Message from the Mayor

Happy Halloween! October is my favorite month in Cranford. We have so many fun traditions. Thank you to the many residents, volunteers, and township employees that have allowed these traditions to continue: Porchfest, Oktoberfest, Scarecrow Stroll, Halloween costume contest, Pumpkin drop and more. Many have had to adapt due to COVID safety requirements and health concerns - I commend the creativity and hard work by many that went into making these events happen.

As we celebrate Halloween on Saturday, please follow the safety guidelines shared in this newsletter.  

Despite various challenges due to the pandemic, a whopping TEN new​ businesses are opening in Downtown Cranford in October and November. In speaking with the new business owners, all reference the support of the residents and the other businesses as a major
factor in their decision to invest in our community. Thank you! Please continue to support our Downtown and all other local Cranford businesses.

Please see the important update in the
newsletter about the 750 Walnut Avenue property. As the township works
towards settling on our Affordable Housing obligations with Fair Share Housing Center, the courts ask that we continue to negotiate with the owners of that property.  

Thank you to Deputy Mayor Kathleen Prunty for launching this newsletter earlier this year. I hope that you find this
newsletter informative. As always, please feel free to reach out to me via email [email protected] with questions or concerns.


Patrick Giblin