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JANUARY 4, 2024

This newsletter is published twice a month by the Township of Cranford to provide residents with important information and updates.


Mayor Brian Andrews


Deputy Mayor Terrence Curran



Commissioner Kathleen Miller Prunty

Public Works/Engineering      


Commissioner Gina Black

Public Affairs/Recreation & Parks


Commissioner Paul A. Gallo

Public Safety



Lavona Patterson


The Cranford Township Committee met last evening for the Annual Reorganization Meeting and election of Chair/Mayor and Vice Chair/Deputy Mayor. Key appointments were announced and more than 100 residents were named to various boards and committees. 


Each year, members of the Township Committee serve as liaison to municipal departments, boards and committees. Their role is to ensure two-way communication between the governing body, professional staff and volunteers serving on committees and bring recommendations forward to the full governing body. The membership lists of boards and committees will be posted soon on the Township website.

Mayor Brian Andrews

·        Emergency Management

·        Planning Board

·        Cranford Library Board

·        Cranford Prevention & Wellness

·        Cranford Community Connection


Deputy Mayor Terrence Curran – Public Affairs (Recreation & Parks)

·        Emergency Management

·        Environmental Commission

·        Shade Tree Commission

·        Stormwater Infrastructure Planning

·        Swim Pool Utility

·        Recreation & Parks, Cranford West, Memorial Day

·        Memorial Park Committee

·        Centennial Village Committee


Commissioner Kathleen Miller Prunty – Engineering & Public Works

·        Planning Board

·        Downtown Management Board

·        State & Regional Flood Control Planning

·        Complete Streets Advisory Board

·        Cable TV Advisory Board

·        Swim Pool Utility

·        Clean & Green Cranford Committee

·        Raritan Valley Rail Coalition

·        Cranford Business Park


Commissioner Paul Gallo – Public Safety

·        Board of Education liaison

·        Cranford Prevention & Wellness

·        Cranford Community Connection

·        Cannabis Legislation Group


Commissioner Gina Black – Finance

·        250 Revolution NJ Celebration Committee

·        Historic Preservation Advisory Board

·        Memorial Park Committee

·        Chamber of Commerce Liaison

·        Rahway Valley Sewage Authority

·        UC Solid Waste Advisory Council

Mayor Brian Andrews takes the oath of office administered by NJ Senate President Nick Scutari.

Deputy Mayor Dr. Terrence Curran takes the oath of office administered by Union County Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski.

Commissioner Paul Gallo takes the oath of office administered by Commissioner Kathleen Miller Prunty.

Cranford Attorney Mark Rothman was sworn in as Municipal Judge for a term ending December 2026. The oath was administered by the Honorable Richard Wishchusen, Superior Court Judge.

We are sharing a video prepared by the Cranford Board of Education on how the bond proposal will finance long-term improvements for Cranford's schools. As a reminder, the bond referendum vote will be January 23.


Watch this 5-minute video to learn how bond funding would help finance long-term improvements for Cranford’s schools.

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