Latest News from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

SSJ E-NEWS is available for viewing on the SSJ website.

Edition No. 91 — April 8, 2019 
Sister Mary Helen Kashuba SSJ, DML
Chestnut Hill College
2019 Nelson H. Brooks Award
Sister Mary Helen Kashuba SSJ , DML, was recently selected as the recipient of the 2019 Nelson H. Brooks Award for her distinguished service and leadership in the foreign language teaching profession.

Sister Mary Helen, professor of French and Russian, was selected as the recipient of this award by the Board of Directors of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL). Established in 1968 — but renamed in 1978 in honor of Nelson H. Brooks of Yale University — this annual award recognizes world language professionals for longstanding and exceptional service and leadership. NECTFL presented this award to  

Congratulations, Sister Mary Helen !
Pilgrimage 2019
Le Puy en-Velay and Lyon    
Our Congregation is blessed to be sending a third group of sisters on pilgrimage to Le Puy en-Velay and Lyon in May. Carrying the hopes and dreams of all of us, they will be traveling in the footsteps of our  founders.
At liturgy on Saint Joseph Day we offered our newest pilgrims, listed below, prayerful support and blessing.   

Dolores Clerico
Mary Karalis
Jean Laurich
Mary Esther Lee
Eileen Maguire
Rosanne McCabe
Pat McGinley
Sheila Murphy
Merilyn Ryan
Joan Suberati
Maryanne Zakreski
With raised hands in blessing, we prayed:

         May the God of travelers bless you on your journey.
         May you be guided and protected in your travel by road, by 
         rail and by air.

         Immersed in the culture and spirit of the Sisters of Saint
Joseph in LePuy and Lyon, may the zeal of Father Medaille
and our first sisters live on in you and inspire you.

         Eyes open, ears attentive, spirit alert, may you return home with hearts 
         renewed and ready to continue responding generously to the needs
         of the dear neighbor.

         May Divine Love who created us,
         Jesus, who showed us the face of Love,
         and the Spirit who abides in our hearts,
bless you and make us all bearers of God’s Great Love now and
always. Amen.
Pictured standing from left: Joan Suberati, Eileen Maguire, Dolores Clerico and Mary Ester Lee
Seated from left: Jean Laurich, Mary Karalis, Maryanne Zakreski and Rosanne McCabe
Pilgrims (standing) receive a blessing at Liturgy on Saint Joseph Day
Villa Sisters Visit Newly Updated
Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart Chapel
Residents from Saint Joseph Villa were shuttled to our Motherhouse to see the newly updated chapel for the first time! The Villa sisters enjoyed sharing stories about the space they so love and learning about the recent updates to the chapel.
Retirement and Service Awards Celebration
Chestnut Hill College
April 3, 2019
Sister Carol Jean Vale SSJ , Ph.D., President, Chestnut Hill College, welcomed faculty, students, staff, family and friends to the annual Retirement and Service Awards Celebration, held in the Redmond Room on April 3, 2019.

Among those retiring:
Kathleen Duffy, SSJ , Ph.D.  Professor of Physics, 1979-1984, 1994-2019
Barbara Glennon, SSJ, D.M.A.  Professor of Music, 1972-2019
Patricia O’Donnell SSJ , Ph.D.  
Associate Professor of Philosophy  1973-1983, 1985-2007
Director of Institutional Research. 2007-2019

Recipients of Service Awards included:
15 Years:  Mary Ester Lee SSJ , M.A.  
Admissions Counselor/Academic Advisor, SCPS

Faculty Promotion & Tenure Recognition:
Marie Leahy, SSJ , Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Education to
Associate Professor of Education, effective July 1, 2019
Awarded tenure, effective July 1, 2019 

Congratulations to all the honorees!
Pictured from left: Carol Jean Vale SSJ and
Kathleen Duffy SSJ
From left: Carol Jean Vale SSJ and
Barbara Glennon SSJ
From left: Carol Jean Vale SSJ, Cecilia Cavanaugh SSJ and Marie Leahy SSJ
From left: Carol Jean Vale SSJ and
Patricia O'Donnell SSJ
"Rooted in the mission of Christ, ours is the same mission which continually unfolds in the Church, 'That all may be one as you, Father, are in me, and I in you. I pray that they may be one in us.' (Jn 17:21)."
                                        — SSJ Constitutions #17
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | |