Latest News from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

SSJ E-NEWS is available for viewing on the SSJ website.

Edition No. 92 — April 11, 2019 
General Council Visit
Saint Joseph Villa
April 3, 2019
On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, the members of the General Council visited the sisters at the Villa to thank them for their love and support, especially over the past five years.

The afternoon began with a prayer service in the Chapel. Anne, Eileen, Gee, Maureen and Terry each expressed how much they have relied on the prayer and support of the Villa sisters and how the example of their lives continues to inspire them. The service ended with a blessing for the Council and a song of thanks — sung beautifully by the Villa Choir. 

Following the prayer service, everyone was invited into the auditorium for some refreshments and an opportunity to socialize.
Sisters offer a blessing for the General Council
Spring Fling 2019
Norwood-Fontbonne Commons
April 6, 2019
One hundred and ten sisters, associates and friends gathered on Saturday, April 6, 2019, for the annual ‘Spring Fling’.

Arriving at Norwood-Fontbonne Commons, they were greeted by  Sister Eileen Dorothy SSJ , Director of Senior Services and the Easter Bunny! 

The afternoon included great music, a scrumptious dinner and wonderful prizes. The amusing entertainment included a performance entitled,  Antique Road Show by the ‘Red Hat Ladies’, a rendition of  You Are My Sunshine (Sister Fran DeLisle) and a trumpet solo (Sister Maureen MacElderry). 

John Catterall and Beth Mead led a sing along as the afternoon came to a close. Everyone enjoyed the great company and certainly had a lot of fun.
Special thanks to all the volunteers
Nuns Who Cook
Saint Joseph Villa
April 6, 2019
By Kathleen Pales SSJ
How grateful we are to our Associates in Mission and our ‘Sister-Cooks’ who made  Nuns Who Cook such an enjoyable, successful event! Elly Kline, Chair of the event, Janet Beerley, Dannah Addalli and Marylou Montuoro, all Associates in Mission, worked with the Development and Communications Office staffs and the staff at Saint Joseph Villa to provide a great experience of Sisters and Associates coming together to have fun and provide support for our Villa sisters.

The event opened with a warm welcome from  Sister Anne Myers SSJ , Congregational President. “Thank you for coming here tonight. There is a psalm in the Bible, Psalm number 34, which says, ‘Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.’ I think tonight we could paraphrase that to say, ‘Taste and see the good things of our  Nuns Who Cook and their wonderful partners, our SSJ associates and friends’. We are grateful to them for devoting their time and culinary skills to giving our palates a delectable treat that we will long remember! 

For many of you, I am sure that this your first time in our lovely Villa dining room, which was part of our recent renovation. So please enjoy this sampling of foods, in the company of friends and family, in this lovely setting! Thank you for supporting the Sisters of Saint Joseph, and most especially, our sisters here at Saint Joseph Villa. Please know that we remember you and your families each day in our prayers.”

Thank you to our generous sponsors and to all who advertised in the Program Book. We truly appreciate all those who contributed raffle baskets and bottles of wine, and we are grateful to the three judges who decided the winners in each cooking category. 

Congratulations to the Sister/Associate Teams who won the coveted medals and bragging rights. 

Appetizer:Zuppa Toscano
Sister Christine Joseph SSJ, Patricia Dunn and Rosemarie House
Entrée: Pulled Pork Sliders
Sister Madeline Franze SSJ, Sister Vickie Fanino SSJ and Pat Harrington
Dessert: Pizzelles
Sister Rose Albert Reda SSJ, Cristina Diaz and Kerry Rusak

Most of all, thank you to everyone who attended the event and brought so much enthusiasm and excitement to the evening.
"Rooted in the mission of Christ, ours is the same mission which continually unfolds in the Church, 'That all may be one as you, Father, are in me, and I in you. I pray that they may be one in us.' (Jn 17:21)."
                                        — SSJ Constitutions #17
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | |