Spring 2018
Your quarterly news & updates
There are always exciting projects and events going on in our watershed! Read on to learn about what we've been up to in the last few months, and what we have planned for the next.
Stream & Floodplain Restoration Project
Hudson, OH - Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners (TCWP) has been awarded a $191,500 Great Lakes Restoration grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Funds will be used to restore instream habitat to a historically hannelized portion of Tinker’s Creek, plant native species along its banks, removal invasive species, and restore natural flow.

Earth Hour 2018
Earth Hour is wherever you are from 8:30-9:30 pm local time
Intern Kristin Aldridge working our table at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Winter events
TCWP has been active in our watershed communities this winter. We've continued to work with each of our communities to understand their priorities and where we can be most effective. TCWP will be hosting its annual Mayors' Breakfast in March to update our community leaders and receive feedback on their goals.

Winter is a time for planning, and that's exactly what we've been doing! TCWP has been working with our partners and our members to plan events throughout the watershed for this growing season. We hope each of you will see us out in the creek this spring!

TCWP had a wonderful time at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in downtown Cleveland this winter. The Museum of Natural History hosted the event with inspiring films and tables from environmentally minded groups, including TCWP.

Winter is also a time for writing, and TCWP has written grant applications for multiple projects all over the watershed. These grants will help with a range of activities from printing, administrative costs, to stewardship and education events, to more stream restorations and trails. We'll keep you updated on our work!

Earth Day 2018
April 21, 2018
Find an Earth Day celebration near you! TCWP will be in Liberty Park
Garlic mustard is a common invasive that comes up in the spring. TCWP has several events to help remove this plant so natives can thrive. Join us!
Monetary donations aren't the only way to support TCWP, we can also take donations of tools and other equipment. Contact us if you're interested in donating items!
Upcoming Events
March 20: Garlic Mustard Pull-Twinsburg
March 26: Monday MeetUp-Water Quality Monitoring Training
March 31: Rain Barrel Workshop-Streetsboro

April 14: Tree planting-Bedford
April 17: Garlic Mustard Pull-Twinsburg
April 18: Rain Barrel Workshop-Macedonia
April 19: Herrick Fen-Tour and Garlic Mustard Pull
April 21: Earth Day Celebration-Liberty Park
April 28: Twinsburg Garden Club- Talks in Review
April 27-30: iNaturalist Competition

May 1: Trumbull Woods History Hike
May 9-11: Ohio Stormwater Conference
May 17: Bedford Garden Club presentation
May 19: RiverDay 2018-Glenwillow
May 22: Rain Barrel Workshop-Macedonia
May 23: What is a Watershed? Presentation- Bedford
May 24: Garlic Mustard Pull-Bedford Reservation
Many of these events require registration! Please see our full event calendar for details.
Members & Partners are the Key to our Success
Business Members
Thank you to our business members! If you own a business and would like to become a member or learn about our services to members, check out our website.

ADS (Advanced Drainage System)
Davey Resource Group
Environmental Design Group
ERM (Environmental Resource Management)
Good Nature Organic Lawn
Hop Tree Brewing
Hull & Associates
inSite Advisory Group, LLC
Mark Haynes Construction
Partners Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Robinson Lawn & Garden Center
Stephen Hovancsek and Associates, Inc.
The Shelly Company
Western Reserve Cable TV Consortium
Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Community Members
Thank you to our community members! You can learn more about our services to communities at our website.

Bedford Heights         
Valley View
Walton Hills

Individual Members
Thank you to our individual members! Having a reliable base of individual members is invaluable to us. Each person really does make a difference. If you would like to become an individual member or learn about what your membership helps accomplish, check out our website.

Thank you to Gary Truxton for becoming one of our newest members!

Not ready to become a member? You can also make a one-time donation of any amount. 
Become a water quality monitor!
We've got big plans for next season in the creek! But we need your help. TCWP is starting a water quality monitoring program to collect valuable data on the health of our stream.

Volunteers would need to go to a training in the spring (March 26), or talk to Kate directly. After you've gotten some training, you can pick a site to sample! Data sheets and equipment will be provided for you.

Interested but can't come to the training?
Christine Kitchens (left) and Kate Chapel (right) collect stream data in the Huron River in southeast Michigan. Kate is now the watershed coordinator for Tinker's Creek ready to collect data here!
Not Seen but Not Gone- Melting snow reveals litter problem
As the days warm up, melting snow reveals a huge problem that is usually hidden by the crisp white of snow: litter. The melting snow drains all of this litter into the stormwater systems and into our lakes and rivers, places where we get our drinking water. The water also carries salt sprinkled across the roads into the aquatic systems, raising salinity levels and making it difficult for fish and plants to survive.

More ways to get involved:
Get involved! Check out events near you!