News of the Women's Caucus for Art 
  New Hampshire Chapter
December 2019

The mission of the Women's Caucus for Art is to  create community through 
art, education, and social activism. 

In This Issue
Dear Members,

It's here again, that stressful time of year: the winter holidays. I recently read an article (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/arts-and-health/201606/art-making-and-stress-reduction) that any type of art making reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. So if you start to feel frazzled in the next few weeks, take a break and make a little art. Scientists say it will relax you (but we already knew that, right?). 
And if you are stressing out over what presents to purchase, how about some local art?  WCANH has lots of small, matted original artworks for sale to benefit our scholarship fund. These pieces were donated by members, so you know it's quality work, and you can see and purchase them online on our website (https://www.wcanh.org/shop/) on sale now for only $25 with free shipping! And our Busting Out Art Bra Calendars are available for only $15 at Twiggs Gallery in Boscawen and online at magcloud (https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1673275). Sales of the calendar benefit our Edith Weiler Scholarship for member professional development. 
Here's wishing you a stress free holiday season and a creative and productive 2020!

Happy Holidays,
Donna Catanzaro
The Share Space
More Ways We Help Each Other Succeed

The AMP, just north of Concord POD, traded beautiful Artist Tracing Cards at their holiday luncheon. Are you interested in trading ATC's again?
  Email Donna (donnacatanzaro1@gmail.com)and let her know your thoughts.


Lakes Center for the Arts
This Arts incubator is the continuing work of community members and artists in the repurposed Anna Lee Doll Factory just off Rte 104 in Meredith. For more more information and to get involved in this growing project contact Dayna Talbot or check out the web site.
 Read about it Here:


Last Figure Drawing this Semester

December 13

Plymouth State University
This is the best deal in town. Three hours of drawing (9:30-12:30 pm) a professional model. $10 a session + $10 a semester. All money goes to hire the model!
Participants work independent of instruction. A live model provides short and long poses during the 3-hour open studio figure drawing session. Artists need to bring their own drawing supplies. No photography and no oils permitted. The studio provides easels, table, and seating as well as access to an elevator and rest rooms.
All of this arranged by Darlene Nadeau. For more information or  just to thank her: 


How do we find out about books, websites, apps, blogs that help us grow professionally as independent artists? Usually by telling each other.  This is a share column for you by you. This has become my favorite part of the newsletter! Please send any info you think is worth sharing to:

Member's Businesses

These are businesses owned by WCA/NH members. It only makes sense that we support each other every way we can.  Please email me ( paulettebrace00@gmail)
 If you would like your business listed. Please put ArtGenda in the subject line so I am sure to see it.

Artist Services
Encaustic, oil and mixed media, cold wax painting, encaustic monotypes, printing without a press
Digital Services
Website setup and maintenance, image processing, artist statement writing
debraclaffey.com or debra@debraclaffey.com
owner: Debra Claffey

Maundy Mitchell Photography
Portrait Photography
Main Street
Plymouth, NH 03264
owner: Maundy Mitchell

Meredith Frame Shop
73 Main Street, Meredith, NH
owner: Davida Cook

Twiggs Gallery
254 King Street
Boscawen, NH 03303
owner: Adele Sanborn

PR Tarbell Fine Art 
236 Hopkinton Road
Concord NH
Gallery Open December 14 - 15
10 am - 4 pm, otherwise by appointment
603-496-2014 or artsculpt@mindspring.com

Join a WCA/NH Pod!

Pods are smaller circles of WCA/NH members who live nearby and want to connect to work, play, see shows together, etc. You are encouraged to "Pod hop" to have more personal time with other groups! If you don't see a Pod in your area, invite a few friends over and start one, or advertise for artists in your area in ArtGenda! 

AMP members celebrating.  Happy Holidays!

Artist's Meeting Point (AMP)

AMP, the just north of Concord Pod, will be meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 14 and then February 11.  We'll be sharing our art work and ideas, so please bring a piece(s) to the table. If you would like to stay, bring your own lunch to enjoy with us from 12 - 1. This all happens at TWIGGS Gallery in Boscawen, exit 17 off of I93. 
Contact:  adele.sanborn@gmail.com 

B.J. Eckardt shares her art at Lakes Region Group

The Lakes Region Group

The Lakes Region Group's meeting will be on Saturday, December 14   at the Meredith Community Center, One Circle Drive, Meredith from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.     We ask that you please bring artwork you are presently working on, have finished or wish to share, and ideas you have to share with the group.  Our January  meeting will be Saturday, January  11.  All are welcome at our meeting.  For more information 
Contact: Anne McMillan  2amcmill an@gmail.com


Joan Barnum shows her underpainting at Plymouth POD

Plymouth Pod

We will next meet Sunday, January 19,  3-5 pm at
Artistic Roots,  On the Common,  Plymouth, NH.
Everyone welcome! Bring art to share and anything else that you think the group would like to know! We are a very happy, uplifting, supportive group.

Beth Mastin and her new fabric collages at Plymouth POD

Monadnock Pod (ModPod)

Our Monadnock Pod is alive, kicking and growing! New members joining and hopefully, more to come.
We usually take turns meeting at our homes, but last month we met at the Jaffrey Civic Center, to see the solo show for Susan Wadsworth after gathering for dinner in Jaffrey at The Sunflowers Café.
We celebrated the holidays at my home in Peterborough with a pot luck appetizer supper followed by a wonderful and meaningful discussion of our works.

We meet the first Thursday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm unless we have a special event planned.
A trip to the MFA in Boston is in the works to view the Seven-Gallery "Takeover" of Art by Women... MFA Boston Marks 100th Anniversary of U.S. Women's Suffrage Amendment.
Contact: Linda Greenwood( 617)899-3802

Open to all members! Join us!

Board Meeting
Third Thursday,
 December 21, 2019
3:30  - 5:30 pm
Women's Club of Concord
44 Pleasant Street, Concord

Exhibition Meeting
 Usually the Second Thursday,
December 12, 2019
10:00 - 11:00am
Baker Free Library
509 South  Street,  Bow NH
(603)224-2065 (library number)
The FREE parking lot is off Northeast Avenue, 
behind the library.
There is also free Wi-Fi
Support WCA/NH with your Amazon purchases. Shop at
Choose " Women's Caucus For Art NH" and a portion of your sale with be donated to WCA/NH at no cost to you! 
Happy Holidays!

(psst, looking for a cool gift?)

-only $15 to benefit the Weiler Scholarship!

Get your Busting Out: Powerful Women art bra calendar at Twiggs Gallery (https://twiggsgallery.wordpress.com/) and online at magcloud ( https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1673275)


(and a present for yourself?)

The Edith Weiler Scholarship
For Professional Development

Forms for applying are on our website www.wcanh.org 

Our new scholarship is designed specifically for our members. The Edith Weiler Scholarship, which will provide funds for WCA/NH members who wish to expand their expertise in the visual arts through workshops, classes, and seminars is ready for applicants!

Call for Art

Members Open Exhibition
Entry Deadline January 20 or until 15 entries

February 1 -  February 29
Red River Theatres
11 South Main Street
Concord, NH

Remember to renew your membership for 2020, so that you can enter our exciting exhibitions in 2020! Let me tell you about the exhibitions that we have scheduled to date:
Our first exhibition called Small Works will be during the month of February at the Red River Theatres, Concord, NH, which is a gallery that has great sales potential! Information for entering Small Works is currently on our website  www.wcanh.org. Click the "For Prospectus" above. Check it out!!
The exhibition following Small Works will be called, "Breath of the Forest".  It will be in April and May at the NH Audubon's McLane Center in Concord, NH. This show has a nature theme. For example, we would like landscapes (without buildings), wildlife, or wildflowers. Two-Dimensional artwork 16 x 20 or smaller will be accepted for this show. The prospectus will be online in February.
In the month of August, we are planning a juried show at VynnArt Gallery in Meredith, NH. This gallery has great sales potential from tourists as well as local folks. The theme has not been decided yet, but we wanted to give you a heads up!
Our next Exhibition's Meeting is on December 12th at the Baker Free Library in Bow, NH, at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome!
Heather Lord
Exhibition's Coordinator

                   Members' Exhibitions

Joan Barnum               Morning in County Mayo

Betsy Ayotte, Paulette Brace, Joan Barnum, Betty Flournoy Brown, BJ Eckardt, Alma Grand, Rebecca Hastings, Loretta Hubley, Annette Mitchell, Susan Noel, Maryellen Sakura, Adele Sanborn, Marcia Santore, Brenda Wilbert  and Cynthia Cutting is the Museum of the White Mountains Director
Nourish? Arts Address Mind, Body, Spirit
Museum of the White Mountains
34 Highland Street,
Plymouth, NH
January 21 - February 15, 2020

Debra Claffey                   Time and Lights and Sounds

Debra Claffey
Syncopated Rhythms, a solo show
E.N. Wennberg Gallery
AVA Gallery and Art Center
January 10 - February 7, 2020
Opening Reception: January 10, 2020, 5 - 7 pm
Gallery Talk: Friday, January 17, 2020 6 pm
Workshop: Mixing Media: Encaustic and Oil
January 18 & January 19, 10 - 4 pm

Marian Federspiel  Deep in the Gut

Marian Federspiel
A solo show
Gilford Public Library
January 2020

Kathryn Field with Poet Timothy Muskat
Walking in the Whites
A Poet / Painter Dialogue
Museum of the White Mountains
Highland Street
Plymouth, NH
November 6 - December 13, 2019

Kate Higley
Press and Release
New England College of Art
Nov 15 - December 18

Loretta CR Hubley
DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum,
Lincoln Park, MA
November 7- December 18

In the Flood
Press and Release
New England College of Art
Nov 15 - December 18
Opening November 7, 6 - 8 pm

Annette Mitchell         Nightscape

Annette Mitchell
Nightscape Paintings
Visiting Artist
Artistic Roots
Main Street
Plymouth NH
Until January 31

Sue Pretty
Then and Now - How Far We've Come
League of NH Headquarters 
September 27 - December 20

Jodi Scaltreto
Good Things Come in Small
Wild Salamander
Hollis, NH
30 Ash St
November 8 - Dec 23

Gail Smuda
Beyond the Book
An exhibition of Book Arts
Brighten and Faneuil Branches
Boston Public Library
Through January 11

Sleighbell Studio 
Twiggs Gallery
Through December 14

Gallery Of Gifts
Newport Library Art Center
Through December 22

Adele Sanborn
Constructed Vision
Adele Sanborn and Richard Moore
NHAA satellite gallery
2 Pillsbury Building
Concord NH
December 30 - March 20

The Art of the Book
Semi - annual international juried show
of contemporary book artists
Rochester Public Library
Through February 2020

Marcia Wood                           Postapocalyptic Protagonist

Marcia Wood
Postapocalyptic Protagonist
Arts Connect 
Catamount Arts Juried Show
Catamount Arts
115 Eastern Ave St
St Johnsbury VT
November 23, 2019 - January 24, 2020

Send your exhibition, classes, books, successes to the editor. Let us all share your good news! Images are encouraged.

From Your Editor

This Newsletter is for you!


This year we will send out the newsletter on the fifth of each month.  This is five days earlier.
I hope to include more openings this way. Let me know if you like it better.

 Thank you to everyone who has so generously sent information to me for ArtGenda.  The feedback I get is that you are enjoying hearing from each other!

Please send articles, information and images to
I will receive material until 
January 3 at 11:00 pm  
 to be included in the January 2020 ArtGenda.

Please put "ArtGenda" in the subject line so I am sure to see it.  Please send photos. If you include people I like to print their names.
