Please contact if you have questions.