Summer 2018
Your quarterly news & updates
There are always exciting projects and events going on in our watershed! Read on to learn about what we've been up to in the last few months, and what we have planned for the next.
2018 Ohio Stormwater Conference
Executive Director Harry Stark (left) and Board President Justin Czekaj (right)
Thank you for attending!
TCWP and the Ohio Stormwater Association hosted around 900 people at the 11th Annual Stormwater Conference.

Thank you to our sponsors, keynote speaker, presenters, exhibitors, and attendees!

The 2019 Ohio Stormwater Conference will be held at Sharonville Convention Center. Stay tuned for dates, abstract submission, and registration.

Keynote Speaker Dr. Ethel James-Cooper
Hudson Tenbroeck Restoration
We are now in the design phase of our restoration project!

Before construction begins, TCWP worked with Corey Wojcik to capture the starting point of this project.

You can see that this portion of Tinker's Creek has been channelized. The creek is slow moving and does not have a diversity of flow or habitat for fish and other life. This project will create that diversity of habitat to help Tinker's thrive.

All photos were taken by Corey Wojcik.

Earth Day 2018
TCWP gave away 100 redbud seedlings at this year's event with
the City of Twinsburg and Summit Metro Parks
Spring events
With the weather getting nicer, TCWP has been engaging the public out in the field as well as the classroom.

TCWP hosted several public education events including rain barrel workshops, public presentations about the watershed, and worked with volunteers and partners to remove invasive species.

The rain barrel workshops we hosted in Macedonia and Streetsboro have the potential to hold 2,035 gallons of stormwater at any given time!

Volunteers worked together at the Hemlock Creek Picnic Area to remove a whopping 223.33 pounds of garlic mustard this past May! Garlic mustard ( Alliaria petiolata ) is an invasive plant that comes up in our watershed every spring. Removing this species will allow the abundant natives on this trail to thrive.

Thank you very much to our partners at the Cleveland Metroparks, their Watershed Volunteer Program, Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District, and most certainly to our amazing volunteers for making this event a success!
Save the Date!!
October 23, 2018
Our second annual fundraiser
Drinkers for Tinker's will be back at Hop Tree Brewing!
TCWP has several events to collect data on the creek throughout the summer. Join us!
Monetary donations aren't the only way to support TCWP, we can also take donations of tools and other equipment. Contact us if you're interested in donating items!
Upcoming Events
June 19: Stream Clean Up-Twinsburg
June 26: Rain Barrel Workshop-Bedford Heights

July 8: Stream Monitoring-Solon
July 22: Stream Monitoring-Twinsburg

August 5: Stream Monitoring-Walton Hills
August 14: Just one word-PLASTIC-Beachwood
August 19: Stream Monitoring-Walton Hills

All Stream Monitoring events require signing up prior to the event. Please sign up by clicking here

Many of these events require registration! Please see our full event calendar for details.
Members & Partners are the Key to our Success
Business Members
Thank you to our business members! If you own a business and would like to become a member or learn about our services to members, check out our website.

Davey Resource Group
Environmental Design Group
ERM (Environmental Resource Management)
Good Nature Organic Lawn
Hop Tree Brewing
Hull & Associates
inSite Advisory Group, LLC
Partners Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Robinson Lawn & Garden Center
Starz Ballroom Twinsburg
Stephen Hovancsek and Associates, Inc.
The Shelly Company
Western Reserve Cable TV Consortium
Community Members
Thank you to our community members! You can learn more about our services to communities at our website.

Bedford Heights         
North Randall
Twinsburg Township
Valley View
Walton Hills

Individual Members
Thank you to our individual members! Having a reliable base of individual members is invaluable to us. Each person really does make a difference. If you would like to become an individual member or learn about what your membership helps accomplish, check out our website.

Thank you to Terri Bissell for becoming one of our newest members!

Not ready to become a member? You can also make a one-time donation of any amount. 
Mid-Year Stats
TCWP has hosted and partnered on several events in the first half of the year.

We are so grateful to our partners and volunteers who make a positive impact on our watershed everyday.

Every time you come to a workshop, volunteer at an event, or share our message, that contribution really adds up!

Here's how we're stacking up so far this year:

879 reached through education
86 trees planted
150 trees given away
37 rain barrels slowing down
2,035 gallons of stormwater at any given time
234 pounds of invasives removed

Top: Volunteers pose with their formidable foe-223.3 pounds of garlic mustard!

Bottom: Thanks to the City of Macedonia and Summit SWCD for a great rain barrel workshop!

Get involved! Check out events near you!